Im about 10 minutes away from hanging myself and need someone to talk to pls help :(

Im about 10 minutes away from hanging myself and need someone to talk to pls help :(

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Whats up?

Dont do it bro

>attention whore
You should kill yourself, do it now.

hello brother

dont do it until you at least tell us what's botherig you user. talk through it user. what is the matter?

Hanging yourself is a gay way to go. Do something unique like decapitate yourself with a chainsaw.

Wna live in a trailer?


You'll miss out on Merto Exodus? you're insane.
Have hope brudda
I hope you find de wae (I'm so sorry)

idk its like ive been depressed my entire life for no reason im 18 make pretty good grade am good looking my parents love me but its almost like everything i care about in life is slipping through my fingers and the deadline for moving out and getting my shit together is coming soon. The past 6 months have really taken the steering wheels off my life and everything in the world just gets more and more boring, I'm honestly just attention whoring and probably wont do it but i really dont know how much more i can take. Its even worse cause i know all my problems in my life are caused by my own bad decisions but i cant find a way to stop. I feel alone yet at the same time am surrounded by people family and friends that really love and care about me. Im really not sure if its going to get any better but now that ive put my feelings on this Japanese basket weaving website i think ill give it a shot

Tinyhome. 500/mo rent

I am going to bed (long day), but a word of advice is to simply put yourself in a position in which you are completely stabilized and cannot do anything irrational. Sure, there will be a level of misery involved, but avoiding anything foolish should allow for you to have more time to rationalize things with others who may be able to assist.

Best of luck, buddy!

Sounds like my life bro. I'm 20, at college, and am sitting alone every weekend. Its okay, bud :(

I was going to go to bed and end on my other note, but ultimately just recognize that depression can come from chemical imbalances in your brain. You are a legal adult, make sure to take yourself to an legitimately trained psychiatrist. The anti-depressants can legitimately help you take the emotional "edge" away, taking away most levels of irrationality.

There is no reason not to do it. While I recognize it may be seen as "inconvenient", ultimately sacrifices such as getting medical help is necessary to the maintenance of emotional stability. I legitimately mean it, dude. Don't trivialize and neglect your emotional hardships. Getting professional help can be life-changing; I speak from personal experience.

Cheers dude, have a nice night.

Is it that hard to tie a fucking knot?

No one cares. They only reply in affirmation of your ego to aggrandize. They are vapid.

Chill bro, im 24 and my life is shitty, but im getting better. Mom is alcoholic + never have dad + mom kick my from home + dont have work ( now im have) + no gf ( i have one but it's hard live with her) + have no teeth cuz illnes, but im still figthing. So my advice is, do what u like, and chill anyone have hard times but belive me it will change anyways but u need to live to see this! Take care bro. I can post pic of my teath to see u are not in so bad position like me ;p

Suffering is the price we all pay for living. Life is suffering. Life is pain. A lot of the time. But not always. Sometimes its good. Its good when you find a new video game thats fun and you make a friend playing it. Its good when you complete a hard challenge and you feel proud. Its good when you face your fear and get rewarded. Sometimes its bad for a really long time. Then its good again. Then its bad again.

Once you pull the trigger, tho, the lights go out forever. No more pain. No more suffering. No more good times. No more life. Period. No second chances. No getting worse. No getting better

Some people should kill themselves. Some people are suffering so immensely that theres no chance it ever ends. Only you know if youre one of those people, but if you dont have a rare medical condition, you probably arent.

Im suffering right now. Times are really hard. Sometimes I think about killing myself. But I dont. And I never will. Because I know there are good times coming. Or at least I know there might be. And I know what those good times are like. And I want to expericence them again. In fact, I just want to experience. Im okay will the suffering in my life. It isnt so bad that I'm reaching for the gun every moment, and I would rather be here, suffering a bit and alone with the lights on, then to be nowhere at all. Bit of a ramble but it made me feel good to type it. Wish you the best user

I'm just being a faggot, I dont think I have the balls to actually go through with it but its nice to have someone to talk to when you're sitting alone drunk and sad and look back and realize thats exactly how you've spent the past 5 weekends.
Basically you're absolutely fucking correct and im being a faggot


don't hang yourself, just go masturbate

I think that's what i'll end up doing

Now. How we doing? Close your eyes. Does anything feel weird? Because that’s what this is; feeling weird is how you know you’re still here. When was the last time you ate? Because all a human needs is food, water, and rest. You’ve got to remind yourself: you’re just 160 pounds of goo in the middle of a very big universe. So whatever’s bumming you out right now, just know that it will fade. Every problem feels big in the moment, but Gordon, you know better. So focus on just beingbeing.And try to look up from your computer every once in a while

why did you use gabriella's pic??

Quick! Watch the latest episode of Murdoch Murdoch. That'll cheer you up!

Not today B bro, stay here, watch the chaos wit us.

but now you are being an honest faggot and though it isn't worth shit, I respect that.

