Our parents handed us over to the government on a golden platter.
There is no recovering. Our parents have largely joined degenerate society in facilitating the destruction of family. A massive portion of us were effectively never raised.
My favourite channel. I just wish he wasn't so autistic about his videos.
Another steaming hot pile of jewtube crap.
>Remember to donate to my patreon! Uploading these videos is hard work.
fucker needs to pump out more content
tbf he is unemployed. Also he doesn't really beg, just asks people every few months.
a gentleman and a scholar
He got BTFO by Sargon of Akkad that one time, pretty much descredited his entire channel for me. Entire argument was 'I don't think that's right.' 'I really think this is true.'
>inb4 go home Sargon
Watch the debate and see.
>>A massive portion of us were effectively never raised.
This, so much this. It's getting worse too. With every successive generation, 'parents' know less and less about how to actually parent. Kids these days are more like pets in terms of the effort they put into 'raising' them. I want off this ride.
Sargon did the same thing. The debate was pretty terrible all round.
interested, do you have a link?
Hope you have 4 hours to spare senpai.
Did it ever come out what his problem was? Something along the lines of getting a police visit and considering leaving the alt right?
>youtube intellectuals
thanks nigel
Naw, Sargon's at least an armchair historian(does he have any degree at all?). He brought up relevant facts in history that completely debunked MW's narrative. Meanwhile MW's argument was 'I feel it in me bones lad". 'look at this one blind study'.
The problem is the alt-right is trying to justify mass deportation and mass thought policing when that's pretty retarded in itself. He was talking about encouraging women to be housewives at one point, lol. I mean, I'm not a feminist but I do think it's all right for women to have careers too so long as they take enough hours off to raise a kid.
Google Sargon of Akkad & Millennial Woes? Jesus Christ.
>The debate was pretty terrible all round.
Maybe, but Millennial Woes sounds like a fucking clueless liberal. "I feel like whites should be separated". Sargon's an idiot but alt-right wingers are absolutely retarded.
He said he will make a video on the subject. It's Scotland so I wouldn't be surprised if he got contacted by the police for 'hate speech'.
Oy vey! He's a racist White Supremacist
>Mass deportation
But that's not an 'alt right' thing. Old school democrats and republicans long wanted to kick out illegal immigrants.
Illegal Gypsies and Turks were met with the boot by all sorts of European parties for decades.
It's the new left that put a slowdown in deportations.
I think he realised he was attracting a lot of really stupid people who don't want anything but an excuse to say niggers on the internet, the same kind of stuff Andrew Wallace has been warning about. I like Woesy a lot but I wish he'd get on with making videos as well as being mr. social media hub guy.
Sargon's side definitelly began to lose me when he went "they'll just integrate". But that said, while I like Woes as a person and really enjoy his videos, of lot of his arguments just came from emotion.
Some of the people he frequently has on his hangouts, though, just sound mentally damaged.
ugh, already they are getting pretty messy. sargon is way to nice / or does not follow the arguments
His channel has really gone down hill lately.
But it is an alt-right thing as of right now and whether we disagree or agree on immigration, ripping people out of their homes and throwing them into a shit-hole country is morally distasteful. I'm fine with restricting or even STOPPING illegal immigration but deportation is fucked up imo. I know illegals can be a burden but I think there are ways to reverse that burden and taking the Nuclear option of deportation is just disgusting to me.
The thing with MW is that he tries to justifies going even FURTHER, sending blacks back to Africa, mass deportation, preserving white culture at all costs. It is an extremists reactionist belief built on Junk science and I get it, as a successful Hispanic American with a retardedly small-minded family, I fucking love white culture. But we should be spreading that culture, not isolating it.
Sargon is using the Socratic Method to pick apart MW's opinions before he gets confrontational, watch it to the end.
His idea is to simply pay them to leave without any force needed which I think would work since to be frank stupid people love easy money and don't think past the sale.
I listened to it live and while I usually agree with Sargon more than MW, Sargon was basically just trying to ignore the statistical realities of different races the entire time since he knew he couldn't deny it outright. He kept saying "well my grandfather was as British as it gets" and other outliers like that.
I don't mind him, but he is too weak. Understandable with Scottish hate speech laws, perhaps. I have a feeling he hasn't let his power level slip yet.
I see, thanks. Poor bugger.
He's a faggot. A literal faggot.
Quintessentially alt-right then.
>statistical realities of different races
Ok, those are statistical realities but they don't reflect any sort of inherent racial nature, and as we look at groups of blacks or Mexicans with more money. They tend to be just as successful as whites when they have equal privileges such as a Nuclear family, wealth, education, healthcare. Now I understand the "science" that claims that blacks have 2% less brain power(something like that), but even if that's true, that's simply isn't any indication of how successful a black or Mexican can be. I mean, the other day I was reading about a complete dirt poor girl from Africa that was super good at chess and math. The fact that there are plenty of examples discredits the theory that racial nature has any or much of an effect at all.
So what I'm saying is, EVEN IF THERE ARE racial biological differences, the effects they have on a person's life are close to 0. Culture, wealth, education, these things matter much more so to be an alt-right follower and stick your head in the sand instead of listening to basic sociology, is complete arrogance.
