I like this sort of sad stuff, hit me with your best shit, images, stories, videos, music, i don't care...

I like this sort of sad stuff, hit me with your best shit, images, stories, videos, music, i don't care. Just make it depressing

Other urls found in this thread:


This one is good

Probably my favorite

Honestly same, I'm a masochist for these types of images.


They do provide a masochistic comfort



I just woke up and I'm feeling like shit.

When DON'T we all feel like shit


Despite his shit publicity and other recent stuff, this song is actually good


This one too

Newfag here

I just wanted to find somewhere to vent. But this fucking sucks

Im starting to lose friends left and right and i never know what i did wrong and i dont want to ask in case people give me the whole "figure it out" bullshit. I only hang out with one mate a week in which we go to a bar, stay at his house, then i go back home. Every other "group" ive ever associated with, they always party all the time and im never invited. I want to fucking die and reset my life, I just want to know what i do/did wrong. In case anyone is wondering, im not autistic nor is this bait.

Shit I never really realised how addicting sad shitposting can be

Actually user, I've been struggling with the same thing and it helps to talk about it, anything else you wanna say about it?

Thats just my main problem in terms of social status, ive pretty much abandoned relationships because of two previous shit ones. What about you?

I had like 3 friends groups, 1st one everyone just kinda parted, 2nd I rarely talk to and my best friend tries to act like he doesn't want to talk and the 3rd and current one consists of friends far away from me and my ex gf who are all busy, and I've been busy too which fucks us all, so I end up being isolated in my spare time, lonely and sad. It's good to at least have someone to relate to

Same, it feels good to relate. I also happen to live a tad far away from my "friends" and they kinda use that as an excuse, There are some occasions i miss out on because of work but not recently

also in one of my tertiary school groups i had a "thing" with one of the girls there which we both enjoyed then she suddenly decided to stop, then stopped talkig to me and started treating me like shit, and i feel deep down that she has manipulated people to dislike me as much as she does

That's harsh buddy, i don't really know a solution to our problem otherwise I wouldn't happen, all we can do is talk about it

Yea, thats true. But it feels good talking about it and stuff

Not much else we can do, I've tried to talk to friends and they're different they just act a bit off, or maybe it's not them, maybe it's.... me

I always feel like its me, but i just want to know what

(hey that used to be my lock screen, heres mine now)

It's my current lock screen rn,

but yeah i wish I wasn't so constantly lonely, and I don't really know how do get any of it back, especcially my ex, even if I have a few conflicts of intrests brewing.


You know what time it is, don't you user? It's sad nigga hours

Same, I just want to go back to those days where my company was somewhat enjoyed

I am starting an animation/design course next month and im scared it might turn out the same way, I dont know wether to be kind and risk letting it happen or just be on guard

Ever heard the saying "better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all"?

Try using that and be nice, better nice and social than being repeatedly fucked by isolation and sadness.

Thats exactly what ive tried, people still seem to dislike me to a degree, I dont completely sit in my room and mope about it, this is probably the first time in ages ive vented it out. I always make statuses on fb asking if anyone wants to hang out or party and no one replies. I just wish someone told me what their problem with me was and give me a chance to change

Thats exactly what ive tried, people still seem to dislike me to a degree, I dont completely sit in my room and mope about it, this is probably the first time in ages ive vented it out. I always make statuses on fb asking if anyone wants to hang out or party and no one replies. I just wish someone told me what their problem with me was and give me a chance to change

but I will take that into account when i start my course

Yeah? Maybe try messaging people directly? Public things don't go over too well most of the time

For me I've just resorted to Sup Forums and shitposting on twitter for faggot anitwitter.

To be completely honest it's a fucking cycle

Ive wanted to try that as a last resort, I feel that if i message them about it out of nowhere they might block me or I might look pathetic and awkward

But I guess its the only way i'll figure out whats wrong

My best friend tells me that he cannot come pick me up to go out or stff because i live far from him like 15 miles but he can go pick up chicks at the same distance and come back and go ride them home again, but he can never visit me or anything...


