I'm bored and want to have a semi serious conversation...

I'm bored and want to have a semi serious conversation, iam a correction officer in nyc if you have any questions ask away 100% honesty answers

You ever kill anyone?

Can you come arrest me and "correct" me a little for a day? You know. Just for fun.

you ever see a shanking go down?
do you or other officers supply drugs to prisoners?
who really runs the prison?
anyone ever escape?

What are your thoughts on De Blasio and Cuomo

How often do you beat the tar out of the prisoners or do they now allow that anymore?

Yes I've seen 4 trinitarians go after a blood member with blades me and my partner sprayed them with a mk4 it was terrifying

They are complete faggots that gave control of the prison to the gang members

how often do you use illegal interrogation methods, like you did in the case of Malthe Thomsen? the danish citizen that won a case against your department?

Some Co s bring stuff in but its not worth it with all the cameras civilians bring in the rest like during inmate visits