Traps are gay

Traps are gay

Other urls found in this thread:




So what?











Thats a weird way to say trap thread



>boy titties
>not boi tiddies
its like the author wanted it to sound stupid







Why is the dick of a blonde haired, blue eyed white man so fucking dark?

How can I know? I'm not a fag (no homo)

its more masculine that way, goyim



Secondary sex characteristics of men who fully go through puberty. It's common for the skin around that area to grow darker with age, unless you've got some form of stunted growth or low test

A pale cock is a good indicator that a guy is a naturally inclined butt slut btw


Sauce for these?

Shoes keep changing color, gay.

>Boner killed

FFS user, I was enjoying that!

Cody (don't know the artist, found him on traphentai reddit). Sorry don't know artist

Thank good sir

No worries.
You're the man.






So you're a giant faggot




u mean fag thread

No way!




Wheres the rest?




That all I found








what a stupid fucking thing to say...must be a retard


fuuuck that's hot

Perhaps you should read the article you reference and then if you are able to comprehend the information, you might be able to understand why you are such a stupid mother fucker.
Pro Tip: color of your dick skin is not a secondary sex characteristic