>Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft have agreed to block illegal hate speech from their European services in less than 24 hours.
Thanks Germany.
>Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft have agreed to block illegal hate speech from their European services in less than 24 hours.
Thanks Germany.
Last day for Europe. Everyone say your goodbyes. There will not be a second chance.
What the fuck, why is this allowed?!
holy shit guys. See you on d-day 2019
>illegal hate speech
I would hope that this would cause people to stop using these services but I don't normies will
its ok fellas, ill double my shitposts in your honour
Bye Europe.
it's gonna be you and me now usa..
seriously though that's terrible, i'm scared, censorship will happen here if it happens in euroland
Good, it's about time big internet companies clean house from all the idiot right wing trolls like those who are plentiful in Sup Forums
If you don't like it you can create your own social network but I'm sure anything a white nationalist can accomplish is creating yet another blowhard echo chamber like stormfront.
Go on, keep blaming "le jooooooooooz" because people are tired of your meme bigotry
>illegal hate speech
Europastan... an entire Continent cucked by women and brown ppl in less than a century.
>This latest move is in response to a surge in antisemitic, anti-immigrant and pro-Islamic State commentary on social media.
oy veeeeeey
Wait does this mean no more 4chang?
We need to structure a code now !
I bet all the twitter/FB accounts belonging to non-pc personalities will be closed
>guaranteed replies
Please don't give him any (You)s
>ban hatespeech
>change the definition of hatespeech, aka complete political and societal influence
>control the entire context of information.
>pro trump?
>conservative views against abortion/ gay roghts
>against retarded gender pronouns?
Relember me not for my faggotry, but for my shitposting
EU is based for once. Sup Forums will suddenly get much better once the Eurocucks are forced off of here for good. Better get prepping, Nigel.
>Sup Forums is just gonna be Americans, Canadians, and Australians now
Please god no, 2/3rds of the board will be pure shitposts
That's a pretty a e s t h e t i c image
you're right, americans and aussies shit up the board.
I'm all for free speech but even a stormwipe like yourself can't really believe you can force youtube to allow content as you please. Get rekt, racist pussy.
god all those canadians shitting up this board
just delete this board
That's what happens if you trust the jew
This morning hate speech is completely relative. Why is the population of Europe letting this happen? They can't all be cuck sjws
Later lads.
>not Islamic caliphate
too right mate
good bye literal Kangs of Europe
It's literally already law in all EU countries. Watch Silent Conquest on Amazon, goes over everything in detail. Europe is literally past saving
>Implying they'll stop me
No, I don't think so. I like to make people commit suicide and I like to humiliate libcucks.
It's ok if they ban hate speech, but they take clever, meaningful fact with real statistics as hate speech
A lot don't know it is happening, and a lot just thinks banning hate speech is fine without giving it a second thought, especially since a lot of our countries already have such laws.
It's our government that is inept and cucked.
now we are left with south americans and australians
you silly family, unless Sup Forums now belongs to Google/FB/Twitter nothing will happen
yo what game is that
Didn't you just have a guy arrested for saying hurtful things on Facebook?
Woah your flag isn't even square.
Fucking jews
C'mon boys! Hows about one last "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NAO" for old time sake?
>t's ok if they ban hate speech
Twitter just blocked it for me here in the USA
this is some serious fucking business. This is the kinda shit that we have been talking about in the past. This is the kinda shit people have been warning about in the past!
Europeans are losing their freedom of speech and any opinions that seen as disagreeable to the extremists left is not only illegal now but actually not even voiced. The battle is being lost and everything is being played out just how the upper people want it to. Fucking RIP Europe, You'll have a quick resurgence of nationalism and common sense but then after that its all over
How do they get away with it?
Good bye, Eurobros. It's been a good run.
Brits, see you if you make Brexit.
Germany, either save Europe or destroy it.
Sweden... I dunno man. You do you.
We need their presence as a warning for the rest of us.
>it's okay if they ban hate speech
install gentoo
Honestly I have no issue with this. Neo nazis BTFO!
Fuck the EU.
