Really makes you... huh

Really makes you... huh...

Other urls found in this thread:

>dressing like a nig is unprofessional

well... yeah

Kek. Thanks for this OP.

all of the results from the "unprofessional" search are from articles with sjws bitching about black hair being seen as unprofessional

and then there's this thing.


I wonder if they yell at their mirror every morning for body shaming.

Who the fuck looks for "professionnal hair" anyway?

10/10 would kek again

Sometimes I wonder how historians 1000 years from now (if we're still alive by then) will look back at the current year. In all realistic sense they'll probably think that we were barbarians for owning pets and eating meat etc. because it'll be the future current year.

It is.

Won't happen, once a nation becomes too pussy due to multicuckturalism a stronger more violent people take over and all the pussies get murdered in the street. Same will happen in europe/usa eventually, and in the future those people will too grow passive and another lesser violent people will rise up.

Those "unprofessional hair" image results are dominated by afros solely on the strength of the black female inferiority complex. Yet they blame us for their constant blogging about "MUH NATURAL HAIR"

>all the pictures link to articles about "unprofessional hair"

shut the fuck up mrs magoo

I got this

>"but professor... why?"
>*looks off into the distance, contemplatively rolls chalk between his fingers and thumb* "well... it was 2015."

Mfw some dumb black bitch tried having an argument with me about this whole natural hair being considered unprofessional, and said that black women are being oppressed because of their hair. I told her that women in Iran are actually being fined and jailed for showing their hair in public, and that's real opression, and that her black privilege allows her to think that she's being opressed. The argument ended pretty quickly thereafter.

i tried to explain this exactly to one of them , got blocked

dawane wade

Wow i'm now a #Cruzmissile

It ended because she realized she was talking to a parrot.
Oppression and poverty are relative. If I was her I wouldn't give a shit about Iran. But there are "professional" black hairstyles though.

Under rated

Holy shit, I hope he's here for the job interview.

I don't understand why blacks feel like they should be exempt from dress codes.

Most of us have to wear uniforms in our professional lives. Do you think I like having to spend thousands of dollars on suits, ties, shoes, and dress shirts that I am required to wear everyday? Hell no. If it were up to me, I would dress like a member of Guns N' Roses. But I also recognize that if I want to work in my profession, I am expected to be in formal dress.

I get over it. I don't blame white supremacy. I swear, these people think they have a monopoly on discomfort. That anytime they are required to do something it is because they are being oppressed because of their race, and not because EVERYONE has to do it.