There is literally nothing wrong with refugees. Prove me wrong, you can't. HA!
There is literally nothing wrong with refugees. Prove me wrong, you can't. HA!
Other urls found in this thread:
Take some refugees to live in your house.
>implying actual refugees come here
Selfish lying opportunists are not people
You are free to invite everybody onto your own property and feed them out of your own pocket, provided you also assume liability for the actions of your guests.
You are not free to settle non-tax-payers on tax-funded lands, public property, feeding them from taxes and leaving them in an undefined legal state.
Strict adherence to private property would have solved the "refugee" crises long before it even occurred, because in the end, all the leftist do-gooders only want to do good with someone else's money and property, never their own.
Not an argument.
100% agreed, Justin
If you don't take in refugees, they win
Once upon a time I photoshopped that image to "Refugees Rape Human Beaings" on the request of an user, but I lost the image since then, do any of you have it by chance?
Oy vey! If you don't let the migrants rape your girls, you're a racist Islamphope. People need to stop with hate speech and work out their problems through gang rape, we need to progress as a society.
I don't want anyone in my home. I guess I should deport everyone who's not me out of this country then.
>goys will actually bump this thread
nvm found it
There are 1.5 billion Muslims all over the world and the MAJORITY of them hold radical beliefs that are not compatible with our culture. YOU may happen to be the MINORITY of those Muslims who immigrated to our country and may not share such radical beliefs, however, to risk letting everyone else in just so you can feel better about yourself isn't a risk worth taking; especially when MOST Muslims hate our way of life and would love nothing more than to Islamify Europe.
The fact they hold a different world view in itself will bring conflict, as it has been proven throughout CENTURIES. Muslims cannot even find peace among themselves; what makes you think that they will find peace with totally different religious peoples and cultures?
They have no purpose on this world except to spread their religion and annoy people.
The western culture and and the islamic culture are just 2 different worlds and if you try to mix them with eachother you will get a bad chemical reaction.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified
80% of young Turks in the Netherlands support jihad
27% of young muslims in FRANCE support ISIS
81%, yes EIGHTY ONE! percent of Aljazeera viewers support Islamic State (ISIS).
This Poll was conducted, by Muslims, on a Muslim owned network and the original poll was in Arabic.
Here is the poll:
Read this book if you want to understand the evil nature of Islam.
Yes it is. Private property is the default position. If someone wants to exercise control over my property or of the property I own stake in, public property, that person has to have a better claim than me, which he can never have.
thats not even how it works and thats racist tool i mean how could you not consider letting these people in,and we have lots to offer,,, you suffer from bigotry
thats still not an argument we are talking about bringing innocent people women and children from war zones into first world nations anf the only reason you dont want them is because of their skin color and your raicst tendencies
"I live in Indonesia, the country with the biggest Muslims population in the world, about 200 millions from 250 millions are Muslims. About 500 years ago it was still a Buddhists and Hindus country.
They were so peaceful and naive, they have no idea what Islam is. They are converted by Arabs through marriages and wars. The first Sultan in Java killed his own father because his father was a Buddhist. His father did not want to convert to Islam and that's it.
After most of the population were converted there was no peace anymore. At 1800 there was a jihad war between Muslims and...Muslims because the first group thinks that the second group is not Muslim enough! Later the second jihad war followed...
We are still seeing the same thing with Shiite and Sunni right now. In Indonesia Sunni just burned and killed Ahmadiah followers. If they cannot make peace among themselves how can we ask them to respect Atheists and people having other religions?
I am afraid the same ignorance and naivety will bring a catastrophe to Europe, the same story on Indonesia will be repeated on Europe, especially Germany. That makes me so sad. Why we could not learn from History."
Yeah but those 81% aren't real muslims, shitlord.
Islam is a religion of peace ®
everyone who was not born in your country, yes, you have the right.
underrated post
Reminder that people that use the word 'bigot' as an argument are fucking retarded.
The same applies for 'Phobia' words.
And it's just coincidence in every country to take in arabs and muslims the same conditions are replicated across nations. Everyone has the exact same stories when having to co exist and deal with arabs and muslims.
It's insulting to regard them as human beings equal to those across this planet.
It looks like OP is trying to make another "there is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish"-post.
Please sage this shit. Fucking cancer.
no you just dont understand the scope of the situation and resort to racism and bigotry because you dont understand
>an irrational fear
>being afraid of a religion that makes victims daily
You not willing to accept my opinion, makes you a bigot.
I accept your shitty opinion.
3/10 for making me reply
>you have the right
No I don't
>refugees come from shithole countries
>implying that the country is somehow shit and it has nothing to do with the people
>bringing 3rd world shit into your country thinking it will get better
You lot haven't learnt much have you. South africa is the perfect example. The whole world will follow if you don't stop importing them.
