Who has the full set? Who else has fapped to her?

Who has the full set? Who else has fapped to her?

Come on anons

you nigs serious?

Who is she?

would fap if naked, no naked, no fap

A Sup Forums whore who used to be posted on here frequently but the OP with the set hasn't been active in awhile and he never posted the full set. I only have a few pics but hope someone else has the full set.

Post what you have anyways

what this fag said

Ugh it's on my comp at home. I only have this pic because it's my phone's background (don't ask). Was hoping I could save more if anyone had any.

Just get naked, Dr. Fappenstein. problem solved.

Sierra Wilson from Ca?

California yes but Sierra Wilson no. Sorry dude.

Do you have a pic of this Sierra Wilson?

Alright guess you're all fags then. Temporarily.exposed plans abandoned.


Bumpin' for interest

Am I fapping to retard titties?? My boner is so confused right now.

You're probably that loser FAGGOT Leon. I'd spit in your pathetic fucking face if I could and stomp on your little twig neck you pussy.

What's wrong retard? OP your sister??

No you fucking drooler.


Twig necked faggot Leon detected.

Yeh she is probably eh? Y u mad then faggot.

Let me sex her vagena.

Good job retard

You're jumping to conclusions only a faggot named Leon would jump to. Give me your deets so I can stomp on your faggy french canadian neck you worthless trash.

Hah, it is you isn't it you double-digit IQ simpleton (being generous with the double-digit btw).

My neck thicc af you cucklord

Sure it is you obsessed freak. Give me your deets so I can take a shit on you.

Well? Come on you fucking PUSSY.


Click on this pic you faggot and realize you're the reason Sup Forums will never get her full set you stupid fuck.