
Why is she wear only underpants? Where are her pants?


She looks hot as fuck. Is Jetblue some kind of faggot airways?

wait wait wait
what the fuck is wrong with being pale?
god damn it OP

The pilot in command has full authority on who enters his aircraft.

If he thinks your not dressed right, too fat, too ugly, too white, or too anything, he has the ultimate authority to tell you to get the hell off his aircraft.

>Let's in every Islamic terrorist suicide bomber on 9-11
>Refuses to admit QT dancer white aryan woman

I guess that about sums up the state of western civilization today. This image represents not just England, but all of us.

A native English speaker couldn't have said it better themselves

Except he doesnt. Nor does he have any legal jurisdiction to enforce what he or she demands to be acceptable clothing ;)

OP here: there's a point where being pale on a chubby disgusting SJW girl like this is detrimental and a warning sign to stay away. All feminists are pale as they refuse to exit the house for fear of being triggered.

Ya, he does.

The pilot in command is responsible for the aircraft and everyone on it. Therefore he can deny anyone from stepping foot on his aircraft for any reason he feels like. Whether the company he works for agrees with his reasoning is another matter entirely, but even so the pilot still has the right to make the call.

How are you guys defending this woman who wanted to enter to plane in just her underwear? This is disgusting

>the media is still calling her a burlesque dancer
>haven't figured out she is a prostitute yet

journalism 2016

Lol what? A pilot is a captain and the captain ultimately decides who stays on his ship

read the fucking terms and conditions next time you want to take a fucking plane.

You sign an agreement when you purchase the ticket that says, basically, you won't be a degenerate on the plane.

She doesn't seem particularly ugly. She isn't fat and she isn't pale, just a normal white person. Are you brown or something?
Funny that she was refused to board the flight when public schools accept much more risky outfits.

Yes and no. Like i just posted, it's all about the terms of agreement that you sign when you buy the ticket. If you make a good enough case that you were within these bounds, they're probably liable for a lawsuit. However, this woman clearly has no case.

I'd be her seat back in business class baby, she won't need a seat belt because my alignment pin will keep her in place.

Moar turbulence oh yeah

>calling me brown

I'm half Ashkenazi and half German. I'm /fit/ and tan and hate fat people, especially fat feminists like this woman.


I run in the sun, can't help it and girls love it.

No, he doesnt. The pilot is not security

Why do you spread bullshit and claim it as truth? Do you think motherfuckers are stupid?

What is this 1885? Call her for what she is, a stripper.

Either way, she shouldn't have been let on board due to that hideous tiger sweater anyway. That's some serious Napoleon Dynamite shit right there.

She literally couldve of put on shorts and been fine, why'd she have to come in pantsu


Shoo shoo sneaky Jew

what the fuck does her being a burlesque dancer have to do with anything? am i supposed to accept that outfit because of her occupation? leave it at work you stupid bitch, underpants aren't outerwear.

I honestly don't think it's that bad and certainly not worth banning. They are shorts not underwear. It's tacky but not offensive unless she had it pulled up into her snatch.

Outfits cut is fine. Just tacky as hell monochromatic colors.

If I take those hot-pants off, will she die?

>stripes with a shirt that has a tiger print
She probably doesn't know any basic fashion knowledge
Also those don't look like pants


>McMuffin says she feels “disrespected” and says that since the final decision is left up to the pilot, the policy is unfairly subjective. She told KOMO news that the incident is indicative of unfair treatment of women in a patriarchal society.

>"I'd say body shaming and slut shaming more than outright sexism, but it is really hard to remove those two things from misogyny."

>McMuffin says that in additional to a personal apology from the pilot, she wants JetBlue officials to analyze their own dress code and come up with a clearly stated policy for all airline passengers.

>"It was a nice gesture," said McMuffin of the $162 offer. "But I don't really want to fly JetBlue again and they told me they couldn't give me a cash refund."

jews are not white if you did not know Shlomo