>His idea is to simply pay them to leave without any force needed.
Lol, in order to do, you would have to give up a gigantic amount of money. Wages in America are simply too high for them to go back to less than 4.00$ an hour. Paying races to leave America is batshit insane.
>what are outliers
It's equally retarded to ignore inherent traits in groups as it is to ignore environmental factors. Where are you getting this 'close to 0 effect' from?
>muh anecdotes
fuck off
>But we should be spreading that culture, not isolating it.
Nonwhites can't maintain White culture. This is absurd.
So Europe should just belong to nonWhites now if they become the majority?
No, fuck that. I'm not talking about the USA, either. The UK is going to end up a fucking Pakistani colony without mass deportation, you shit.
You're not White, so please shut your fucking face about these issues, you shit.
>It's equally retarded to ignore inherent traits in groups as it is to ignore environmental factors.
Not when the environmental factors have WAY MORE of an impact than inherent traits.
>Where are you getting this 'close to 0 effect' from?
It was clearly an exaggeration but if you look at the 2% differentiation of intelligence between whites, blacks, and Asians. That differentiation is still low as hell by itself. I can't apply a numerical value to the effects Education and Wealth have on a person but it's obvious that their effects have much larger of an impact than something like 2% in brain capacity or whatever the latest junk science is.
>what are outliers
My point was that the alt-right takes nothing into consideration BUT race. Outliers kill that line of thinking immediately.
>Exceptions disprove the rule
Top lel
He's an asshole Hispanic American who doesn't have to worry about his shitty racial group dying out. He can go and live in a traditional Mexican or Guatamalan or whatever the fuck culture he wants to at any point.
White people alone face the real possibility of their group(s) dying out through low birthrates and mass immigration globally.
Opposing mass deportation in Europe is fucking genocidally disgusting. Already the UK will be majority nonwhite by 2050.
This asshole you're responding to should honestly take some cyanide.
Sorry for being so inflammatory, but this asshole rustled me bigtime.
>Nonwhites can't maintain White culture. This is absurd.
Again, there are people complete disprove this bigotry.
>So Europe should just belong to nonWhites now if they become the majority?
Europe should belong to Secular intelligent beings, at the moment, the majority of those are in the far east(asia) and the west. If the Netherlands were completely taken over with Arabs but with the EXACT same values and education, then how is that a problem?
You complete retards, I was making a point. Your kind loves to jump to race and never account for external factors EVER. So if you never account for a set of relevant data, then by definition, your thinking is inherently flawed. People aren't restricted by their biologies, they are restricted by mostly external factors.
>2% differentiation
You're talking about a range between averages of an IQ of 85 for some ethnic groups up to 120 in others, that's the difference between borderline retarded and above average in most white countries. You keep saying "science" and "junk science" without giving any justification for it.
>outliers kill that line of thinking
Not at all, these averages are measured on a curve so outliers are inevitable. Nobody's saying that x group ALL have an IQ of 110 and so if some of them skew higher or lower it debunks the whole thing. It makes sense to think that way in personal interactions to some extent because you don't know where someone falls until you've spoken to them but when it comes to things like immigration policies of course you have to go by the averages.
>Again, there are people complete disprove this bigotry.
outliers motherfucker do you comprehend them
>Europe should belong to Secular intelligent beings, at the moment, the majority of those are in the far east(asia) and the west. If the Netherlands were completely taken over with Arabs but with the EXACT same values and education, then how is that a problem?
that's easy for you to say you fucking privileged fuck. You have the very real privilege of your people not dying out any time soon.
We're mad at you because you oppose the only fucking decent and sane thing to do in Western Europe: mass deportation.
Britain should belong to the British. The real British. The millions of Black and Pakistani and Turkish and Arab settlers don't belong there, and they're destroying the native culture.
An Arab Netherlands would not be the same educational or value system, you idiot. That would be virtually impossible.
Even if that were possible to attain, that doesn't mean it would be smart to try to attain it.
Fuck you, man.
Anyone that buys into the environment shaping how we are as humans to such a large degree is most likely a Marxist/Communist in some form.
I think one of the main problems today is that people want to just pick a side on the issue and stay there. Obviously environment is everything in the first place because that's how people get their inherent traits to begin with, but to then say 'those inherent traits don't matter because muh environment' is just trainwreck logic.
>Nobody's saying that x group ALL have an IQ of 110 and so if some of them skew higher or lower it debunks the whole thing.
Well then congrats, you are a moderate because that's not at all how people like MW think. They NEVER consider external factors and they completely stick their heads in the sand when you bring it up. I mean come on, if you grow up rich as fuck with 2 college educated parents, no shit your IQ/SAT/Income leves are going to be higher. If you grow up in a ghetto, no shit it's going to much harder to succeed surround by complete fucking niggers. So how is it a racial problem when it's so clearly an income and education problem?
Also, IQ tests don't take into account other forms of intelligence such as creativity and so on. Why don't we deport women since they do worse too? It just doesn't add up man.
>but when it comes to things like immigration policies of course you have to go by the averages.
I am seeing the averages, I just disagree that it's a racial problem when the culture, wealth, and education disparity is so fucking big. None of it is reason to believe that mass deportation is necessary from what I'm seeing when there are so many other options.