Why are women more likely to be for gun control?
Why are women more likely to be for gun control?
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They're stupid.
Because they specialize in irrational and illogical arguments.
Because women tend to be more liberal.
Liberals tend to like gun control.
Ergo, women are more likely to agree with anti-funs
Why do they tend to be liberal?
Because they're taken care of and know no other alternative.
Because women are essentially unable to conceive of taking care of their own protection. They've ALWAYS designated that task to someone else, so they're perfectly happy designating that task to government.
Women are generally for expanding government. They can't handle the responsibility that comes with freedom
women have never been responsible for defending their territory let alone themselves. it has always been the job of males to provide and protect, and someone who provides and protects will almost always be pro-gun and right leaning. women are now told they dont need men to provide for them anymore, but this did not lead to a generation of powerful and independent women. Their new provider and protector is the government, and the best way of increasing government power is by voting leftist.
Pathos appeals above all.
Your balls --> their purse.
Is there anything besides anecdotal evidence to back this up?
Stefan Molyneux had a good explanation of this in one of his vids. One of his theories is that after the dissolution of the family, women look to the state for protection, since even if they are married they may divorce him and be left defenseless at any moment. The state is always going to be their true fallback husband, so anything important such is self defense is best left to the strong, capable hands of the government.
Didn't the country start going to the shitter when womens suffrage passed?
no it was when the yanks invaded
Personal freedoms have, but technology has caught up to swing the quality of life toward "better", until the last few years where suicide rates started rising again.
Women are more prone to emotional arguments than men.
tech has nothing to do with women
Everything's been getting worse since the beginning. Nothing ever gets better, only worse.
This applies to countries as well as anything else.
Because they are very emotional and dont like the idea of guns because it makes them feel vulnerable.
Women's groups frequently try to stop male birth control from becoming a thing .
Women, fun fact, also tend to be more likely to believe in a higher power.
In part it's an external locus of control, essentially that means women are more likely to agree with a statement like "being fat is often beyond a person's control", whereas men would be more like "bullshit, they just need some cardio". Women tend to feel and empathize easily. This allows them to make social bonds quickly and easily, and rely on those groups for support.
Men have long had a different way of looking at things. It was never an issue of "the mountain is tall, we can't climb it". It was always an issue of "so when are we going to climb this mountain". History is rife with men saying "fuck it" and going off to forge their own destiny, abandoning their very societies and nations to forge new ones, often with abysmal support.
This common-women's outlook of relying on others for mutually-beneficial support meshes well with liberalism, particularly when liberal ideas often are liberating (from a woman's perspective).
Many women are pro-birth control. Many women recieved the short end of the stick in old divorce and marriage law (ie., hard to get away from an abusive spouse, etc). Tbf, women throughout much of history in various places were treated as little more than valuable talking pets that also made babies, so it makes sense they would side with a party that has been "on their side" of the culture war for a while.
Wait really, why?
Women are biologically weaker than men. They traditionally have relied on men to protect them from external threats. Women know this and they know that they can't win a fight by themselves, even if they had a gun. When they perceive that there are "threats" with guns out in the community, their instinct is to turn to men to protect them from the threats. Since most western men are feminized cucks who don't own guns and can't win a fistfight, women turn to the state to protect them instead. The state is like a surrogate husband to the "empowered" woman, especially for single moms, who depend on welfare, alimony, child support payments, and other state-enforced types of income.
Following this line of thought to its logical end, it would be reasonable for these women to want the state to protect them by stripping guns from free men, so the only ones left with guns are the agents of the state, i.e., police.
Webm unrelated.
Yeah, this.
Can we get an answer that isn't something some Redpiller pulls out of his ass?
Why are there no groups called "Father's Demand Action To End Gun Violence"?
I'm guessing because gun control is largely based on emotional arguments, and women tend to be more emotional. Combine that with dead chilluns probably hit mothers harder than others. For example, my mother cried when the news of sandy hook broke. She's pro gun as fuck, but you can see how such a situation would develop in the case of women who are pro gun or do not love freedom.
