some poor refugee wanted to take home 2 free bottles of wine
racists german neighborhood watch puts him in his place
some poor refugee wanted to take home 2 free bottles of wine
racists german neighborhood watch puts him in his place
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I really, really, really, really, really hope things escalate soon.
Pop shit off user. I've got hundreds of AR lowers I'm waiting to ship you guys. Russia's willing to send in hardware and probably boots on the ground. Don't think you're alone and don't think you'll be disarmed for too long. Too much interest involved in your country, in pretty much all European countries.
You're really desperate for attention aren't you?
All it Takes is one Person to make the change
The more people realize and see that there is a fighting chance and that there are still germans with balls
The better
So bump
Fourth Reich when
I feel sorry for the shitskin having to drink Netto wine.
What type of trouble would get into legally if you went out and beat up a migrant in Germany?
Yes, yes!
Go fight the muslims! Save your women!
Ne Ahnung welcher Dialekt das ist ?
Depends how hard you beat him up. Up to 10 years if he like has permanent damage like losing his eyes etc.
Maybe even imply they tried to kill him? Up to 15.
start lifting Sup Forums, ratonnade bientôt
Depends on your skin color.
Do the majority of fights over there get reported?
The same as in your country I think
Also just going and punching people without reason is not cool
The guy in the video was
>gibs me dat
>Pay up sir please
>Nein gibs me dat
>more dialog not going anywhere
>german heroes arrive and take him out
>he gets violent
>they answer
Also with the amount of witnesses there
The german guys would be jail free
soon :)
There is already a thread up about this
Next time check the catalog, schwuchtel
That's the number of police officers in germany in every state. What do you think how they can control 82 million people....
Please uncuck yourselves Germany. H&K should be doing some more business right about now.
Yeah, I know the decent migrants don't deserve it but it looks to me that most are obnoxious assholes. You don't ever get the urge to go out with your friends to just fight some of the obnoxious migrants?
>Es ist schon schade dass man eine Bürgerwehr braucht
This can´t be germany this must be Bayern.
Das Feuer steigt auf!
or Ostdeutschland
I want to come over to Germany and start fights with migrants. That would be fun.
Just do it no one would stop you
So I take it you've done this before?
that's saxony, right?
what kind of supermarket is this?
My town have no police in the night and the next station is 1 hour away so yes you can do what you want and no one would do anything against it. You can go to a town with a shitskin camp and burn it down.
I do too. I lived in Germany full time from 2009-2011, and during the summer months from 2012-2013. I missed the whole refugee flood, but even back then the only time that I was ever threatened or challenged to a fight was fucking kanaker asshole turks. And I know a few Americans and Germans from back then who would have definitely been down to start a street patrol, or sabotage the migrant center that they're building in the bucolic old town I lived in. But for now all I can do is watch from across the ocean. Keep up the fight, Deutschland bleibt Frei brudis.
looks like a Netto
Yeah, that shit sounds fun. I live in Michigan and we've gotten into fights with middle easterners in Kalamazoo MI before. They're loud but, not that tough.
Wow you Europeans sure are thin!
Always in a group and if they are alone they're just little pussys right...?
Are you proud to be fat or what?
It was sarcasm since you guys always call us Amerifats and in every single video I see of Europeans you all look like fat bags of saggy shit.
well take your fucking country back, MErkel needs to be literally thrown out of office.
Everybody over here is always in a group. You guys just need to form gangs but don't do the uniformed neonazi look. Just dress and act normal but vow to watch eachothers back and practice boxing with eachother.
what does the girl say at the end? Something about 'damage' or 'shame'?
But I thought that all refugees were good muslims who don't drink and smoke, why did he want a bottle of wine if he truly is a good muslim?
Glorious Germany.
No planned shitskin centres near me and no migrants yet, so I've not had any chance to do something like this. only a matter of time.
Dude it was all old people. Their was one old lady that was a little heavy and one 50ish old man with a potbelly but that's normal at that age.
These are our future doctors and engineers goy!
Haha, I liked how they just came in and took that nigga America style.
Chop his fucking hand off, that's what they want isn't it?
the way they handled it was surprisingly professional, until the rapefugee started to fight
You realize that this is racist as fuck? Why would they manhandle him like that? If he was white they wouldn't have done that.
God damn sand niggers, Michigan is full of them. It seems like every corner you turn there is a new temple being built.
Then he'd better wear make-up the nest time he plans on robbing a store, yea?
I just reported this post to the proper Belgian authorities.
Dont act rash now, I'm like literally a minor.....
I live on the west side of the state. We have more mexicans. I only know one macedonian muslim family but they don't even practice it really.
Arnsdorf, Saxony
I'm ok with Mexicans, most I know are harworking people. Except when I went to cali most of those are lazy illegals
The majority where I live are mostly good people. Believe it or not it's the mexican families that have been here the longest that are the worst. It's like they're trying to prove who they are.
Damn ya'll niggas must really fucked up...