Why haven't you learnt from our fall from grace? Why would you destroy your nation and ruin it for future generations?
Replace thousands with millions
Why do they have to come to the west?
If we're talking population, you can't just move the poor to another country, it doesn't stop them from being numerous and poor.
Do you really think immigration will help the accepting nation, when the maths clearly indicates it makes them poorer, and drives down local wages, thus being something the wealthiest would want, and the poorest (in the receiving country) face increased competition.
Meanwhile, the problem in the 3rd world hasn't been resolved, their population continues to skyrocket, and resources remain finite.
We see overwhelmingly that immigrants are male. They DO bring uniquely non-western problems, and non-western values to with them. Many are from a religion that feels that someones sexuality is grounds for execution, which is in conflict with western values.
Saying that you don't want this to happen in your country when other options are availible...
WHY would we want someone thats from a potentially hostile, non-integrating culture, when we could instead accept immigration from a culture with compatible values to our own?
Who cares, no one is interested in going to New Zealand anyway.
Unless they want to visit the hobbit houses.
too obvious
>Many are from a religion that feels that someones sexuality is grounds for execution, which is in conflict with western values.
>implying it isn't
>being this much of a homo
Shitpostingland pls
Another friendly reminder that Transgenders, unwilling to accept 'Cis-Scum' are bigots.
Gangnam style!
Seriously, though... aside from that, what worth does Korea have?
Maybe because you are a fucking Maori and have no sense of nation.
How were ANY of those STATS even created? You can't just PULL from a WEBSITE made in WORDPRESS and expect ME to take it LEGITIMATELY especially when you TYPE like a TUMBLR FAGGOT.
Talk to me rationally and I might take you seriously. Otherwise you're just spewing propaganda that has sod all evidence. How could you possibly know for fact that exactly 35% of my mudslime scumbags jerk off to the suicide bomb jockeys. Pure trollop.
> Let me just dodge this argument with shit-tier banter
He's right. Western and Middle Eastern civs don't mix. This is a fact.
this is literal bigotry though since you wont accept refugees due to racist ideas
i am not trying to provoke people here im just trying to understand why you are racist like why is the only reason you dont want to help refugees is because you are racist and bigoted and xenophobic
> only reason you dont want them is because of their skin color and your raicst tendencies
Nope, they cost money and cause proportionally more crime. Not everyone disagreeing with you is just an ignorant hater. Islam is not the religion of peace, Mohammed conquered and fought wars. Also they fled from war zones already and are no longer in danger. Advancing our help in Jordan, where millions are currently surviving in giant camps would do much more and help those in need, not the one's being able to travel thousands of miles.
The fact that their close neighbors won't even take them in says nothing? Or that the only countries in which they'll be safe are socialist european ones?
How about we finally focus on the fact that "refugee" means they'd go back after the war and help rebuild their country. Everyone seems to forget that.
> Refugees are now a race
As if.
> I am not trying to provoke here
Yes you are. You're calling some one else a bigot, even though you're the only one, being unwilling to accept some one's opinion.
I don't concider myself to be racist at all. I just dislike immigrants coming into my town, and refusing to learn my language.
This doesn't make me a racist, or a bigot. It makes them a bigot.
I am not a Muslim I am white
This is literally not an argument though
Not. An. Argument!!!
>refugees are human beings
And plenty of human beings are subhuman trash and degenerates that bring people down to their level and then beat and rape them.
Your point?
Don't you have a fire to put out or something
A fucking leaf
The kiwi have good arguments, not you
Not at all denying that.
The only functional society is a homogenized society, and islam is pretty much the opposite of what the West is.
The only chance for a thriving society on planet Earth is a society without mudslimes. Period. End of.
But it is not yet possible to exterminate 1.5 billion people, sadly.
> Not possible
You'd be suprised.
How blue-pilled can one man be?
no they dont
I cannot reply to everything here but this is all just racism and anger
No LEGITIMATE reasons have been made not to accept refugees I need LEGITIMATE reasons
I want LEGITIMATE reasons but nobody here can provide them for me
No one is saying that is their argument. You're trying to make people say 'because they're brown'. Not one rational person has said it, I've never heard anyone say it either to me personally or just bantering away to their mates. I think you just want people to be racist because you get off on making drama and shitposting. You want people to be racist because you need to have something to get you out of bed in the morning.
Does racism even exist anymore?
I'm looking forward for the race war, I truly am.
So do I.
ignore him, he is just baiting. We made the arguments against immigration and refugees, but he is still claiming everyone's racist, even if no one mentioned their probably brown skin. Save your energy.
You signed up for the army? I think I'll end up getting stationed in Syria, by the way things are looking now.
