Is NEEThood the final red pill?

Is NEEThood the final red pill?

Men dropping out of society en masse to ensure the downfall of the western world, only for them to rebuild the world themselves with no kike interference.

Why aren't you a NEET yet, Sup Forums?

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because I enjoy having a disposable income, furnishing my family with things they need or would like.

Neet life means no home Id have to rent or live in some government housing like a nigger.

could not afford to buy nice cars, travel the world and find ways to minimize my tax so neets like you suffer like the lazy socially inept scumbags you are

I've been NEET for six months. Will be starting a job in 2 weeks. Seriously, just get a job and exercise every once in a while. The purposeless life of a NEET sucks and often yields little social interaction and sense of meaning.

Always ask yourself this, if everyone did what I did, would it still work? So let's assume you qualify for welfare and assume everyone is on welfare now, who is paying for that welfare?

No economically ignorant answers please, if it results in hyperinflation it's not a good idea.

You will never trick me into believing poverty and neethood is anything except social infertility.

NEETs subject themselves to poverty and having to live around shitskins in order to save our world

NEETs are heroes

>muh materialism
>muh legacy
Oh you, wagecucks!

Being a meet is easy if you're asocial, but where do you get the money?

NEETs are the new brownshirts

GIBS, generally in form of autismbux and handouts.

Obsessing over useless things

Have fun never breeding with a girl worth a quarter of a fuck.

Yes, women are trash in general, but at least us non-NEETs have a chance of getting laid by something without every disease in the medical encyclopedia

How is he a wagecuck?

neets can't rebuild shit.. they can't even build their own lives hahaha. Better luck next life faggot.

I'm 21
Shit is horrible.
I would work but cant find anyone who wants adhd retard who cant focus and didnt pass highschool. My focus issues have fucked my life up and being neet has honestly ruined my life even further. I do have so much free time though. My abs are coming in pretty nicely.

> only for them to rebuild the world themselves with no kike interference.

Yeah I am sure a bunch of NEETs with no skills will rebuild the world. :^)

Ragie wagie!!!!!!


Stupid NEETS, I use to be one of you cucks but now I work minimum wage 240 hours a month to barely survive with all the job satisfaction that doing nothing sitting in a chair for 12 hours a day/night brings

Stay mad NEETS

>because I enjoy having a disposable income
Wagies are so asspained that they can't read!!!

>Ragey Wagey pudding pie
>goes to work and wants to die
>Ragey WAgey comes on Sup Forums
>the cool NEETbros make him lose control

Get back to work, chump, and stop being so jelly.

> Men dropping out of society en masse to ensure the downfall of the western world

Also I would like to know why do you think playing the kike game will somehow make them lose power. The more useless white manchildren the better.

Not true. I'm a big NEET and I've had plenty of sex with very attractive, very healthy women.

Sure, there's no future in it because inevitably all of them want you to make a lot more money than them, as all women do, but we were talking about sex here, not marriage.

>Is NEEThood the final red pill?
No. Just browse r9k and see all the suicide threads and the like. NEETs are doombed to die alone,and rely totally on gibs,that may very well stop someday. It is a life of high risk and little reward.

No! Bad goyim! You must contribute to my bank account....err I mean society!

The NEET life is truly fulfilling. I have all the time in the world to do ANYTHING I want.

Maybe later I'll finish my rendition of Mozart's Requiem, or I'll further my studies in quantum physics. You see, wagies, with my abundance of free time I have come to a physical understanding of the universe similar to that of Einstein himself.

>any single mother I want

We have to break the conditioning

This. Woman love poor guys that don't work. Maybe it's our boyish charm or how were just to cool to work.

>real men like to fight and play
>build and work and laugh at gays
>pussy wussy welfare cuck
>can't compete and in life is stuck
>cries and cries and wants to die
>suck it bitch you like guys

>tfw turning 26 in a few days
>dropped out of uni over 2 years ago
>been trying to get a job to no avail since
>somewhere a long the way accepted NEET life but still long for purpose

Someone help meeee ;_:

Failed NEET. You'll be back.

