God tier movie thread
God tier movie thread
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the original cut, not that Redux crap
Also seconding Brazil
I tried to watch that it was shit Brendan Frasier bullshit
>way better than nu-star wars
>inb4 the faggots who post clockwork orange every time get here
Saw > Seven
City of Men was really good too.
Same with Elite Squad
house of 1000 corpses series > saw
House of 1000 corpses was actually garbage
Yeah amazing movie
House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects were for people cooler than you
This film got bad reviews but I love it to death.
One of my favorite movies of all time
My favorite comedy
Arrival is a much better version of this
original is perfect, coppola was way better in 79 than in 01
Thanks just started to watch for the first time.
That is the most underrated movie.
6 minute tracking shot through a war zone...
All of these answers are correct except episode 1
Found both of these to be overhyped, definitely preferred moon. 7 is boring because the plot is predictable and the villian is cliché. We could all see what was going to be in the box.
Episode 1 is misjudged because of Jar Jar. Everything else is top notch.
my nigger
if you're retarted
If you have any concept of cinema you realize that seven is much less deep let alone less visually interesting
much better than 1984
State of Grace Sean Penn and Gary Oldman.
seven is Fincher's best film
Seven is 50% looking at some old black guy
Of Mice and Men (1992)
Lad fight club is miles better. 7 is just a series of clichés i mean its so obvious how the plot unfolds and the villian is very unoriginal. Like wer3 you really scratching your head as to what was in the box?
fight club is his third worst
fucking funny
Look I'm no fan of the guy and a director can only do so much with a script. Fact remains that 7 is just dull and predictable. Like i don't understand how anyone can find that film interesting or surprising.
predictability has nothing to do with a movie's quality
tries too hard to be clever
Same here. In Adaptation which was a good film, they poked fun at 7.
Seven is predominantly about the concept a man's crazed interpretation of god. And being detectives. And suffering.
Fight Club is obviously the best
It has nothing else to deliver. You clearly weren't raised on the greats.
still better than the franco version
No eat shit
actually, it is. grow up and go fuck yourself.
This is the only or one of the only films to realistically portray one guy beating up 50 other dudes
i don't get all the hate
Sup Forumsruh, the heavy handed forced ass jokes everywhere for at least the first hour were so bad they should've had a laugh track.
What a cunning linguist
Was about to post that too user.
star wars has always been for kids, they don't care about forced jokes
The greatest of 10/10 film making
Star wars is trash
And the original of course.
pretty good
fucking terrible and everyone who likes this shit is terrible too
amazing but very uncomfortable to watch
amazingly well done, not a fan tho
pretty good
funny as fuck
overrated, mr/mrs vengeance are both better imho
shit movie