Why is depression so prevalent in the Western world?
Why is depression so prevalent in the Western world?
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Because we're apparently all secretly niggers wearing the skin of our fresh kills.
Auzzie shit posters
We measure our success based on monetary value. We think owning the most useless shit means being successful, but having a family and living a simple life is a waste and frowned upon.
We've lost our Western values to Marxism.
Communist countries are always happy!
World is brutal
Every time you leave your house it's a battlefield. It wears you down
There's no point to anything.
Because we don't have anything to fight for. Historically humans had had survival, freedom, religion, culture, etc to fight for, but now we basically have everything we want and we feel pointless. If we have no adversity, why are we even here?
lack of purpose.
The Jews.
They have both men and women working full time for the sake of shekels, so there's no time to enjoy life with other people or start a family.
Lack of testosterone
and this is for many reasons including
*men are content being wage slaves and not entrepreneurs
*men don't exercise in a manly fashion (they do long distance running which increases estrogen and makes you look like an Auschwitz jew)
*Society without virtues
*Less community
*No good modern philosophers
The Boomers chased money. Goddamn didn't they make that obvious.
Having to ignore the death looming over you in the form of mudshits. Alternatively, being arrested and locked up with nothing but mudshits for not ignoring the death looming over you in the form of mudshits.
Lack of purpose.
Every state has either nationalism or religion. These give greater purpose than individualism. The west simply needs either.
>inb4 but muh japs are nationalists
Yeah, but they can't get laid.
Depression is a disease of industrial modernity
no sunlight, no exercise, no socializing, shite sleep, poor diet, overstimulation, etc.
But now the money is either gone, firmly gripped in the tight fist of a Jew, or dropping in value so fast we wonder why we held it in such a high regard to begin with.
I am a nigger inside
That's why they're The Eternal Boomer.
Domination by the Judeo-American Empire, no culture or faith, Christinaty was transformed in a Pharisee Talmudic worshipping cult in the last 50 years instead of Jesus worship.
underrated post
Marxist frown upon "capitalistic worship of mammonism". What we have is the unholy union of leftwing nannystate and liberal capitalism.
>the money is gone
LMAOOO fucking retard
start your own business, take risks like a real man does - be like a baby boomer.
The eternal excuse.
Because redpills tend to be laced with cyanide. Once you see the truth it beats you down.
Cause you can afford it in first world countries.
Deoressed in third world and don't feel like working today? Sorry, senpai. Hope you like to starve more than usual
yeah take out a loan and prepare for Walmart or local government to shut you down goyim
Work everyday waking up at 6:00 and come home at 20:00
No family
No true friendships
No connection with the world
No tangible results from working your life away except for some abstract concept that allows you to live
Everything that you had left is given away by your rulers
No future as we're all fucked
No past because they insist on erasing that
The only thing left in my life is shitposting and hoping it just all ends soon
>lives in the first world
kek nobody wins on this wild ride
The only "risk" the boomers took was giving their country away for NOTHING in return and apparently it was worth it.
The first world is a meme
It just means you can live in a very luxurious prison
Modern work sucks. It's fucking boring. Nobody likes waking up in the morning, going to a shitty job for 8 hours, coming home tired as fuck, and dreading have to do it all over again.
It's boring, it's tiring, it's dreadful. Nobody likes doing tedious tasks, all day every day. Perhaps we're still just evolved to do cavemen work like hunting, gathering, marking territory, etc.
R type individuals are prone to depression due to a lack of dopamine and testosterone drawn from competitive actions with other Humans. Since R types lack a competitive nature, they grow up learning to avoid this form of behavior, probably because repeatedly failing at sports or other activities in school has instilled within them a fear of this kind of activity.
So what ends up happening is that these kinds of people, instead of gaining dopamine hits from sports, competition or social achievement, they strive for other kind of "novel" hits like eating too much, being sexually promiscuous, gambling, or worse case scenario, drugs. It's just a survival mechanism to ensure that R types don't do things they'll probably fail at, which is why Sup Forums is full of autists who eat too much, lack any friends and fap to increasingly more sexually perverted things like cp, and complain about having a shitty life and always feel depressed.
