Dubs decide!
Dubs decide!
Timestamp cause you fucking need it fags. Also phone autoturnz the photo
Show tits
go away
Bend her over
Open bobs show vagena plis
Bend her over and spread her ass
naked pic
make a video of yourself singing 'love hurts' from nazareth
ass pic
tits or gtfo
Make her lie down.
Boobs out.
Sit on her.
Apply tits on your cock until you cum.
Record it.
Pics of fucking and then pics of facial
tiddy pics
delete System32 folder on disc c
deanon yourselves after you do everything
write ROMAN on your tits and post a pic of it
blowjob video?
ITT: OP wont deliver
itt this guy is a faggot
Op here, is a faggot, she won't do it :(
fuck off
lol gl. at least you are a couple right?
not even tits?
>Not a couple.
>Tried to do tits. She pussied out.
post tits then fuck off
maybe we know eachother OP. where from?
does letter G or maybe a D ring a bell where from?
tits or gtfo
ITT: So are you
just give us something. Don't leave us like this. ask her what shes comfortable with I guess.
she can atleast offer a handjob then.
No, I don't
What's her name?
Make her hold her pee with skintight jeans on. MAKE SURE TO POST LIKE 5 VIDEOS OF THAT.
Take a coca cola can and pour some of it in her vagina, make her jump and shake then record her vagina burping.
Post vocaroo or video.
TFW Winrar and OP disappears