Story time Sup Forums?
>Be me
>Be 20
>Have shit job at McDonald's
>Whatever, it gives me some spending money
>New 123 Menu comes out January 1st
>Pic related; new menu
>123 menu is self explanatory
>Just to make sure tard customers understand, place advertisements are placed near counter
>Advertisements are small booklets in the shape of dollars that each have an item and the price, either 1, 2, or 3 dollars
>Nowhere on the ad does it say it's a coupon
>Fast forward a couple weeks
>Every other tard tries to pay using these ads.
>Have to explain to the reptile brains that they aren't coupons
>Customers argue with me that they deserve free food
Why is it that these retarded niggers can't seem to understand such a basic principal?
Story time Sup Forums?
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aye foo lemme get a mcgriddle dat 2pc tendies n a burger plus a mccafe n imma use deez coupons
It's always the shitskins who argue about it too. I have another nig story if you guys wanna hear it.
I stopped going to McD's for a variety of reasons, but will still buy a McMuffin in the drive-thru. Last time I was inside, in Seattle, they have these customer ordering kiosks. I didn't see it and went to the counter, as one does. Guy says "order over there", so I go. It took me about five minutes to blip thru all the bullshit and order a QP w/cheese plain, and a Mcmuffin - because of all the options, you have to be careful.. I am not doing these niggers jobs for them. Never again. Next they'll want me to cook it my fucking self. Fuck them.
It's actually shit there. Almost nobody has the mental capacity to do anything
>It's actually shit there. Almost nobody has the mental capacity to do anything
Except for the hipster snobs, its a great city. They have good food in many places. McD's is just not one of them. That particular location is a tourist trap because of the Space Needle park.
Oh, I just meant McDonald's in general. Never been to seattle
I only use those when the lines are super long and the people are too oblivious to notice a faster ordering option.
Fuckin 123 menu is bullshit. If McDonalds wants to charge anything more than a fucking dollar for a mcdouble, then no thanks. Bring back the 242 and get rid of this nigger shit.
>the 242
mah nigga, i dont know why they even got rid of it in the first place. it's like how they keep taking away the 5$ 20 piece nuggets every few months