That's right. You filthy CABBAGE NIGGERS HAVE FUCKED WITH THE EU BULL FOR THE LAST TIME. BITE THE FUCKING CURB. +35% on cabbage, +35% on BMWs, +35% on ciggies, +35% on golabkis and potato pancakes.
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Just according to keikaku.
The EU was a mistake
say goodnight, niggers!
I have a feeling that the EU is going to lead to post-Cold Waresque levels of European girls flooding the US to become Strippers and sex workers like the Russian women did. As long as we don't get even more cuck'd with Hillary.
Poland makes most of that herself and BMWs, cigs they get for cheap from Belaruse and Russia
good luck pooland
>Broken EU pushes Poland away
>Russia makes a new friend
When you start attacking your fellow union members and allies, you know something is wrong.
Oh, I tremble in fear. What a fucking joke. They can't do anything at all. Any sanctions have to be approved by all of the members and Orban, has said that he will never agree on any sanctions for Poland. It's good to be bros with Hungary.
Polexit when?
>Broken EU pushes Poland away
>Russia makes a new friend
I hope you are joking. Poles hate Russia, russians more than anything in this world.
Orban isnt the only one, not a single member state will support sanctions on Poland for no other reason than electing a government the EU doesnt like.
If you think our current government doesn't participate in pathetic spineless backroom deals and sucking up to mutti merkel than you have a whole lot coming to you son.
Probably we would exit around 2020 when the money pool dries out, but I think EU will collapse much sooner.
At least you are not deluded like most of the people in the West.
Maybe, but I wouldn't count on this. If there is one thing we've learned from WWII it's that our country don't really have friends in the West. There are only interests.
Join the dark side, polak. Fuck the EUSSR and american new world order, let the hate flow through you veins. We'll give you Lithuania and Lwow.
Will the New Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth drive the muslims out of Europe like they did so long ago?
Don't listen to this faggot Poland. All he can really offer you is Vodka and cheap whores.
>finally back in Poland
Where do I sign?
Hard to be deluded when you even pay a modicum of attention. Unfortunately no one seems to be paying attention anymore, let alone trying to create a comprehensive understanding of the world. I browse rebbit for news too and they continuously keep shitting on the Polish government despite the fact they are doing the EXACT same things as the previous government sometimes. Disgusting pseudo intellectuals with their moral "high ground' communicating solely with zingers.
Personally I would pick based Putin over any current western leader, the problem is that 95% of our society is russophobic as fuck
At least your politicians sort of pretend to have some sovereignty left. Outs pretty much lost their spines decades ago and we are a puppet state full of yes men.
>implying its russian to give.
Dont listen to him, poland. I will give you the entire Canada if you instead go the Intermarium route.
>that gif
thanks m8
>Europe starts sanctioning itself.
They won't do anything against us. To sanction any country they need consensus and based Oban will veto everything.
they can just vote to join russia then the nukes murica hid in poland that they are not giving back will be russias
Good luck Poland, the enemy of my enemy is my friend
Well information is the key. People need to spread truth about things and it will slowly sink in and turn them to the right side.
I don't know too much about Poland.
Could it stand on its own by now, economically? How good is education in Poland nowadays?
As much as I admire Putin, Russia struggles with a lot of shit and I'm not that sure if it will stay strong for a long time.
EU is dead and will be dismantled within 10 years.
>litening to lying media and lying EU pigs
hahaha and nothing of value happened after that.
The US federal government was explicitly given powers over interstate commerce just so state's would fuck each other over to the detriment of the Union. It seems the EU is taking a different approach with that power.
>implying we buy BMW instead of just stealing it
nice try germcucks
Russians thrive on adversity, don't underestimate them
so why should they stay in?
>on it's own
It's still part of the visegrad group
They need unanimous agreement of the leaders of the member countries (excluding the country in question of course) to impose any sanctions.
Which is funny because Orbán said he'll veto any kind of sanctions against Poland.
Fuckin catchy, m8
More than Germany?
V4 first
Intermarium in the future
We don't need east nor west to build an empire.
reminds me of a joke: come visit poland, your car is already there!
>implying Ukraine is a real country
>implying it should not be partitioned between Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia
>Poland willingly and freely joins EU in 2004
>Whines about EU
Makes sense.
