Pic unrelated. Ways to make quick money anyone?!

Pic unrelated. Ways to make quick money anyone?!

Charge people for service dipfuck.

Only have evenings and even then can't leave the house

Scan backgrounds. Get a cert for it. Charge money jobless kuck.

sell blood, hound thrift shops, upsell shit, rinse and repeat like the industrious niggers do

Run a website
Make home office
Do taxes

You can all of this on a cave all it takes is will and determination which you seem to lack.

No idea what scanning backgrounds is :/

Run a homemade food delivery company

You scan backgrounds. Background checks. It's 50 bucks per person.

>>who's going around buying blood?
I have lots of will and determination looking for new ideas!

Nobody needs food delivered round here that'd what online shopping is for


Food joint from home

blood banks, you could also sell plasma or jizz if you prefer

Ah not sure that's a thing in the uk but I'll look into it

I don't know what you're good at

Ohhh ok I see you don't get money for those in the uk it's donated for free

Why don't you just get a job?

As I say can't leave the house. I'm looking at work from home ones but lots are scams. So new ideas are always welcomed

I have lots of ideas but I rather not share any


Then why comment? I'd really appreciate it

get a job, get paid in two weeks after starting. That's quick

Because every thread deserves a reply

put your computer to work solving math problems, that'll earn you something, offer writing services to kids that don't know how to write essays, learn html from a website for free, there's really no excuse for being dead broke

I don't have a computer ha

Run a Sia Server. Mine crypto currency.

Thanks for your replies.

I ran a repair tech business from home.

Got paid to tell idiots to turn it on and off again.

Day trade cryptos if you're not retarded but most people who do trade cryptos are

this also requires capital.

What time frame we looking at here?

Ye I'm retarded also no capital

I'm gonna take it that you're either a kid or not particularly bright, so your best bet is to do something your not dicks bad at and sell it to idiots. If you draw naked pictures of popular cartoon characters, lots of people are willing to pay

Meant to link you

Get a job ??

Not sure if you can read but as I say I'm trying to find work at home jobs

listen son, you don't hit the jackpot sitting on your ass at home, you need to get out there and do something.. Why can't you leave he house? Morbidly obese or just depressed or both?