Because it takes focus from women's issues and what not. That's why there are hardly any shelters for men who are victims of domestic abuse. As if it's a zero sum game and we cannot help everybody.
women tend to use their "emotional' side to process things. ever notice how a woman always talks about how she "feels" about something, and not the actual facts? she "feels" right, so therefore you're wrong. any of you guys that's been in a serious relationship know that you can't argue logic with women, they only FEEL like it's your fault.... so it is.
anti-gun is anti-logic. it's the emotional outrage that happens when you shoot a bunch of kids. women FEEL like they need to do SOMETHING, and guns are an easy thing to blame. looking deeper and comparing real numbers and statistics is hard..... living in an emotional echo-chamber of outrage is easy.
that's my take on it anyway. maybe I'm way off, but I've read that neurologists can tell between male and female by looking at brain scans because of how differently their brains work from ours.
>Why are women more likely to be for gun control?
Socially, guns, shooting, and hunting aren't something girls are usually exposed to when they're young. That's the #1 reason. More likely to be apathetic about it because they have no stake in it, other than fearmongering.
I don't think they are for more gun control innately, but they are also generally more interested in all the other policies that left-wing governments push.
There's a biological impetus to look for other people to care for them, and people are now conditioned from childhood to look to the government for protection and leadership. It's now more socially acceptable to have children outside of a stable monogamous relationship, and it's now common for people to wait until they're well into adult life to get married.
100 years ago a girl would be protected by her family, and when she married the majority of that responsibility would be passed on to her husband. Now, women aren't getting married until their late 20s, spending 5-10 formative years in which they're discovering how they fit into the adult world with no immediate protector or provider. Women are well aware that they're physically vulnerable to men with ill intent, and have tons of risks associated with having children, and so now they have to look for sources of patronage. Governments that promise to keep them secure with state-funded child care, education, access to birth control, and employment insurance, etc. regardless of whether the woman is married or not offer a lot of incentives.
While there is little evidence that gun control legislation creates a safer environment, left-wing curtails personal rights to self defence in order to create a void to be filled with larger police forces, surveillance bodies, expanded bureaucratic agencies etc. to hedge that left-wing party in future elections, since it ensures a larger percentage of the population is working on government dime (voting to keep their job).
This. Women are more likely to be emotional men are more likely to be logical. Unless said man is a "numale"
If it's just because they are more emotional than men, then why not demand other things? Why gun control specifically?
Probably because "Mother" is a more powerful emotional word than father.
>mother is a more powerful emotional word than father
What? Explain where you got that idea.
I couldn't tell you for sure, but if you believe that women are naturally reliant on others, it would make sense that they support gun control because they are told to by politicians and celebrities.
>hail satan
The government did. As politicians started pandering to women we drifted further and further towards socialism. I mean, look at the NFA, and prohibition, and countless other social issues that no reasonable man would ever think the government should concern itself with.
>implying they don't
Shit like Prohibition and the modern welfare state were built on women's votes.
Tfw when you will never forge your own destiny.
Honestly, it's anectodal.
Mother has always been used in more emotional ways it seems like.
>why not demand other things?
dude, look around you and tell me women aren't constantly demanding something from the men around them. they're also at the heart of nearly every social issue and vote for social change, 3rd wave feminism, the regressive left, SJWs, revisionists that try to re-write history, the list goes on and on.
but i think gun control specifically is because of dead kids. women get crazy emotional about that shit, because they can't think of it as facts or numbers. like with most things, they only see it from their own perspective
>those kids are dead
>but if they were MY kids
>omg I FEEL like this is so terrible
>how do those mothers FEEL
>i can't imagine how I would FEEL about it
>i'll do something about it
>that will make me FEEL better
chicks man. side note, I really think that most people that are anti-gun are trying to do what they think is right. hearts in the right place and all that.... just misguided, mislead, lied too.
Because they believe when police are called they will simply rise out of the floor terminator style and save them. Only women from the country know better then to depend on law enforcement if some asshole if threatening them.