Sexual perversion, drug abuse, addiction and over consumption is simply R types abusing their over abundance of resources with overly extended life spans and a lack of predators to kill them.
With great knowledge comes great sorrow (for this world is not a heavenly one but one of evil and deception)
If you're Christian it's something like "lucifer has the keys to earth until Jesus returns"
All of it aligns to say the same thing. This planet sucks; and the smart humans know it.
It's nice to be able to trace my loss of virtue to my declining testosterone levels
>just lift bro
industrialization and working for the sake of working
How does long distance running increase estrogen?
Yeah but I'm underemployed and I'm depressed as fuck.
>running turns you into a jew
Whatever makes you feel more content with sitting there never doing anything, kek
Please tell me that you do not believe that pile of shit yourself.
work is just starting to feel increasingly pointless as technology grows
it's fucked up that whenever we come out with an awesome new technology, the first question people have is "what we will do for jobs, if this replaces them"
Isnt the whole POINT of technology to make life easier, to reduce work? And yet our first instinct is to come up with more jobs
Possibly the most unprofound pseudo-intellectual garbage I've read today. This planet is the only one we have, it's neither good nor bad, it just is. Enjoy denouncing the joys of life in favor of some metaphysical bullshit.
tl:dr Get out of your parent's basement and go experience the world, faggot.
Pic related it's you.
No hard work.
We're not designed to sit all day in front of a computer, shuffling papers to and fro.
I've been depressed almost all of my adult life and the one thing which always helped is hard, solid work.
Go start being a mover or work in construction.
It cures depression 100% after just the first day.
Absolutely correct. More need to be aware of this, I feel
Here's your reply.
Britbong education everyone
Same reason women are more
depressed yet men but men commit suicide than women
Think of the west as a woman and the rest of the world as the man
A woman sits around and does nothing or little compared to a man yet they are pampered cunts that are encouraged to bitch and moan about their emotions while the man works his ass off for his shit and is told to be not be a bitch
Do you think anybody in Africa or China gives a fuck about depression
No why would they they can't afford to worry about their feelings
long distance running does.
Sprints, hill sprints and High intensity intervals increase testosterone.
at some point one realizes that no matter how much money gets thrown into the void, they'll never fill it up.
money is just a tool, but a very useful one in this society, and you can really do great things with it. boomers often sacrificed everything else (integrity, stability, spirituality, traditions, culture) for money's sake.
some people never realize this and that's when greed becomes demoniac.
You can get a decent meal for a whole family for the price of vodka here.
-no say in politics
-anti-western narrative prevalent in media
-erasure of Western culture
-war of the sexes
It all comes down to leftist elitism, really. They have always tried to shape people counter to their nature. And surprise surprise, living contrary to their nature makes people unhappy.
> volumes less than 80 km a week had a positive effect on BMD of the proximal femur. With running volumes greater than 64 km a week, training was inversely related to testosterone levels, but levels remained within the normal range.
Your average male doesn't run more than 64km a week you inbred mongoloid.
The study was carried out in 2000.
Because it's fashionable to be depressed, just like it's fashionable to have ADHD, or OCD, or whatever. Everyone is a self diagnosed something nowadays, don't you know? Because now they can blame their faults and failures on "muh chemical imbalances."
>this is coming from an American
Which part do you disagree with?
id also like to add that we sit down too much, which fucks up our T. Problem, hans?
The only things from that list that affect testosterone are long distance running and lack of exercise.
Humans didn't evolve to be happy. We evolved to survive, which for most of human history meant being in a state of constant struggle, with small victories in the form of having enough food to not die today. That's the kind of stuff we were meant to derive enough satisfaction from to keep going.
Now we have enough of all the basic necessities to not have to worry about survival, which means we're not directly engaging in the struggle to survive that we are hardwired for. That's why everything feels pointless, and why we are so prone to depression.
Industrialisation, the feminisation of society, the lack of social cohesion, the shallowness of consumerism, and the social isolation of the information age only serve to worsen the problem.
I think you've got it.
Fucking normies are even taking away my depression. Why can't they just fucking stay away from us.
Oh shit. You got me...
You do if you're training for a marathon you fag. These people sit down all day at their desks with low T, then the only exercise they do has either no effect on T or lowers it. Waste of time.
