Most underrated fast food item thread

Most underrated fast food item thread.

>pic related

Fuck that looks disgusting. Sea monster segments and disgusting vegetables... Yeah, real fucking delicious.

but user you're wrong


I don't think you can get that in the UK.

I'd try it if you could.

Honesty chopped ham salads at subway are great.

Would look better as a salad

That actually sounds alright


Club melt on honey oat with pickles, lettuce, black olives and ranch

Extra black olives and you've got a meal on your hands.

This is why I come to Sup Forums

There's a place near me called Hot Dog Annie's. Shit is basically crack. Nothing I've had anywhere else tastes like them.

Damn that looks good.

you should try then

Mac and cheese bites

well they may have put crack in it

sweet onion chicken teriyaki master race

Oh fk you right


nut uh user!


A&W onion rings.
>hand made fresh every single day.
>not bagged & frozen crap.

I puked when I ate that thinking it was even slightly good

I find it charming that A&W Root Beer™ operates a food chain in Candania. I went there one at the airport in Toronto, was breddy good. Ragret not getting the poutine though.

You need to use salt & pepper and make sure you don't go to a subway that over-mayos that shit.

Do you mean the fast food chain thats everywhere?

It's for our own good user, just like the chocolate bars and candy we have are half the size of American bars but twice the cost.
I'm glad that our government stops us having nice things to protect us.
But it's ok to buy three bars to make a decent chocolate hit.
And I can garuntee most meat in the subways, burger Kings and Mc'ds are halal its great living in a place where everyone is equal.
It's a seacrawler sub 'no we can't have sea crawlers it's un ethical.
I think I'm going to cry for a while

The only good fast food onion rings where I live. Harveys, DQ and BK all suck.

Is that jellydoge

Not a chain, but any really well made gyro from a good mom-and-pop Greek restaurant in most cities is heaven for me.

...everywhere in Canada, yes


Get your shit together

That's fish shaped like crab.

a friend who worked at a&w told me the rings are a lot of work. usually 1 person spends all night making them at home and brings in tubs of fresh rings to the restraunt every morning.

I've never left Canada...

it's called Seafood Sensation™

they don't call it crab (anymore)

it's a process of making flaky cakes of fish meat that the Japanese perfected hundreds of years ago. It's good!

This. Club supreme mikes way add pickles. Fucking god tier sandwich

>good seafood
Pick one

It's just a sandwich user. I happen to like it.

i love gyros

and asian girls.

everyone shits on McDonald's fillet o fish, but i think its fucking awesome.
>just gotta ask for extra tartar sauce so it isn't so dry.

since when do fish crawl?

its pollock.

It took me yonks to try one of those and after I ate it I immediately went back up and bought another one.

cheese naan kebab is the shit

mcdonalds big tasty is the best burger from fast food
when they are not available
>merge double cheeseburger and big mac together to form the double mac
pic related

gotta ask for unsalted ones, then salt'em yourself. the immigrants working there over salt everything with their shitty seasoning salt.



For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

No place really carries it here in Denmark, but I know you can get what I assume is crab salad, so I'll try making one

are you from marketing? that sounds a little too special, like the big mac guy "he just holds up his fingers for how many big macs he wants, and we just know *snort chuckle*

Niglers like you should be eradicated from the solar system

sound like pasta

yeah man is good

Oh you wouldn't know Three-for-Free if he bit you right on your ass

Why the fuck am I a nigger you faggot?

Wow coney dogs, gyros, a&w? Sup Forums actually has good taste

Friendly's chicken quisadilla

It's not authentic buttfuck it hits the spot

I thought is was crabbe, but here's a seacrawler.

It's imitation crab, not crab-crab

that's not fast food, that's good food served quickly

Thank god I have a restaraunt will real food

cod n fries, never frozen burgers cooked to your liking, hand trimmed chicken breast, wings that aren't breaded and soggy, fuck your shortsighted 'taste'

If I want a Gyro I go to Salems

you own a restaurant? or you go to one? we can all go to one user.

technically not sole owner, and is city lease

you guys do buffalo wings?

The McGangBang

I'm not even thar fat any more and I still crave it once in a while

have you ever actually ordered that by name and gotten it served to you? something tells me mackdonald's isn't endorsing the name "McGangBang"

Not the same guy but I would just get two mcdoubles and a spicy chicken sandwich and make it myself

Yeah, but only because I'm 22 and knew people that worked there

so you pay them, and then make it yourself?

those teenagers can figure it out I think

Ahhh right right. Like when I used to order "goat balls" at Wendy's. They'd douse the chicken nuggets in BBQ sauce BEFORE frying them. The BBQ sauce would burn in the oil but make this weird crust that tasted like sweet lighter fluid. Mmm

Jalapeno Double from McDonalds. It got discontinued though.

non-nordics will never know this feel

the fuck is that mash potato looking thing?

wow, muslim food looks amazing

>Pork sausage

Pick one

>implying it's pork

What else is it gonna be?

did you just assume he could discern the type of sausage from a picture?

jewish baby sausage?

Triggered samefag?

not as such


Also, those look like wieners not sausages

Oh shit bro, you got me

Nice shoop

dude not even shoop'd

But where is the evidence?

Where's the evidence that hot dog is pork

idunno what to tell you user ;_;

I've seen this in TV before.

Quit changing subjects!

Wait, is it samefagging again?

Boy I'm glad I don't live in a shithole where they use exclusively a litre to measure liquid


So, frame by frame shoop?


The feds can't fool me shit

Only logical thing to do is flop penis on monitor and take pic, show him that hot dog

