
McDonalds isnt why you are fat.
You're the reason you are fat.



Its a business that sells burgers, no one makes you buy a large combo and an ice cream you fat fucks.


you can eat McDonald's every day and lose weight too. Try explaining portion control to a fat cunt though. EVERY fucking time you get "uh nah its muh genetics and slow metabolism.."

Yes they do. It's why the corporation employs a marketing department and effectively promotes its advertising campaigns.


>advertisements are forcing people to do things
wew lad, you dropped your tinfoil hat.


So do most corporations. Some one begging you to buy a sandwhich is not someone forcing you to



It's still unhealthy and anyone that has ever eaten their shitty food should be stabbed.

McDonalds has the highest lean beef standards in the restaurant industry
>McDonalds just launched a Vegan Burger
It isn't McDonalds Fault you supersize everything and eat there 7 days a week

>he's never eaten anything bad for him
come the fuck on nigga, mcdonalds may be shit but sometimes i'm in the mood for an egg mcmuffin even when i know it's shit. as long as I don't eat one every day what's the harm?

americans are dumb and prefer to eat junk food rather than vegetables and fruits, and mcdonalds gives them what they want

Amerifats playing the victom again wwwwww

Don't defend McDONALD'S Fuck McDONALD'S









same shit?


You're giving money to jews


Burger King > McDonald's

This thread made me hungry
The brainwashing is working


FB-tier logic is so embarrassing.

>Europoors can't afford tasty food
A burger has everything you need. Bread, meat, vegetables(onion, tomatoes, pickles and more) and cheese

>actually believing in this shit

Nothing systematic about it, they do it to them selves


It's true. People didn't used to drink liquid sugar in the past


it isnt like you have healthier choices or anything

>He doesn't know about subsidies.

Fuck YOU


Not like you're forced to eat their shit food as a diet...

That's not the problem. Nobody really cares if some whales dies with a heart attack at the age of 30, the problem is that a huge population of fat are going to increase the cost of healthcare for everyone.

Not to mention the visual pollution and the smell. God, have you ever been near a fat fuck in the summer?

No Fuck McDonalds

... Fat people*

Anyone having a violently hateful opinion like this should be repeatedly butt raped by a nigger with AIDS

>raped by a nigger with AIDS
Are you saying there are niggers without AIDS?


Fuck off landwhale.
Nobody want to hear your fetishes.



o rly?



Go America go.

Eat some grass cocksucker



Also, why would you bitch about McDonalds but not coke? One is far more abundant than the other

She’s big boned, obviously.


Maybe you should stop fucking them and you wouldn't be so fat you fat shit.




You have crawled way too far up your own ass, come back to reality



I work in a nursing home, and one of the things we see a lot of is opioid addiction, diabetes (renal failure too) and obesity.
>have a guy come in late last year
>he’s morbidly obese and has to have the head of his bed elevated and oxygen on at all times or else his fat will smoosh his lungs and he can’t breathe
>on top of all this, he gets easily confused
>dude tries crawling out of bed one day
>scooched his fat ass halfway out of his bed and can’t lay back down
>we have to have 6 people to try and get him back in bed and pull him up
>he’s still pretty far down in the bed and complains of difficulty breathing
>have to enlist the help of gravity, put his head all the way down and feet in the air
>pull him up in bed but he really can’t breathe now
>have to call an ambulance, and then the fire department, plus our six people to get him out of the bed and on to the stretcher
>he died shortly after

Tl;dr fat guy couldn’t breathe because he was so fat, we helped along the process.

what if i eat both?

It's okay
Don't worry user I-I lovee you

Thank you for your story lets hope some people get the message
peace love light to you

i dont need your love tho

reminds me the horror story where this obese landwhale that made whales look annorexic stopped by at the hospital because she was feeling feverish.

>nurses come in
>immediately notices a rancid odor, like something died in the sunlight
>has so much lard roll that nurses had to physically shove out of the way
>suddenly, this black oozy mass appears underneath rolls
>odor super intensifies
>nurses back away in reaction to stronk odor
>some puke even
>turns out the black mass was a dead fetus that has been trapped there for who knows how long
>Planet Ham complains about being hungry and wants to go home.

botched as that story may sound, but that's how I remember reading it.


fuck you faggot


Why does anybody give a shit that these people are slowly killing themselves? How does it affect you? Let fat people die of heart disease let smokers die of lung cancer let alcoholics die of cirrhosis of the liver


Chaosfags btfo


Healthcare gets more expensive.
Fatties demand more "rights". They bring a rancid stench whatever they go, they occupy more space.

Oh is that fucking real ?

Because it's a sub human nigglet?


It doooooeeeeess tho. When these people end up in the hospital, I have to take care of them and listen to their incessant whining about how their restricted diet is just the worst. I have to figure out how to roll them in bed, and reach my hand in between their fat cheeks to wipe their fucking asses. It’s disgusting. Kill yourself by eating like a fucking pig, but make sure you have a family member to take care of you, and don’t come to the hospital. Just accept the fate you have woven for yourself


jesus, just how much fat do you have to have to start storing it on your forehead?

They made bitch about it but usually they have to pay extra for seats in airplanes. A lot of healthcare gives bonuses to healthy people. I know that once a year a friend of mine goes in for a physical and if he's healthier than the average person they give him a deduction. Smokers who get lung cancer have a harder time getting a lung transplant as it should be. I think we can spend more time giving deductions to healthy people rather than giving penalties to fat people

Social health care

even mouthbreathe enough to where they can occupy disabled parking because of their fat.

>semi-unrelated story
>be me
>at walmart, go figure
>at an isle looking for drinks
>spot a melted ice cream cone like thing on a mobility scooter
>tries to reach for junk food on the 2nd to top shelf
>fatty gives up
>Hamlet moves mobility scooter about 6 feet away from a product soon to be victimized
>gets off his fat ass
>holy fuck it's a miracle
>walks toward item to grab
>could've sworn i've seen items lean toward him like a gravity field
>walks back to scooter
>scooter damn near collapses/breaks apart underneath the immense weight
>made second thoughts about buying stuff for today.

McDonald's isn't evil.
They are providing a popular service at a low price.
If you don't like eating there don't.
If you don't like other people eating there too bad.
If you think the food they serve is a danger to the public then pass a law.

aggressive marketing doesn't force anyone to do anything


Why hate?
I helps me became my true form