Complains about white genocide

>Complains about white genocide
>Isn't married yet
>Doesn't want children

I'm sure he gave it up for the sake of the race

He could have been tied down by a child or made the world great again

I would have done the same

Also are you actually in china or just proxy? Were chinese considered honorary aryans or was that just japs?

I'm actual Chinese and I think we lack the manners of the Japanese, some in city center in bugger cities are okay

The rest are not

I'll get married and have children when I find a girl worth marrying.

>Settling for a cock-addled whore

hard to be a white christian male in america 2016 when my race is dying out but i know it's morally wrong to have children out of wedlock but don't want to find a wife and impregnate her with many children because i don't want to raise them.. we're fucked. good thing trump is here

for what purpose

white girls are sluts

>Marrying too early
>Regret marriage
>Woman end up with half your assets
Sure buddy, I'll rush getting married.


Pick both.

I think you made this thread earlier today senpai

Do you see the problem here Sup Forums?

In 50 years the only ones left to be redpilled will be chinese and pakis because you didn't bother having children.

Hispanics are just as bad.

i am married

Blame cultural Marxism and the sexual liberation. I wouldn't recommend any guy marry a girl if she's not a virgin. It's not worth the risk or the baggage.

germans had a lot of trade deals and very nice relations with the chinese but the situation at the time with the ussr and america mde japan a better choice to ally with

I want to have 10 kids , but I don't have the money for it

No girl would marry me, therefore no children. Sorry, case closed.

So, basically, you are recommending guys not to marry at all? The average age that women lose their virginity nowadays is 14. This isn't the fifties anymore. Girls have sex as soon as they reach puberty now.

But I AM married. We hit 5 years in about 2 weeks.

If Trump gets elected, we are trying for a family.

My wife was a virgin. Gave it up after I proposed, right there on the spot. Lived with her family up to the time she started living with me.

If that's the case, then yes.

If you cannot find a girl who is a virgin, you're better off not marrying.

>This isn't the fifties anymore

No, it's not. You can thank Cultural Marxism, and Liberalism for that. We've seen this shit happen before, in the USSR, and it went horribly.

Why in the world would I advocate marriage to a girl who's statistically more likely to divorce, cheat, be unhappy in marriage etc. when the majority of divorces are initiated by women, and the most common reason being 'dissatisfaction?'

Never mind the fact that HPV can give the male partners of sluts head and neck cancer.

>it's a babby doesn't know what genocide is episode

well I WANTED to have kids, but modern women don't want to get serious until after college and once they have a comfortable income and there's something depressing about the though that you've both already lived your lives and experienced everything by the time you decide to pair up. It just feels like economics.

And like buying a used car, the previous owners might have taken decent care of it but it's still worth less with the mileage.

>Even if you marry a pure adult virgin bride you s
still have 15% chance to raise another man's baby.

This is beyond fucked up.

>The average age that women lose their virginity nowadays is 14.
well then make sure you are the guy she loses her virginity too and marry her then!

Hitler had Braun didn't he ? so they would've had kids if they won the war.

>wanting another life to be doomed
hell fucking no, I might enjoy laughing at other's misfortune, but I'm not that much of an asshat


Why would anyone want to bring someone into this world?

That's not true, most girls lose their virginity around the time they are 17.

If you are in your early or mid 20s you can still get a virgin bride if you are not afraid of dating a HS girl.

You guys ever notice how Canada is stupid

Liberated )))))))))

>most girls lose their virginity around the time they are 17.

Yeah, that's what they tell the researcher when confronted directly about it. Hint: People lie. Also, that statistic is old as fuck.

You might as well just ask a guy what his penis size is, how many women he has been with or how much he can bench.

If you live in Sweden it's very stupid to marry and have kids. Maybe if i move to Norway or Denmark. But Sweden, no way.

So what I'm taking from this thread is that the majority of you are mentally ill, lazy, or ugly.

There is lots of people having 3+ kids, but they actually work.

Have a nice day Sup Forums

Not an argument.

>Wants everyone to act like a nigger (breed like rats, get into pointless physical altercations, etc.)
>Claims to be the salvation of the White Race
What we need is a eugenics program.