I called police on someone entering my neighbors garage at 11:30 at night and they didn't show for over an hour, all it took was me yelling across the street with a flashlight to send them running, I yelled GET ON THE GROUND and the guy ran like the flash out the side door and down the alley.
Go fight ISIS, user. Be the hero we deserve.
Because if men could take a pill to destroy their sperm rather than have invasive surgery, how would you baby-anchor them?
Want proof of women supporting baby anchoring? Sweden is pushing for 'male abortion' or rather for the man to be able to say 'i relinquish all parental rights and responsibility and do not want this child' and feminists are furious.
>Remove man from the equation
>The state becomes the man
I guess that would explain why support for statism has been getting increasingly prevalent in North America.
Because it takes away their one excuse of "being overpowered".
Which is funny because the Swedish state will just pay for the kid anyways.
>you still pay child support in a sense
>for all the kids
>micro-a'cuck'ssions on a national scale
I think this phenomenon is interesting. You would think the biggest group that has the most too gain would be pro fun. A 90 lbs woman and a 200 lbs man in a fight pretty much always goes to the man. Throw a Glawk brand Glawk between them and the outcome changes significantly. Why do our sisters hate us /k?
Because the 'empowered women' live in gated white communities in the suburbs.
One rape and she'll change her turn fast but alas, Jamall gets confused when streets aren't numbered.
For the most part they operate on emotion and feelings.
I wouldn't be so quick to place all the blame on your average woman.
Moms Demand Action, now known as Everytown for Gun Safety in conjunction with Mayors Against Illegal Guns, is a Jew-run organization that is cleverly disguised as a former grassroots movement.
Not surprisingly, Bloomberg is a close associate of Feinstein
So /pol it hurts
What I am saying is I have rarely if ever seen any sort of campaign that really embraces the fact that the firearm is the great equalizer. We could use the same emotionalism everyone is crying about ITT to mobilize women to our cause but we are so caught up in a boy's club mentality for the most part I'm surprised women aren't more against 2A.
It's not Sup Forums to suggest someone shielded from violence her whole life suddenly having it thrusted upon her would change her views fast when it comes to 'why don't they just call the police?"
It took me being mugged to become pro-gun. It's an experience I don't wish on anyone but I know a lot of people who could use that awakening.
This is why you should date pro-fun trannies because at least we love our guns and our trump.
cisgirls are cancer, just get a glorious transgirl who will help you take care of your funs
Those "Moms" who lead the organizations upper echelon structure demanding gun bans sure do rub their hands together a lot and have awfully large noses.
Implying all white women live in gated communities is pretty fucking /pol
I live in CA and personally have found the best vaccine for anti2a bs is a range trip. I've taken black women, Chinese china men and women, an airsofting gay Armenian, and enough Philippinoes to sink the boat that got their parents here.The only antigunners that after a day at the range have not straight up told me their minds were changed were Chinese women. and their male counterparts spoke on their behalf as I have learned they are apt to do. We need to market our innately enjoyable hobby in a way That shows how empowering weapons can be. I'll echo the pissoffedness I see on /k a lot when people talk about some asshole handing a chick a 12 gauge for her first time out giving her no instruction and then laughing when she pulls the trigger and flips. We should be preaching the benefits of women with firearms not crying when they vote against us. That's how democracy works folks.
I didn't say all white women, i said all 'empowered' women. Which are the types who post on facebook bitching about wage gaps and other myths during work hours, complain about the children, etc.
Only mentioned race when talking about the gated communities they hen up in.
Those people exist but I see as much antigun doublespeak in poor communities as I do in middle (quickly disappearing) class neighborhoods. Surprisingly rich people all seem to have at least 2-3 guns wether they are for or against them publicly. Regardless what I am saying is that Socioeconomics shouldn't be the linch pin that determines whether a person can exercise their right to bear arms. The more we act like it is the less we do for ourselves.
