If Sup Forums was to start their own country what are the rules?
If Sup Forums was to start their own country what are the rules?
No blacks.
No whites.
This desu.
No jews
Ban niggers
no tattoos/body modifications
No men.
There should be an IQ requirement.
Mischling test and whatnot
No Americans
No gays
No vegetarians
and definitely no commies
Anything else?
no fat chicks
No Australians
No French and no blacks
no atheist cucks
no normies
minimum IQ of 100
no STDs
at least 2% neandertal DNA
not an argument
No commies
no one who is carrier of hereditary diseases should be allowed
die of beaties
and the like
but im afraid the population would be reduced to 20 people..
No sjw
2 genders and thats it
Women have no vote
Only white
Minimum IQ of 100
No leftists
Death sentence
Etc etc
The only difficult thing to decide is who will hold the power. Ideally it's more akin to communism, since in theory thats pretty valid, but as practice shows its actually not. I guess some kind of democracy is possible since we have eliminated every retarded person
Constitution of Sup Forums-country:
I. You are not welcome, nor will you ever be
II. Fun is not allowed, nor will it ever be
III. Go away and never return
No niggers, no arabs, no negros. etc.
Constitutional Monarchy
no niggers
no kikes
no muslims
no jews
no communists
no socialists
>Women have no vote
very important
Whites only and might is right after that there's no need for other rules
who gets to be the king?
traditional values and hierarchies will be a necessity. women are without a doubt incapable of looking after their own well-being
Jesus, King of Kings
No liquid jew / No preservative
Who will clean the loos?
OP isn't allowed to step foot in the country
Don't forget Pepe
No blacks. No jews. No asiens. No marxists. No homos. No whores.
Only respectable people.
Sausage fest
Being anti safe sex is like being anti electricity. It's thoroughly and inexcusably retarded.
Also, the pol country will need a wall. You'll build it.
Every 18 year old should be in the army or do state service for 5-8 years. After that you'll get a basic income for the rest of your live. This is mandatory for everyone who wants to immigrate, optional for citizens (if you opt out you want get the basic income, or any benefits whatsoever). Giving birth (no anchor babies) would also satisfy the conditions.
There are two currencies. The basic income is paid in a state controlled currency. You can only use it to buy basic things like food, pay your rent, etc. No luxury items. The second one is backed by gold/silver and unregulated. The state does not interferer with markets where this currency is used, except for criminal matters like Counterfeit, false advertising (selling stuff as food that is actually poison or something like that), etc.
The state gets money for the 5-8 years of work everyone has to do and tariffs.
>basic income
Into the trash it goes, leftist scum.
basic income is shit
We are trying to create incentive here not parasites
I would make it in the constituion that improvement of human genetic traits through the promotion of higher rates of sexual reproduction for people with desired traits (positive eugenics), or reduced rates of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with less-desired or undesired traits (negative eugenics), or both in order to create the best citizens be something very important to us.
There would be a strict goverment program to improve mental and physical health of every citizen.
We want the best citizens only.
There would be a really high standard to achiving citizenship that would require high IQ scores, good fitness etc.
It would be a constitutional republic but with mandatory conscription since we'd have to defend ourselves from globalist kikes trying to ruin our purity.
No alochol, weed, tobacoo and other degenerate substances that ruin our systems.
Prisoners will be either used for manual labor or expelled if deemed useless, we don't need to kill them desu.
Freedom of the speech is okay as long as you don't work against the constituion.
You only get the basic income if you do 8 years of military/state service.
And, yeah i forgot: Politicians are not allowed to earn more money than the basic income.
no fat chicks
Borders are closed, so no importing of unnecessary problems.
Also a justice system that goes by intention of the law, not by precise wording (with a jury). Because fuck all those slimy assholes who are perfectly aware that they are violating the law in spirit, just not in exact wording.
No Sand monkeys
>leftist scum
You know that Milton Friedman amongs others was a big advocate of a basic income?
The idea has support across all of the political spectrum - if for different reasons.
How would we generate money? You can't live on memes. Or can you?
What happens when your oh-so-benevolent government inevitably becomes corrupt? You are literally handing them power over your dick.
You read it wrong retard, preservative (prevent food decomposition).
Also, we don't need a wall because we are going to have a totalitarian police state.
One rule more the new Sup Forums state, english official language.
obviously hookers and black jack
>Copy Constitution.
>Only this time limit immigration much more severely.
We can be a tax haven
No laws. Laws are a social construct set up by those in power to oppress the right to do anything you want.
i wouldn't live on an island with you raging faggots
Most probably.
>we are going to have a totalitarian police state.
What will be the attitude of the police towards alcohol, drugs, prostitution and gambling?
Really depends on the context. It would definitely enable people to be more independent and try to build up their own little company rather than just slaving away in some cubicle, especially if the currencies always stay divided - i.e. your basic needs like food and shelter are secure and nothing can touch that.
The main problem with basic income are morons, but since it's Sup Forumstopia you'd probably have Anons shooting everyone who even remotely looks like a moron anyway.
