you want a hand? suckee? fuckee?
Hopsin - suky
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>this is the guy who marketed himself as the 'smart' rapper
Makes it more hilarious If you watch his previous music video then the new one.
being 'smart' doesn't get views
What did he mean by this?
Why do so many weird and antisocial guys have a thing for Asian girls
he literally made a song about it right here backpage + jacked off by snaggletoothed gooks
Because they're more attractive than wh*te women who have been SJW'd and BLACKED
Can't tell you the last time I saw a white woman my age that didn't have dyed hair, piercings, tattoos and fucked a new guy every other day
White women are just shit and CANNOT compare to Azn goddesses
>effortless red bull and stella artois product placement
the best type of marketing is marketing that doesn't feel like marketing
>this is what beta poltards believe
Your scrawny ass will NEVER compete with tyrone and achmed so you have to settle for low hanging fruit. SAD!
This is correct. Not sure how anyone still doesn't absolutely hate white women in 2017.
Unironically this. Fucking j*ws ruined white women. Nowadays you have to be a complete cuck and sjw to go for a white woman.
preach brother
t. roastie
I went to one of those Asian places in NYC. I fucked a KPop looking blonde Korean 20 year old. Skinny as fuck.
would you recommend it?
I'd outright say it's cringy as fuck, but I've got a "thing" for Asian girls, so I'm just gonna go ahead and say the vid was "fun" to watch.
It's a shame about the weeb connotations of liking azn girls but as a whole white women are completely unsuitable for any kind of relationship.
I liked The Lonely Island better when they were Jewish and there were three of them
Same reason low-tier white women lust after blacks. It's a sociological thing
I'm laughing so hard tears are running down my face
What the fuck is this?
What was the place called?
Look on backpage
How do you know which links are legit and which aren't? Most of them have got to be scams and shit.
Fantano made good points on this
even white girls beat him to it
In what world do you people live in where white girls date black/middle eastern dudes on a regular basis?
The rare girl who does gets a ton of bullying.
Basement dwellers, I swear.
I was wondering the same thing. Think it's something to do with the "submissive" stereotype and the fact that most of them are skinny.
On a completely unrelated note, I wonder how Mark Zuckerberg, a billionaire, could only get an azn 2. Like did he go to one of those Korean factories that turn 2's into 11's and kidnap her? Not like it matters anyway, since intimacy and sex is probably just tactile feedback to his alien bug ass.
They have a stereotype of being submissive
They're "foreign" so they think whatever weird social misfirings they give off won't register to them
They have a white savior complex and think they're helping them
Asian people created things they like, like anime and K-Pop and Kurosawa movies
Sam Hyde said it best
White autists like Japanese girls because they look like preteens
It's because they embody general femininity more than (most) modern white women. Sure there are plenty of crazy ones but far more than any other race they're generally less attention-obsessed and won't play stupid mind games.
Re Zuckerberg, the goal of the bugman is a busted Chinese girl, not even Jap or Korean. The Chinese Jew is will constitute 90+% of the middling class sooner than later. It's a numbers game.
Can we talk about how this song is lowkey a banger?
Unironically this. It's actually got some fresh production and Hopsin isn't slouching on the lyrics and flow. The hook is catchy too. Pitchfork Best New Track
this is like a weird al track, not that bad i usually hate this faggot
>I wonder how Mark Zuckerberg, a billionaire, could only get an azn 2. Like did he go to one of those Korean factories that turn 2's into 11's and kidnap her?
Love the low-key racism behind these accusations surrounding AF/WM couples, as though the Asian women must be quasi-retarded housewives living in rural poverty.
The reality, though, is that Zuckerberg's wife met him in college. Most AF/WM couples you find are professional and upwardly mobile, because their demographics coincide in high income workplaces and educational settings. So, attraction most often is due to commonality in background, rather than some desire for a submissive housewife. The latter applies mostly to lonely older men and their mail order brides, which are a minority.
>So, attraction most often is due to commonality in background, rather than some desire for a submissive housewife.
That's such bullshit. Asian fetishism is a real thing. Stop denying it.
Considering you say AF/WM, I bet you're a white guy with an asian girlfriend. If you are, you're deep in fucking denial.
>the kick drum hitting when she says "you big strong man"
Ok, i'm convinced, Hopsin should just be a joke rapper, all his bullshit fun tracks are way better than his political shit. And did he get rid of the contacts, too?
I wonder if this is an "I" situation, where, without the context of the album it's on behind it, it looks out-of-place, but for some reason is released as a single anyway?