You know why russians steal two cars in Germany? Cause they have to go back through Poland.
Poland's leadership is fucking retarded to openly mess with the rule of law. They have hundreds of smarter alternatives to implement their dream of an Europe friendly dictatorship. Look at Hungary, for fucks sake. They do it much more low key. Why can't you do that too, Poland?
Don't worry. With such stellar record EU soon will make number one on that list.
Check out our economic growth numbers.
Who is the fag now?
You can just leave guys, then when the EU collapses you can say you caused it and be the hero in the history books again
This, based magyars
How ironic that Germany, now obsessed with multiculturalism and diversity in an effort to make up for their genocidal past, are now using their influence to try and effect the slow genocide of Poland (by mass immigration, which we all know is the ultimate point of this condemnation).
>Poland willingly and freely joins EU in 2004
The shit that is going on in EU right now wasn't a part of the deal, mong.
Nah. We will take EU money till it collapses and then laugh when it does because we don't use Euro.
My grandfather and his son were killed by russians for speaking out against communism, dragged through the streets like garbage then mangled bodies thrown into the sea. Russias wounds are still fresh Poland will never ally with those fags
I feel like Americans don't understand how hard the EU tanked.
They went from "kind of good in some cases I guess" to "the absolute worst thing that happened to Europe so far" over like, 7 years or so.
>Luxembourg in high growth
So that's where juncker is sending all that EU moneys
who would have thought that poland would be the last bastion of hope for europe
More like it.
Exit Pol when?
>Russias wounds are still fresh Poland will never ally with those fags
Russians != Russian Government.
Still, Smoleńsk tragedy is still in our memories.
Only Russia as a country but like Russians
you must be one desperately diluted polak if you think this will ever realistically happen
stop reading fiction novels like the next 100 years, or listening to your burger advising shill brezhinski
>Poland and Russia teaming up
>things that will never happen
Pick two.
This, really the mistake is the losers in europe electing morons to positions of power instead of real leaders.
b-but I thought sweden was gonna be 3rd world tier by 2030
The eastern border looks better. It would be easier to protect the wall on that border.
M8 I'm ready what do I need to sign to join
It's more than EU and USA can offer us desu
As soon as Germany collapses it will happen no prob. They are the only thing keeping this "union" afloat and right now they are trying to commit a suicide.
when you were at rock bottom before you joined, you can only go up
a nigger thing to do, but a clever nigger thing none the less. I loled, keep being underhanded pol bro
>Russians thrive
The only time Russia thrived was when the majority of their nations population was outside Russia.
Don't back the wrong horse m8...
If they keep spending 1 billion Euros on immigrants every year, no amount of economic growth will save them.
I don't. It's just that there is like 145 millions of them in Russia and like 120 millions of chinks in a small region south of Vladivostok.
>As soon as Germany collapses it will happen no prob.
We might turn Muslim but we will never collapse. The only thing that will happen is your asses getting jihaded
>Give you lithuania
Nice joke, you drunk bydlo motherfucker. Our army alone could take your little pathetic country in a SINGLE DAY.
That has something to do with the fact that we had communism before that. Also, Germany still have not paid us for the WWII.
I will save this pic for the day your asses get invaded
After all, we are the niggers of Europe.
Nothing would happen because they need the votes of all countries to sanction Poland and Hungary already said they won't do it.
They can go fuck themselves. Poles are pissed more at EU with every day and POLout is closing with every single shit like this.
sick burn, but the slav is tough
This does nothing but buff the V4, enjoy the eternal cucking of the CIA lords.
I'm just trying to imagine what kind of fucked up shit needs to happen for this alliance to become a reality.
Maybe something on the scale of WW3
can you stop blaming others for being a failure?
Muslim countries that don't have oil are soo good at keeping their economies afloat.
Who sold us to USSR!?
Our elites who opposed that got shot in the back of their heads.
It's like they want the EU to fall.
>Also, Germany still have not paid us for the WWII.
Maybe you can collect directly from greece.
Enemy of my enemy is my friend
Remember that cuck
>his son
His son Ja'kwon
Go on Germany, invade them again you cucked pieces of shit
>give third rate politicians who were kicked out of their own country power over 500 million people
>they are retarded and mismanage the whole thing
Golly this whole EU business is falling apart! How unexpected that this happened.