I never understood this whole "employment is slavery" thing you NEETs talk about. I have a career I love. I'd be doing what I do as hobby anyway, why not get paid for it? And paid I get, let me tell you. In fact, this weekend I'm going to an anime convention where I can buy pretty much whatever swag I want, eat how I please, etc. Oh, and the convention is 6 hours away. If I were a NEET I could never have afforded to go. Stay sad, NEETfag.

>>dropped out of uni over 2 years ago

How are you explaining that gap?

I used to be blue pilled. Then I discovered my local pub and had a blue pill shoved down my throat. Now am a NEET. Here's to you Op, you beautiful, sexy beast. xxx

Because I'm not a parasite.

You'll be fun to shoot, though.

I played 8/2 to 9/27 in Persona 4 this morning.

Am about to sleep while the wagecucks slave away for schlomo for the nest 10 hours, I will wake at 6 p.m. and order delivery.


who are you trying to convince us or yourself?



You should at least show a little gratitude to your providers, you smug little prick.

No. The final redpill is that the Rothschild Zionists are shape-shifting demon aliens who are attempting to overthrow human governments.

>Anime convention
Kek. You fucking sad case. Kys



Living with government checks is the unlimate blue pill.

The true, final red pill is to live innawoods. Hunt your food, live independently, produce your own electricity, etc.

You don't smoke? What are you gay?

>Implying that you have to be poor to be a neet
Just live of rents and investments and you can earn as much as any wageslave out there

Every month it's getting harder. I'm convinced there are simply no jobs where I live, but convincing others is the tricky part

Keep avoiding answering this, it demonstrates that you have the moral understanding of a small child.

NEEThood seems like a good option to end this bullshit. Why would you feed all these refugees and other NEETs? Just become one of them. Why would you send hundreds of job applications for nothing anyway? I am sort of becoming NEET if I can´t get job a soon.

Honestly, I have to admit that this whole concept of quite bothersome to me.

For whatever reason, if you have an employment ''gap'' of more than two weeks you better have some good explanation or you're gonna be oh so fucked.

How did we let our society evolve into something where not working every single day from the moment you turn 18 turns you into some sort of weirdo? Our ancestors must be crying.

So the only purpose in life is to work for someone?

I'm not going to watch your gay little video. I'm at work, faggot.

>puts a shaft in his mouth and sucks
>calls me gay

I don't think it's so much a case of not working but a case of 'what the fuck have you been doing if you haven't been working?'

If you want to say 'well, I just sat at home playing vidya', then you have to explain that. Why? How? Why couldn't you get a part-time job? etc.

It's not true. I've had like two or three real jobs my whole life, and each of them was for like less than a few months.

Now I'm an accountant making $25 an hour. All it takes is good grades, a few small lies on your resume, and someone willing to give you a chance.

I get a shot of whisky at the bar, down it quick. Pint of Carlsberg with it = £5 exactly. I like that :) Cheers!!!!!

That video is about you.

This video is about me: #winning

The only time I went outside in the last year was to cast a vote for Trump.

It took me weeks to recover.

Dying in some desert with a 10000:1 KD is my current goal.
I'm a NEET.

I've never understood people's obsession with this.

Just lie.

Wew lad. Not sure it's possible to strawman harder than that. There's no shame in having a job, making money, and producing something. Sure beats the severe autism of NEEThood.

nobody can helps neet, only yourself

But any answer except for ''I had a job'' is considered unacceptable.

You can't say, ''I was composing a symphony.'', ''I was writing a novel.'', ''I was tending my garden.'' Or any other answer that makes life just as worthwhile, if not more so, than paid labour.

But that's unacceptable. You MUST work every day from 18 till retirement or you're a terrible person.

Totally worth it.

>build the world themselves
Holy shit the delusion

I have been saving my autismbux and am preparing to enter my final stage of NEEThood.

I am going to buy some rural land and live off the grid in a crudely constructed cabin.

I suppose I will become a crazy old hermit of some description.

being a neet is like being stephen hawking

kill yourself

You said a NEET life is purposeless, implying that you can only have purpose if you're working.

>give up
I got news for you dipshit. The HABBENING will never come. You will die alone and childless in your basement while real humans "rebuild" what the kikes ruin.
>So the only purpose in life is to work for someone?
Kek, once you learn hoe the whole system works you will be glad there is someone to work for. If you just sit on your ass like the niggers they will eventually assign you a government job like a nigger.
Enjoy niggerdom.

