How does it feel knowing he could crush you like a ant?

How does it feel knowing he could crush you like a ant?

Other urls found in this thread:

Good. I love a strong leader

I firmly believe he was a tranny camgirl before becoming PM.


If you crush ants they win.

>this trudeau fetish

Feels pretty good, because an ant can't crush me.

post the one where he gets knocked the fuck out by a jab

bad posturing, extending jab before other fist is retracted and guarding, fist not closed properly.

>literally babby's first boxing session

Look ma im shadow boxing again! xD

The only thing this guy is gonna crush is Canuck Identity and Economy
Bibi would probably Krav maga his ass even today, Boxing is the weak form of martial arts. today


How did the son of a Canadian PM become the current Canadian PM without a university degree?

If you're working class or exmilitary it can be excused. But the son of a former PM should have a university degree.

Everyone please start reporting these cancerous, useless fucking threads.

:If you get cucked by your enemies you win". -justin trudeau

>nobody has posted the webm of him getting knocked out yet

Stop elbowing women, Justin

>Boxing is the weak form of martial arts. today

Boxing + judo/BJJ is superior to the krav maga jew.

Someone make a compilation of Justin elbowing a woman, dancing around and then getting knocked the fuck out

Trudeau would fuck your shit up senpai

>the son of a former PM should have a university degree.

He has two university degrees. Who said that he didn't have one?

Post the webm of him getting knocked out in one punch

Judo is !=BJJ and Kram Maga would reck him.

>He's even making soowsh sounds with his cocksucking mouth

This is why women shouldn't vote...

I would beat the piss and shit out of weed man Even if I didn't know how to fight Id still rek him due to how much I hate him and his father.

If only Trudeau would stop making these threads and go do his job. Like maybe put out that fire.

WTF with all the shower heads in that pic?


The nose. Look at the nose.

If Trudeau was ever in an actual physical fight he would immediately break both of his wrists throwing his punches like that

I want to cuddle that man.

Looks like a scouse pastry chef

Kek, ants and the Canadian dollar are the only things he could crush.

He could literally beat the shit out of obama. How humiliating for ameriburgers.

Merkel could beat the shit out of Obama.

Report them all the time. Whoever the mods are they are willfully complying in the downfall of this board. There is a reason there was an exodus bud. You are now left with newfags and Reddit scum.

Also that fucking elbow flare do you want to be punched in the kidney because that's how you get punched in the kidney


I've seen my 8 year old girl cousin throw better punches than that.

Skinny bitch would get raped

He looks like he benches using the smith machine

Bad. It feels bad ok

Considering he can't even make a fist, I expect the only thing that will get crushed is his fingers.

How much are you being paid?
You (or someone else) is spamming that guys image on pol pretty much every week and writing that he can kick everybodys ass which you clearly ought to know is not even remotely the case.
The guy is massively effeminate and a self admitted feminist, who took up boxing so he doesn't look like as THAT much of a complete wimp?

>these punches
i dont even work and would destroy him simply because he will brake his hands with these punches.