That or Iran. Whichever the case, I'll get to spray lead in mudslime-bodies, so that's nice.
Well there is something wrong with refugees. Theyre homeless. Plus why did they get into that mess into the first place? If my 3rd cousin I dont know gets addicted to drugs, gets fired and shows up at my door do i let him stay? Fuck no...fuck off you fucking idiot and get your shit together.
> You signed up for the army?
You can't sign up for the army in my country. You need to follow an education.
Go be a shame to our flag elsewhere you cringeworthy cunt.
Give me a single reason why we should accept refugees in the first place? Why can't Muslim refugees flee to other Islamic countries? Why do they spill into the west and then proceed to ignore our laws and rules that we put in place to give western citizens a quality lifestyle? Plenty of them justify completely shitting on everything that we've worked hard on for centuries because their Quran tells them to, and have no desire to integrate with our laws, but expect us to cater to them.
Do you think the middle-east would be accepting of a mass European immigration? No. If a disaster happened in Europe, Europeans would flee to North America to be with other people from their cultures. Why can't Syrian refugees flee further into the Middle east? Why must we become a Muslim shithole to cater to them?
Our cultures simply do not mix with theirs. European civilization is a completely different branch of civilization than Middle Eastern civilization with completely different views, beliefs and laws that contradict eachother, but the key difference is, Middle-Eastern laws are directly tied to religion, which your average muslim will die to defend.
its not bait
all your arguments are weak and racist
Sup Forums loses yet again what a surprise
>that's racist!
Let me tell you, this argument does not work here. You're talking to someone who gets happy when rapefugees die. I believe that every rapefugee in Europe should be killed - men, women, and children. I think that liberals should be rounded up and killed as well, they are a cancer on society.
Women, children, the elderly and diabled can only be refugees, they go back when the men do what needs to be done. Men are not refugees, they are either cowards or infiltrators.
more racist blather wow you cant even hide it if you try
How does it work, then?
I just wrote (literally, I'm not making shit up) an e-mail to the draft centre, saying, "hi, I'm tired of going nowhere. I wanna be in the army. What do?"
Then they replied with a standard e-mail and a link for an application I filled out, printed, signed, took a picture of using my cell phone (I'm not shitting you), and then mailed back to them.
I'll be joining on August 1st, 12:00pm
Sign up for an education which is 4 years long. Finish education, apply to army. That's it.
Of course it does. Though there's a difference between people who are racist because they have first-hand experience with other races, and people who just repeat memes all day.
It's like the opposite of liberals who are anti-racism because the only black guy they know is that upper-middle class well-educated chap who can actually speak proper English.
No one is taking you seriously because you're either amazingly stupid or too obvious of a troll.
What's holding you back?
I knew that guy.
Went to grammar school with him. He was so fucking chill - and we both loved having a beer. Damn I hope he's doing well today.
>get to kill mudslimes
>it doesn't pay well enough
I'd literally pay to be in the army. Like, everything I owned, and as much as I could withdraw from my bank sent straight to the government as long as they give me a rifle and a hand grenade. Holyshit, do you even care?
> Kill muslims
It doesn't work that way from me, sadly.
Have you considered private contractors?
i died of keks
No not really.
Oh, you ignore my arguments and call them racist and weak? You are this annoying meme lord, spamming "not an argument" while not being able to come up with the basic counter arguments. You can't even come up with humanitarian argument, arguing with turkish immigration or integration or anything else. You pathetic little piece of shit, just go fucking die.
You sound like a pretty conforming normie. Hope you find a beautiful lady, or boyfriend whatever, to settle with.
>tfw lecturer said borders are artificial constructs
>tfw she said illegal immigration by boat is dangerous and inhumane, and Western taxpayers should fund refugees to come to our country by airplane and be granted full citizenship
>tfw she is Palestinian
>tfw everyone in class nodded their head with agreement
Just another day in Australia's most liberal Uni
one of them did a thing i dont like
i dont like anyone but myself
for these reasons papa trump will kill all spics niggers mussies etc. chinks too.
Deakin or Monash or not really
And that's a problem. They consume the same limited resources I would rather go to citizens. What is the state for if it's not looking out for citizens first?
Welp looks like you've hit the paradoxical wall all you leaf sjw are programmed with where you go on and on aids skrillex style with the muh racism muh bigot. It's rather comical picturing you, with your bubble pipe and fedora. You trip over yourself to help manufactured mock refugees but can't find any of that "good will" to give back to the house that raised you. Your a leaf though so you may have never known what national pride feels like.
Why is it that most of the refugees are men?
yeah right you are the same person who probably insists that poors die in the street because socialism is such a scary boogeyman.
you just want everyone to be as miserable as you.