How do you guys afford to be NEETs? I'm sort of becoming one but my parents don't want to support me and they're going to kick me out soon.

>composing a symphony
>writing a novel
>tending a garden
>just as worthwhile
>implying the autist virgin NEETs on Sup Forums are capable of producing anything worthwhile. You faggots really are delusional.

>How do you guys afford to be NEETs?
Disability m8.

Living as a NEET is the ultimate slavery. You live trapped in your own home, and you are enslaved to the petty little "hobbies" you do every single day.

You brag so much about how you have the time to read classics, or compose a symphony, but you don't. And everyone knows what you do: Wake up, play vidya, watch anime, eat, fap, shitpost on Sup Forums, and sleep.

It's a pointless and decadent cycle in which you will never escape. You will become tired of it eventually.

You only call jobs "wageslavery" because the only job you could obtain at this point in your life is a shitty McJob. So you assume that all jobs are McJobs.

You never have foresight, what the fuck happens when your gibs from the Gov/Mommy and Daddy stop flowing? What if your parents die? You never think or plan for the future.

And when it's all said and done, you'll make one final shitpost on Sup Forums, and then kill yourself.

Welfare was a mistake.

>anime convention
Kill urself my man


Sad case? A sad case of what, being able to afford my hobbies? Having the means to pursue something I enjoy? Yeah, I like anime. I also save fucking lives so I think I get a free pass on whatever passtime I prefer. Go eat more of mom's ramen noodles, NEETfag. Say whatever you want, I don't give a shit. Whatever staves off the inevitable suicide note and shotgun mouthwash for a few more days, I guess.

Depending on your whiskey choice, it may be redeemable

Find me a NEET who isn't a degenerate loser and contributes something of value.

PRO TIP: you can't

If everyone was NEET, businesses would be forced to increase wages and improve working hours/conditions to entice people back into work. Ultimately creating a better deal for wagies and NEETs

Basic supply and demand really

Well, like I said in a previous post.

With my abundance of free time I have come to a physical understanding of the universe equal to that of Einstein himself.

Whist you slave away for a rich Jew, I expand my mind with the finest of modern literature and academic papers the likes of which your wagecuck mind can't even comprehend.

how do you get that

> [
Degenerate as fuck mi familioso

Dole payments, though they're going to make me work for it soon.

I'll soon be a literal slave.

>how do you get that
It varies by country m8. In your country you need to get lawyers involved but thousands of NEETs do it successfully.

This. Employment gaps are a real thing and employers are selfish kikes out to make themselves a dollar and nothing more. I've lied to get most of the jobs I've ever had, especially my first job, since I spent high school actually studying instead of working part time at mcdonalds like the people who got the jobs I was going for.

>Telling lies to strangers on the internet
>NEETs believe this is in any way fulfilling

If you arent working, what exactly are you doing? Building your entrepreneur skills? Starting your business? This is nigger tier logic. You have to work up the ladder before becoming the leader.

See me
I take care of single mothers

>British intellectuals
>Let's just remove all productivity from society.

That'll make everything better, right guys?

>sysadmin master race
>get paid to shitpost
>90k per year
>can buy any daki and anime figurine I want
>can buy any vidya I want
>can buy new gaming PC whenever I want
>no wife and no shiteating children to waste my time or money

Stay mad you dumbass NEETfuck

You're just jealous

>muh legacy
>muh wife's son!
>muh wife's boyfriend!

All things in moderation. You see, I don't let my hobby consume me. How is an anime convention any different from a car show, or a football game? It's just fans getting together to celebrate what they enjoy. Do some faggots take it too far? Yep. Am I one of them? Nah.

t. Brazil nigger who shits in the same bucket the drinking water comes from

m8 you need to get yourself off the dole and onto DSP.

Lol nah. Keep working and keep paying for my stuff wagecuck. You stupid slave. Me and my black brothers and hispanics be thanking ya. Oh also while your at work your gf comes over and gives me a slop job. Oh wait that's right!
>anime convention
>no gf

How to get NEETbux?

Sometimes the only winning move is to not play. All you hear from richfags is that money never makes you happy, meanwhile they are lording over others because they have money.

Seems like the ultimate form of cuckoldry desu. Absolutely not based.