>Black jack
I think you mean Aryan jack
the hardest part of Sup Forums for me to understand is the contradiction of Sup Forums.
the place on the internet that actually allows anonymous free speech is full of guys who would prefer to have zero freedom of thought and speech. if Sup Forums ruled a community, everyone would be forced to be a fundamentalist christian and free thought would be punished harshly.
makes you wonder if humans are just doomed by their overestimation of their intelligence. the average Sup Forumstard has about as much logical ability as a the parents of a dindu after he was shot while aiming a gun at a cop.
Only whites.
Males under 5'10" would be executed
Enjoy getting murdered and stolen from.
>do fucking 8 years of military service after becoming an adult
Yeah, you need a basic income, because you're not getting a job after you get out of the military with no education.
*whole country dies*
>the place on the internet that actually allows anonymous free speech is full of guys who would prefer to have zero freedom of thought and speech.
For everyone else, you mean.
I don't mind if someone has a different opinion from me - I just think that the opinion of commies, open border tards and the likes is worthless because it has already been proven time and time again by history that it is a fucking retarded idea.
So I would build a system that tries to avoid going back to failed ideologies instead of trying to come up with better ones.
>muh Friedman
He said it would be better than the current system but he was against a welfare state in general.
- No niggers
- No Muslims
- White people only
- No gays or trannies
- Suspected cucks or SJWs will be sent to a prison and redpilled until changed. If this doesn't fix them they will be dropped off in Syria.
- Rap music created beyond 2008 is forbidden
- Women must not cut their hair shorter than shoulder length
- Mandatory that you have 3 white children once married
- Retarded children detected during pregnancy will be aborted
Those who are disabled and cannot work must be euthanized.
Those who are disabled but can work in one way or another are not euthanized, but cannot reproduce.
Hard-working blacks allowed. No tolerance for nigger/anti-social behaviour from any ethnicity.
Harsher prison sentences for blacks to prevent a nigger epidemic.
Utilities, infrastructure and transport are state-owned.
5 years Nation Service starting at 16 years old.
Jews are not allowed to hold positions of authority and/or power.
Strict immigration policy with minimum IQ of 100 to even be considered for entry.
Only accept immigrants from first-world countries.
Islam is banned.
Women cannot vote or hold positions of authority and/or power.
Are you guys 15 years old
>Utilities, infrastructure and transport are state-owned.
>5 years Nation Service starting at 16 years old.
>Hard-working blacks allowed
none whatsoever
1: Nobody from Sup Forums is allowed in
2: You have to have an IQ above 110, making rule number 1 practically irrelevant
extremely and if there are kids from a union father gets auto custody.women must be shackled slaves rest of their lives if they want to leave kids.If they want to fuck other dudes they can but husband will get 75% fee for her now endentured whoring in the local brothel.
It's not anti-free speech/thought.
A lot of the things people are opposed to on here, whether it be niggers and muslims, regressive leftist ideas, etc.. are objectively bad and well proven to be shitty and nothing but hindrances to society for the most part.
We have to genocide whichever race is there currently.
Why no to to those two?
There hard-working blacks but they are rare. Harsher sentences for black crime will stop nigger epidemic like the US have.
Sup Forums isn't anti-free speech, it just supports the restriction of it. Leftists have freedom of speech and they destroy societies.
>strict immigration policy
Who the fuck would want to live there? Enjoy your NK 2.0. Fag.
You see a broad that gets your dick hard, feel free to masturbate while looking at her.
Until a crime is commited against you. Anarchists are the cancer of a civilised society.
>are objectively bad
Sup Forums is pro-christianity and violently anti-atheist. about as far from objectivity as one can get.
No Canadians goes without saying.
Only Trumps.
Pretty simple to be honest. Keep the Population low.
If it is small enough so everyone knows everyone, social controll will take care of things.
I dont't care that this way we probably won't go to the moon but it would be a comfy life.
Sorry but that would actually violate my rights to living in a system of no laws so it wouldn't happen.
kek, criminals don't give a shit about your rights
low IQ retard spotted
wtf?you a terminal nequebeard and faggot?
The other problems will take care of themselves
Too many individuals vying for power.
Not enough oppurtunity for lower classes to improve social standing.
Revolution is absolutely guaranteed.
shit-tier ideology
Whites only, monarchy and no degeneracy.
been there.
>revolution is absolutely guaranteed
The soldiers of my house would beg to differ.
It's not like the rabble would be shoeing horses or farming all day. Some would work in offices others I'm factoies, some would be doctors. The only difference is the King and his council rule and every man swears fealty to a house and the King.
How can you guarantee that if all the money flows upwards
you must be a cucklord to be a gain citizenship
>every man swears fealty to a house and the King.
threads like this make me wish we all were forced to make videos of ourselves spouting our nonsense. I'd love to see what you look like.
I went there in the early 00s. Got soaking wet baggy jeans from walking across that path as the tide came in. I hope this has been an interesting story.
>- Women must not cut their hair shorter than shoulder length
This is very important