Really makes you think

David Morrison wants Australians to stop saying "hey guys" in the workplace.

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hello my equals in every way, physically and mentally :)

>diversity council

Good day, fellow sentient beings :)

'G'day cunts' confirmed for gender neutral greeting.

When do these cunts understand that women and men are different and you can't force people to treat everyone the same. It's just uncomfortable to say sorry every time you blurt out something "offensive" to these people.

fuck that lets meme Jason Olbourne into office so we can get Legalized Pot.

30 days left.

They shoul say "Sup, niggers" instead.

If you though OP David Morrison was a bad choice for Australian for the year, I PRESENT MISS WORLD AUSTRALIA 2016!


Even the most annoying feminist women aren't as insufferable as this depressing, self hating cunt. How pathetic can one person get and why didn't the army vet him out in the early stages of his career?

Kek, let him try. I'm pretty sure there are objective reasons why 'hey guys' is so common considering English doesn't have a plural you. Girls use it to refer to each other all the time. All he's gonna do is piss off and redpill normals.

>Australians dont Greet eachother with 'G'day cunts'
I need a moment.

>some old cunt wants to order young people around
nothing new under the sun

This is the most infuriating thing I have had to hear all day. Just fucking retarded. 1984 shit....


I've seen this on multiple boards.

Why is this website obsessed with 'normal' people? It's so fucking weird.

Jesus this guy is such a fucking cunt.

Just an enormous dick head of a cunt, what a wet towel piece of shit. I'd like to kick his faggot head in, the old faggot he is

Well I want David Morrison to go neck himself.

Fucking wanker.


damn straight

I've always insisted Australia had strong similarities to Texas

It's "hey y'all" get it right

although yeah I thought they said "mates" and shit like that

Deport this fucker to the UK

>Getting this butt blasted
Yet no doubt you also hate trigger warnings

seems like a reasonable request of him

only ever say "hey guys" if you are talking to a group of guys, it doesn't make sense to say "hey guys" to ladies

I don't mind it when people say "hey gals" because I know they're referring to both guys and gals.

anyone notice at the end, the female minister said she did not support his SJW bullshit?

Like he's a man, claiming to speak for women.

Let's do something about this sexist!
Julie bishop supports us!

stop this shit here before they come for gday

ill die before i stop saying gday

except the girls don't care.
read the end of the article, the girls told him he's a fucking idiot.

we need to be painting him as a sexist trying to speak for women now that girls have said they don't give a fuck.

strong independant empowering women don't need a man to shelter them from triggering words!

Let's use their own tactics against them!

start making fake female twitter accounts and calling him sexist guys!

Michaela Cash is the Minister for Women you muppet.

He's not speaking for women, he's speaking as teh chair of the Diversity Council.

so you don't all just say "mates" all the time?

"g'day mate" is an australian classic I thought

not everyone is my mate

julie bishop is a female minister mate

she's calling him out, read the end of the article

we can spin this like he's a evil patriarchy male trying to tell women what they need.

I always thought guys was a unisex term, especially in a greeting like "hey guys" to a mixed group. Am I wrong?

oh, that word is literally never used here so I just assumed it was synonymous with "guys" etc.

Does no one say "y'all" over there?

>It's just uncomfortable to say sorry every time you blurt out something "offensive" to these people.

It isn't even just that. It is that they are turning common social interactions into a fucking minefield. So now, you have to navigate a conversation about the weather the same way you would tiptoe across a thin sheet of ice over a raging river.

>Employee 1: "Yesterday's weather was terrible!"

>Employee 2: "I know, that was some freak storm we had."

>SJW Employee 3: "Freak? What did you mean by that?"

>Employee 2: "Nothing, it is just an expression."

>SJW Employee 3: "It didn't sound that way to me! It sounded like you were using a term that has for ages been used to disparage the differently abled! I SHOULD GO TO HR OVER THIS RIGHT NOW!."

>Employee 2: "Geeze! Look, I'm sorry, OK? I didn't mean to disparage anyone."

>SJW Employee 3: "OK, but you need to be more sensitive to the differently abled, and I do not want to hear anything else offensive from you."

>Employee 2: "I get it. We're cool. I just wanted to express how stunned I was about the weather, because that story was not supposed to happen. The weatherman got it completely wrong."

>SJW Employee 3: "Weather....MAN?! You think that only MEN can be meteorologists?! You misogynist! I SHOULD GO TO HR RIGHT NOW AND....."

I mean, holy fuck. What a shithole these fucks are creating.

Basic social interactions are now a landmine because everything is fuel for the outrage machine as moral busy-bodies are hard at work pathologizing the human experience.

it is but its fucking bullshit. Total zombie speak. Its 100% just an anti-y'all term.

We definitely don't say yall, a close translation would be, "You cunts"

>We definitely don't say yall
y'all should

I'd just not talk to these people or walk off when they feign offence. Then make a mental note not to interact with them again.

saw him throw a tantrum at an old academic guy at university of canberra talk a few years ago for daring to interrupt him him during his lecture (which consisted of the usual bromides and crap), second generation duntroon, not liked by the vast majority of his colleagues or peers

Pretty much this.

You use the word "guys" and now people will act like you just raped someone.

Fucking communists have infiltrated every aspect of Australian society, we're doomed.

>English doesn't have a plural you.
Y 'A L L

I mean seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people.


This guy is such a cuck.

The repercussions are only social. it's not like the speech is outlawed.


It's some not-for-profit shit show that just complains about every little thing


It's ok as far as Abbos go.

hey guys

Guys sound too much like goys and reminds people they're Jewish slaves

Hello earthlings

I wouldn't be surprised. Literal zombie speak.

Same can be applied to "cunts"

>first world issues