German Assaults

26 women report sexual assault at German concer

They deserve it.

Don't assume that it's refugees without any evidence.
Confirmation bias much?

Are white women the biggest cucks ever?

Who else could it be?

You get the government you vote for.

Poor, poor Germany, all my life I have read German philosophy, literature, poetry and listened to their music.

What has become of you? And to think I thought ill of you not to long ago. No nation deserves this bullshit.

Yes, also cowards

>Angry that I look like a mentally handicapped inbred chimp, the post

Tw years from now there is a real chance that slime like you will be acquainting yourselves with deportation squads. Enjoy.

> german poetry


>Say the Swedes

Some moritos rubbed their cocks in their butt, they liked it until they noticed the yoga pants were wet full of cum.

lurk more pleb

What about Heine, Goethe and Holderlin?

Though I will agree solely on Rilke( my favorite poet) that you are better, happy now Australia?

>Three Pakistani men have been arrested in connection with incident. The trio is between ages 28 and 31, and allegedly assaulted two or three women, authorities said.
>One of the men has lived in Germany for some time, while the other two moved recently.

Also lurk more for fuck's sake.


Kill yourself.

Newbies who fall for easy b8 around summer

in the time it took you to type that you could have looked at the link, which points to the fact that it was sand-niggers doing the raping

what a fucking surprise

oh, and click on the number after No.

Ja und? 26 Einzelfälle. Warum wird das überhaupt berichtet? Das hilft doch nur den geisteskranken rechten sich noch weiter mit ihren Lügen zu profilieren.

holy shit she looks cute with those hair


This is why you will never obtain northern Ireland.

we don't speak cuck here

Tanned germans.

Found the spy

.@75742512 kys

They deserve it, they were the ones who called for the refugees, let them reap what they sow

They deserve it.

These people are getting what they asked for.


Just fuck off you cunt.


Stupid whores deserves it. They also probably enjoyed the rush of getting touched by foreign sand niggers.

You don't belong here, friend :^)

Agreed. Force people to take in the worse human beings on this planet. Force them to co exist with them and support them with money that isn't yours to use on these people.
Be surprised that the 'people' you bring in are barely human.

This pic needs some JUST hair.

>when women in western countries are sexually assaulted by white males or allies of Sup Forums
where is da proof?!?!?! fucken feminist crocodile tears, we gotta put an end to these false allegations and feminist control over the law NOW!

>when women are sexually assaulted presumably by non whites
rawwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr god fucking dammit, we gotta deport or jail these fucken shitskins by tomorrow morning! society is fucked beyond repair! muh white genocide!

daily reminder that Sup Forums is a cognitive dissonance shitpit full of racist losers who can't keep contradicting themselves for more than one day

You seem to be having difficulty with this, let me try to explain quickly.

We are aware that rape is a crime that exists in the western world, it's just that western women always harp about this "hurr women don't lie" bullshit when it's been clearly demonstrated that in fact false rape allegations are common enough to be a serious concern, even if most rape allegations are real.

Second, Muslims from 3rd world countries are statistically several orders of magnitude more likely to commit rape when they have been given expedited access to western women via refugee status.

Did that help?

It's sad indeed, but it was mostly women who where eager to get arabs in our country, this might help then to reconsider.

Also can't you put mudslime to atlantis by "accident" ?

No need to be mean, we're not all cucks.

He said that it's just 26 isolated incidents, and that this only helps right wing fear mongering.(really short and rough version)

Probably as joke

erwäge den freitod


You need to kill yourself now.

This is extremely sad, from Deutschland über Alles to Pigfuckers bastards über Deutschland.