>implying Moms Demand Action is women
>implying it's not Micheal Bloomberg
Oh, and if you mention Fienstien, she has a decent reason to be antigun. Not to mention that the same reason is why she's a senator.
because they make decisions based on emotions not logic. also they are more likely to have no experience or knowledge about guns, and fall for whatever shitmongering lies the gun control political agenda faggots push out
Are you really defending anyone who is antigun, especially fienstien? Also op never specified mda
it did, but I'd tell you to look towards the actual root of women's suffrage and blame that: Methodism, specifically shit like the temperance movement, etc.
the Methodists were really concerned with how society (specifically health and income equality) was developing in the industrial age of the late 1800s, and are really the root cause of all American pseudo-leftism prior to legit commies coming in and wrecking shit.
so yeah, Methodism is the root of the issue -- suffrage is just a result of them being a problem.
>especially fienstien
You have to realize that she became a senator only because of George Muscone and Harvey Milk dying in front of her.
>Well better blame the guns of course
god shes a stupid bitch. Shes royally cucked my state
But you're missing the point. It's not about the guns; it's about the easy boogyman.
I know, thats what I'm pissed about, she picked the scapegoat instead of really addressing the issues that cause the assassinations
because most women are already protected by men.
Men are their tool for self defense, while guns are men's tool for self defense.
This is also why the "penis=guns" argument is used by gungrabbers. They see self defense as a masculine trait, which is why they will not take part of it, and why some view men taking an active part in it as compensating for their lack of masculinity.
most females live in a state of delusion where violence upon them is practically unthinkable, the government really can take care of all of their needs, and physical tools made of wood and steel are worthless because they have no personal use for them.
Found the manchildren idiots
The actual reasons is that women care for their children above all, rather than muh pewpew.
Hopefully you guys will reach that point soon if you dare leaving the basement.
There are women that care for their children and teach them about guns user. Or were. My mother taught me to shoot.
My mother taught me the truth about guns.
They kill.
And then we eat deer.
>they kill
yeah, fuck those water bottles and tin cans
>care for their children
Is that why they'd rather be without a gun or any other "scary" weapons? It's all media spin bull shit people eat up. Western civilization is doomed at this point.
My mom is against gun control, but she still thinks automatic firearms should stay banned. She taught me how to shoot and gave me two guns for my birthdays. Sooo...
exception, meet rule
Because men are more likely to be into the hobby.
Or have been taken out by dad hunting.
They put feelings before logic. This is why female politicians are shit. This is why female bosses are shit. This is why equality will ruin us.
You can't reprogram women to think critically and leave emotions aside.
I bet she was taught that by her father.
>Implying there can be quality conversations about anything related to guns on Sup Forums including gun control
yeah nah go fuck yourself
Tell the mods, they're the one that made the rule Or leave for hotwheelschan, where nobody posts
Broad generalizations.
Yes, female bosses are generally shit. I own a resturant, and while i have 3 male managers, i do have one female. She is a stone cold bitch when it comes to my standards and does her job phenomenally. The guys cut more breaks to the employees than she does.
She WILL be my GM at our my new location.
You only feel like that because your on top of the food chain. The other 2 managers you have who don't treat their underling employees like worthless dogs probably have the best employee effectiveness and retention not to mention are probably less likely to shoot up the place.
My wife is a big gun control freak, also.
> there is a bit of dirt left behind your 1911 ejector, user. look at mine. clean
> I do not buy a gun without having seen and tested it.
It's a mixture of traditional womem role/place in society(guns are for boys) and modern one (who needs guns anyway)
Because women like safety, even if it's a false feeling of safety. It's part of their maternal instinct.
>She is a stone cold bitch when it comes to my standards and does her job phenomenally.
have you ever tried not being the highest ranking boss in the place? you cant act that way if youre male, especially toward females because they will break down crying if a male expects them to pull their own weight. then not only do you have a worthless crying female being paid to do nothing until she calms down, youve got a room full of males that are pissed at you for it and youve probably ruined your effectiveness with that girl. girls can get away with treating other girls and guys like shit to get the job done.
i promise you, she will let you down when youre not constantly looking over her shoulder to make sure shes not taking advantage of her position.