As someone who has had a couple of mates who prioritize sex over hanging out with friends, I feel that pain

(jesus christ alot of people seem to have the same wallpaper/lockscreen taste as me on here)

Yeah things happen, it's a fucked up thing to do but i mean I always think of the reasoning, I always want to talk to people but now there's no one to talk to for instance so I sit alone with my own beliefs

what kind of vague bullshit is this

Haha aesthetics are good shit

Hell yes they are

update: welp, ive fucking done it, I messaged the only mate I can trust completely

I think that kinda relates to the situation somewhat

I'm happy to see that we aren't alone in this
(I got a 30k fb page full of aesthetic stuff if u want to find yourself so more art :p)

That sounds good, i try and look for alot of those papes and the Sup Forums wallpaper thread, there might be some ive missed out on

(god i love that Artzie Music)

Yeah, but since it's a cruel world let me tell you something, it's Sup Forums, thus we'll probably never talk again and if that's the case, good luck user

Unless you're not talking about me, then ignore this faggot shit

Go look for @illaesthetic

If this is the last time, I say farewell and also good luck to you

It's always the last time..

Ah well this one sums me up

Yeah you don't know how depressing that realisation really is, farewell it was an honor sharing sad shitpost with you all

Of course I still wanna keep this thread going

I'll post some stuff I made

Original stuff? Lay it on me

I need to upload them to imgur because the file size on Sup Forums is gay


They are gay and not that good but idk... they're fun to make I guess

Aesthetics are just nonsensical sad stuff, they're great to make laddo

Thanks my guy, hope you enjoyed them.

Also, is this a feels thread pretty much, I need to get some shit off my chest.

My favourite type are the anime sadposts

Go ahead, i vented yesterday to Sup Forums and found it good to vent and I got a positive feeling out of it, go on user.

These are good too

here, some anime

Alright well...

I think I have finally escaped my depression and anxiety but I still struggle with the long term effects...

I still feel pretty worthless, I'm going no where in life, and I still feel empty without a girl.

I'm fucking 19, 5'5", ugly and I just don't know.

I'm not sad about it anymore or self conscious but I'm still aware that these things hinder me. All I fucking want is a short, nerdy, semi qt. I don't need a thicc girl or a 10/10 I just want a girl to talk to at night and wake up with...

It's like, I'm happy but still empty and I'm really struggling with it. Also, now that I have escaped anxiety and can talk to people normally now, all I want to do is make friends and go outside, sitting in my room alone is making me so fucking bored, but because I'm still coming back from basically losing my mind for 3 years, it's still hard to make friends.

idk fam, I've been going to the gym and trying my best and I guess that's all I can do at this point.

sorry if that is a tough read kinda just throwing it out

Wow user that was a good one

Nah, I've mentioned earlier that similar shit is going on to me, I basically isolated myself because my friends have fucked off and god damn do I still love my ex, it fucking kills me. Nevertheless I'll try to help you the best i can, anything else you feel you need to say?

I broke up with my ex 5 month ago because there was so much shit going on, plus i started thinking that she was crazy and special and i just got 18 at the time so i'm starting to think that i should let myself loose and try to talk to other girl to see if the grass is greener somewhere else you know?
But my ex was my first love, she was my everything but i didn't even noticed it, just before i broke up i kissed another girl and this sparked something in me that told me to not do that to her and let her go, and when i did i felt relief for the 1 month and then i started questionning myself, i still talked to her like twice a week after the second month we broke up, but then i started thinking that i miss alot of stuff about her, and that she was more meaningful to me than i thought, but when she asked me a couple of time if i saw a futur together again i said no like an idiot and like a couple of weeks after i decided to tell her to the truth but at the same moment she was telling me that she started to talk with this guy that helped her alot thru the breakup and other stuff and she started developping emotion about him, and that where stuff became fucked up.. i'm not feeling like i wanna continue this here tho...