It was a mistake from the start.
you can't censor the internet. we will find new ways without those corporation whores
Fuck off Ahmed, we won't miss you when they block Sup Forums in your shithole 3rd world country.
Damn. Trudeau will jump on that shit and fuck us over too if it happens
Normies got butthurt so much they had to ban it
>The same could happen in America
>Shitposting could be classified as hate speech one day
>mfw we won't be able to enjoy making someone mad over the internet
Even though I'm black and I probably pissed off a lot of you Europeans on Sup Forums.
Call me a nigger or whatever you want one last time. Hate me all you want right now and just let it out.
We'll see you soon.
Wait so does this affect us EEA snowniggers or is it strictly EU?
Yup. Might move out. But where to..?
EU has never guaranteed free speech.
Their rights end where the state tells them.
Yeah we know what "hate speech" means... anything that goes against libtard sensitivities
Its actually a political crime
Uh dude Swedens been decomposing underground for a few months now
This can be used to our advantage. We can act like butthurt libcucks and get anyone we want banned. Heheheheheh.
you guys have the chance and opportunity to do something but your damn fucking pussies aren't. YOU SERIOUSLY only have a short while that you have any opportunity to even do anything at all
>Private companies deciding what is and isn't allowed on their platforms
Why does Sup Forums have a problem with this?
I don't think Stefan would have a problem with this...
Small steps, Mr. Trips.
Small steps and a sudden, long drop.
Why the fuck should american corporations do the bidding of eurotrash scum in germany? Should just tell merkel to suck their dicks.
Is this actually happening or am I being trolled?
Why is everyone acting like Brits and Germans wont be able to post on Sup Forums. Its just facebook, who posts racist shit there anyway?
>mfw free speech is Europe is slowly becoming as restricted as it is here
Germans: ruining everything since the 19th century
I guess it's the governments forcing them to?
I do.
Quick download everything!
Reminder that this is why #IStandWithHateSpeech is trending on Twitter
"It's not going any further folks. It's not going any further, remember this"
How are they going to differentiate between hate speech and criticism? Like if I were to start questioning why the jews still perform circumcision, whilst fgm is illegal.
>Thanks Germany.
Not our fault, especially if you vote to stay in the EU.
They started as a "Common Market community" back in the 40's., they then introduced so much regulation that got rubber-stamped so fast nobody read the part where it said that Brussels now OWNS you.
Fast forward to today and you got this.
Welcome to the year 1984.
>who posts racist shit there anyway?
A bunch of subhuman 12 year old Sup Forums memers who can't come to terms with the fact private companies can determine if their virginal shitposting is allowed or not.
here's another one ausbro
Not anymore, they censored it..
I'm sure he's proud of what he's doing.
The left one is one big jerk off
You have freedom to express yourself! Until it's not lawful that is....
The entire point is to obscure (read: eliminate) the line so they can just indiscriminately silence all criticism/opposition.
>Governments control the companies, companies control the speech.
It's a great loophole, where governments can uphold the facade of free-speech without breaking the constitution
Next stop TTIP
>Europeans getting cucked by their communist government
What else is new?
good idea. if a couple thousand people start to send them "hate speech" complains every couple minutes (that are not hate speech at all) that will keep those fuckers busy
Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Microsoft. They also literally admit to planning indoctrination. I don't mean that in the edgy Sup Forums tinfoil hat way, I mean they literally mention a plan that is a form of indoctrination, they intend to replace things and encourage and spread videos that support progressive liberal bullshit. It is completely fucked.
You're really dense
of course "hate speech" just means something that doesn't sound politically correct, something arbitrarily decided by the political establishment
It's completely undemocratic really
I bet some alt right channels and molyneux could be banned for Europe fags lol
They are being forced in order to not be blocked in EU countries.
Does this also apply to people shit talking whites?
>ban """hate speech""" just before Brexit
Really makes you think...
Oh your from Mexico? I hear it's great nowadays.
Well it was last I checked
It was on the list but the auto complete thing was censored
build the wall
I appreciate your bravery, ameribro.
Why didn't you listen