Because they want to be special snowflakes who receive people's pity AND respect/admiration for being "brave enough to fight depression" or some shit. I'm no longer a muslim but even I can acknowledge that religions typically placed a high value on honour and dignity, which modern society lack. Many of modern society's social/moral/philosophical ills come from a loss of religion and an extreme belief in moral relativism.
I'd say consumerism and unadulterated materialism makes unhappy. That's not the fault of the capitalist system though but a symptom of excess.
Bullshit, he did not say that.
Because Bolshevistic Jews undermine the west yet again, but the normies are completely ignorant of the fact.
The opposite of this.
Life is inherently worthless and once you've gotten all the material wealth you could ask for you realize there's no point to anything.
We literally exist to further this tiny molecule we've named DNA. All our urges, wants and desires spring from this molecule and for billions of years, we, sentient creatures have done our best to continue its existence.
>Alienation from nature
>being unmindful
>illusion of ego
I almost threw my computer out the window.
>lack of competitiveness
That's the opposite actually, we feel trapped when usually we feel ready to go.
And that's caused by the Jewish subversion of western society. We're trained to think we're powerless
>when in reality they're very timid, weak individuals. Scared of backlash.
almost had me
basically this
we got thousands of deluded people like this guy
Why do you think western countries have the lowest birth rates in the world? Why they have to import third world populations to prevent their society from collapsing? There is something wrong with western civilization, no one dares speak about it, everyone is just too exhausted trying to survive in the rat race to do anything while western societies slowly off themselves.
After WW2, fighting was seen as an evil thing, but the process of engaging into conflicts is vital for one to feel alive. By demonizing fighting, people haven't been nourishing a part of their humanity. The part that makes people brave and confident.
Is it really a surprise so many people are falling into depression? They haven't been exercising their will to live.
It's not like a lot of people do that and I would argue that they still are happier thanks to the runners high they certainly have, I can't really argue with the results of that study concerning testosterone, I still think it's better than doing absolutely nothing, like most people do tough, but I also think training your strength is every important, I do both, but I don't run that much.
Atheism breeds Nihilism.
>If I think real hard life isn't that bad even though billions of beings are torn to pieces every year for a hamburger
people are never satisfied
they always want more
If that comic would be the other way round: about a white man putting on a nigger suit, it would be considered racist.
literally read the power of now
boohoo, do something you want with your life
people keep acting like they were forced into wagecuckery, but actually you chose that, because that's the default path, you just failed to choose any of the many alternatives. You were complacent and unwilling to be bold, now you pay price.
>human biology is so different than it was 16 years ago that 16 year old studies are worthless
Somebody gets it.
The key to happiness is having urges you can satisfy, thus guaranteeing dopamine production ensuring your happiness.
But you wanna know something? people without enough dopamine can't experience pleasure, they can't even orgasm, drugs have no effect on them. they don't eat enough to survive, they become malnourished. Thats all we are, are a brain and sometimes we have no control over what it does. Think your way out of that. Mindfulness is normie wishful thinking practiced by people with no real problems.
How do you expect to earn a living if robots take all the jobs? Do you think business will just start handing out money?
>not curing depression
When you stop worrying about physiological survival and get closer to self-actualization as your culture's standard for true success, you are focusing on a standard that is much more complex to meet than food and water.
in our hearts we know we aren't truly free. we are free range chickens if you will. kept stupid and ignorant with hundreds of distractions.
Worst of all to those that see the bigger picture watch with frightened eyes to the inevitability that our reality is utter bullshit, fabrications of a higher power that is a global governance.
WWI and WWII broke the heart and soul of Western Society.
Because a lot of shit is being forced on us. We're being forced to live around niggers, spics and other undesirables, we're forced to work shit jobs that will never get us anywhere, we're forced to take out loans so we can go to school and maybe get a better job but it's a gamble and we might be in dept for the rest of our lives.
You know, small things like that. Who the fuck would be happy in a world like this except mentally ill liberals?
that is not happiness, that's called excitement
it's merely short term pleasure
a happiness is feeling of fufillment that is completly independant on external circumstances
TV and movies.
Reality is dull and grey compared to tv and movies.