I don't know if this is sad or not. I've sort of grown numb to the situation. But starts with my last girlfriend leaving me the day before leaving to be with someone else halfway on the other side of the country.

So I got a job, learned the guitar and found a new girl, although she was originally supposed to be a casual fuckbuddy. But now we're gettign married soon and all I can think is where'd the time go.

It seems like only months ago I was roaming around like a true bachelor but now I'm about to reach the point of no return. It's a bitter reminder that time is a cruel mistress. Especially when you're living in the now. There's nothing that can be done to change you life now. This is it. face it with courage and see where it takes you.

I'm so sorry i wrote a single big paragraph..


One of my favorite artists. Most of his songs sound pretty sad so you can take your pick.


I understand, my ex is also seeing another guy who think I hate him, but i don't really know how to feel about it or IF i feel

How old are you? How about meeting people at work?

Oh boy... I've lost a lot friends on my path but they were toxic, not sure what your situation was like.

I'm sorry to hear about your ex. That sounds even worse than my pain of not knowing love.

There isn't much else... I guess I'm just in the in between space.

idk man, I just believe I'll figure it out one day, as long as you keep hope you'll make it. It get's so fucking hard sometimes.

I love the Dark Souls games and I always think about the Hollows, people who just lose their hope and go mad... Dark Souls is a great metaphor for depression.

There is a character who you can save and bring back to Firelink, one of the nicest characters you meet in any of the games and his parting words are -

“Good bye then! Be safe, friend! Don't you dare go Hollow.”

I don't know why but even when I feel like giving up I spring back, I thought so many times that I had lost all my hope and here I am.

Life is weird sometimes.

moar nightscapes



Let me highten up your depression






Suppose I should've added a picture to it.

Im 20 at the moment, The bar that i go to once a week

update: my mate just told me sometimes im too quiet (thats when we hang out) and thats not too bad to hear

Yeah that's the reality that I hate so much, but I guess all I can do is perserve my youth and see where this shit takes me


It's fine, venting is always good

Hey this sounds good, thanks user.

There's something I really like about the lighting in that pic. The last few minutes of dusk where you feel the faint urge to go home.

There's always something I wish I could've done differently like not being a beta cuck in middle school. Doesn't help that that I was bullied a lot then though.

I love that one.

Go browse fucking Tumblr, there's loads of shit like this on there.

It sure is user

oh and yeah the situation with my ex is a bitch but most situations like that are

I just try to be nice and not spread my depressed mindset eeverywhere I go or else no one would want me around

Yeah me too :) I have a thing for pixel art too

The sad part is I used to be happy, depressed, but happy. but now I'm so focused on life I don't have time for that now. And it doesn't help that my girlfriend has a temper and that rubs off on me. Once we move out of my parents' place and gettign our own house, I'm making myself an escape room so I can escape from reality if not for a little while.

Same. Do you browse /wg/ often?

I AM home and i still feel sad

All it takes is a small room but you'll become a little more empty each time

I remember a time right before I started high school. That summer was the best I ever had. hanging out with my crush, my 2 buds and just playing around the parks Then going home at dusk to eat a big plate of spaghetti. it's a shame that we can't stay young forever.

I haven't in a while actually, I should go check it out at some point

ikr, but i do hate the guy, he is a possesive beta cuck (I ate her out once since)

That's an exchange I willing to make. I am a very sentimental person.

Ive never been bullied so I can't say much but hey, everyone has their ups and downs. Or I like to hope, fuck it may be depressing but keep your head up, yeah?

'Tis a wonderful place.

Yeah. Make the best of the little things. I'm hoping I can get my gf to be a little more outgoing instead of being a social recluse. We're still young, we're just not taking advantage of it. and once we have kids, we won't be able to enjoy the free time we had but squandered.

My replacement is a more unfunny but happier version of me, so yeah MAYBE I do hate him for the soul purpose he's happy and has what I want.