>Why drink alone when you can go out to a bar and hit on some chick?

if youre actually suicidal then you have life by the balls. you can literally go do anything you want now, and if you die, oh well you wanted that anyway. go skydiving, go sell everything you own and travel to some random place and do whatever the fuck you want there. i dont understand how suicidal people dont understand this. if you want to die, you have nothing to lose going to do whatever you want. go fucking nuts dude and i bet, after youve been doing nothing but what you want for awhile, youll stop wanting to kill yourself. you wanna not feel suicidal? go do something rather than sitting around doing the same thing expecting things to change

I read that most people suffer from depression at some time in their lives. Life gets everyone down, but you cannot have the highs without the lows.
I too have thought what would happen if I topped myself (not too seriously), but then I think of those that love me and how it would destroy them if I were to go through with it.
Suicide is never the answer. People care, more than you think.

Realistically, if you move out and fail, your parents won't just abandon you. They just want you to give it a shot, see if you make it. They aren't going to just abandon you. And pardon my shilling, here, but try talking to Jesus about it. See a psychiatrist. Or therapist (I get the two confused.) I'm in the same boat right now, so don't give up.

You still there user?

We're all here wanting to help you. If you live in the US there are resources in place that can help you work through this.

I know that it hurts right now, and I can't promise it will go away, but you will never know until you try. As I've gotten older I have realized that most people have some depression, anxiety, and problems with coping with all the shit life throws at us. If thats how you're feeling, try talking to a professional about it. A little therapy and medication is a small price to pay for a lifetime of happiness.

Ending it all is not the answer.

Dont do it man, life is good, after life, we don't know, it is maybe worst than this!

32 here and just today had the first major meeting for starting treatment for the depression I've had for most of my life. I regret not doing this sooner, no matter what the result of this nets me, going through the process of starting this has given me an excuse to be up front with people about the shit I was going through. Being able to talk at (if not with) people about when asked what I was up to it made me feel a lot less alone against the beast and people have been supportive. Whatever benefit I get from treatment will just be bonus at this point, for me

Sounds you want to talk more than tying a noose.

Do you want to talk about depression and have fifty people tell you to just do it, nike-style, and fifty people say 'Get help! You can doo eeet!'?

Do you want to talk about something else? Tell us what you're looking for. Everybody is looking for something. Sometimes it's reassurance, sometimes it's love, sometimes it's simply to not feel alone, or even a distraction from your mind twisting itself in anxious knots about who you are and how much worth you don't have.

I've been in a bad spot recently. Tripped up the truth to a lie my girlfriend had been telling me and was simply going to keep lying and pretending things were great between us. It hurt but talking about it helped us (and more importantly, me) decide we'll still give it a shot.

Plato's Socrates says that intelligence within a given society can be filtered down to three categories.

The lowest minded people talk about doing things, they get drunk regularly, the go clubbing regularly, they talk about what they did last friday night, or the concert coming up.

The middle of the pack tend to be people who talk about other people. Jim totally flirted with Rachel even though he's going out with Jennifer. What a pig! Did you see on facebook that emma and james broke up? It was so surprising, they were perfect! These people are more intelligent, but tend to be more reactive and volatile towards people, and certainly have a proclivity to be mean and ugly towards people as they try to gain their self-worth by degrading other people - self-importance.

The last category says the enlightened bunch think and talk about ideas more than about people and things. They look for answers in a philosophical light, trying to discover who they are as a person. A natural predetermined tendency to spiral into depression if they can't find answers and feel themselves asking question after question and feeling like they can't take a step in any direction.


You're 18, you're still pretty young and have time to fix things for your self. I know how you feel, I was (and still kinda am) and it really, really sucks. Ending your life now would be such a waste of a young like. There are plenty of resources around the world that are there for you to call, and they can help you. Just please give yourself a chance.

I am you user, me too I love you


People who post on Sup Forums know about Sup Forums. So, you expect me to believe that you go to a site where you know people are looking to be clever and mean (when not looking at porn) to try to find a shoulder to cry on before hanging yourself?

Dude, you're not even the first to try this tonight.

Bait not taken.

You post on Sup Forums. You know reviled and people with shitty lives post on Sup Forums. Sometimes the only people you feel a connection with are people who are going through the same shit you're going through.

You can't blame someone for feeling like there's nobody to reach out to except people who constantly talk about their shit lives on the same forum board day after day. There's a lot of depressing 'give me attention' threads, here and on /soc/ and /fit/ and whatever else. Not all of it is fake. Sometimes people literally just want to talk.

Or, you know, just keep posting that folder filled with images of bait and doing exactly what most other Sup Forums posters do. Be mean, be dismissive, laugh down at people and stroke yourself after handing out that excellent 50 word post about how 'you know what it be like, pfff'.

Congrats on achieving just about nothing, bruh. At least other people are trying.

Be good at something
Be a good boyfriend
Be a good employee
Be a good citizen of whatever collective you subscribe to
Be good at a computer game
Whatever it is, find something, be good.
I like reading good books fiction and non fiction and remember to be thankful like I am to my mother for getting me into the reading habit, or helping and being condusive, I think.

If you want to be a violent retarded faggot against property rights and such then definitely just end it.

OP, this will cheer you up!
I got to this list by basic Sup Forums/google image search.

Look at all of the amazing women that no talent douche has fucked. Imagine then what you are capable of!

Dude your good don't stress I'm 21 failed university two times still live with parents one last chance at university and I'm still fucking about, but I don't wanna kill myself jeez, your doing pretty well for yourself, just find something you enjoy. Doing like a hobby or something, everything else will come after that