>"Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country. Germany is Germany," he laughed. "There are so many."
>I've got hundreds of AR lowers I'm waiting to ship you guys
Nice try ATF
I creamed my pants
when can I join a neighbourhood watch and beat moors?
It's not """""stealing""""" though. I have witnessed myself how some fugee said "Merkel is gon pay fo dat" at the checkout. They really believe they get everything for free here and we owe them a house, a car and a harem of blonde woman because sandniggers are so awesome. Merkel invited the scummiest scum on earth.
kill them, hans
i got you covered
Nah mate, they try to get it, because they know cops won't come, they know the store clercs can't legally touch them, they know that they can try to annoy them or use a breach i nattention andrun and the store can't do shit. He's just being a dick and is 100% trying to get away with it. The only reason he didn't walk out was the big guy in red.
He also speaks German, so he's probavbly Roma, not Refugee, and he knows the system vell.
>It's sad that we need to rely on a neighborhood watch group
>calling them roma
if he were white he would not have done that
>if he were white he would not have done that
I'm recording all of your posts. Keep it up.
pretty unruly behaviour to be honest. vigilantism is never the answer. these people should have called the police
IDK what they are m8ey
It just looks like either a scruffy Afghani teen or a Roma cunt, but by the language not a fresh off the boat refugimmedats
Stop it, these are just jokes. Besides, why would he go to a store and grab stuff if he has no intention of paying.
Fritz bringing the bantz.
You realize that isn't racist considering that they would have done that if he were white.
In fact, he probably would have been shot by the cops and not even been mentioned on the news because white privilege.
>Fucking nigger detected
>In fact, he probably would have been shot by the cops and not even been mentioned on the news because white privilege.
This is fucking Germany you idiot burger.
oh you
The he definitely would have been man handled and thrown into prison without preservation of dignity.
> You're still a nigger
>What type of trouble would get into legally if you went out and beat up a migrant in Germany?
In this case, I would not expect anyone to get into trouble. A few cops would probably snicker after seeing the video.
>a racist
>can't read
>doesn't green text properly
Nigger really has nothing to do with race, it means something or someone that is useless or lazy. Only Blacks think nigger has anything to do with race.
Technically they assaulted him, even if the whole store applauded them it vould be asssault as they are not legally allowed to do this, and the resulting scuffle would be in their shoes as the immigrant 'only defended himself'. They could preform a citizens arrest (aka holding him on the location) but the cops would come and releasi him and that's that.
Legally, I'm sure they can be jailed. Even pay damages to the thief.
I hope they try and arrest the native Germans for trying to protect their own country.
It will just speed this whole shit show up, bloods gonna run.
You aren't aware of anything are you? Soft soul.
If they do it'll be a media circus against the "neo-nazis" just like the Mike Brown thing, people will look past teh fact that the guy was a thief and make a show out of it. It will win a few more votes for the right and push a few more people over the edge but the vast majority of Europeans will eat it up and the propagandamachine will roll on.
>mfw it will escalate because of 2 fucking bottles of wine and not cologne
Glorious. Glad to see the German people will not be broken by the whims of corrupt politicians once again. Here's to hoping things pick up even more and these criminals are ousted once and for all!
Incidentally, any of you Hans's know how Lübben is faring? Not too many muzzies, I hope.
>bottles of wine
Isn't it haram? What's the punishment for this?
those are big guys..
good job Germany
According to Qu'ran, alcohol is one of the crimes considered crimes against Allah, and thus, the highest crime. Punishable by death.
>Someone tells the employees to call the police and the female one answers that the police was already at the store 2 times that day.
>stealing alcohol
Oh god, this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...
Big guys are waking up.
This vid gave me a boner. Good job Germans put those fucking mudblood rapists in their place.
Only happend in east Germany.
How can Wessis even compete with us?
That gave me a boner.
Keep it up krauts!!
When I lived in germany I saw plent of people in their 60s 70s 80s+ riding bikes up steep inclines like it was nothing
seen genuinely fat people like this is a rarity there
Depends if someone tells the police who did it. They actually have lots of problems finding the guys who are committing the arson attacks on refugee shelters because "nobody has seen anything".
So essentially the same that has been going on in the immigrant ghettos for years.
inb4 everyone involved is arrested and sent to prison for assaulting a poor innocent Muslim.
Tell me pol:
How do you really feel about globalisation, please elaborate? I get the sense that the agenda for globalisation is being pushed by whiny leftists (eg; Merkel, Trudeau, Obama) but I consider America (pre-leftist golden age) to be a microcosm of globalism. It seems to be the unstoppable march but can it be possible to usher it in without "tolerance" and self-defeat as sponsored by George Soros? Is nationalism the only alternative?
>vigilantism is never the answer.
It is when the police is refusing to do their job.
Considering our laughably low punishments for everything that isn't tax evasion it is also the only way how they will get the message.
You mean
But they are the real face of Islam, not those terrorists.