The last thing you fapped to that wasn't porn

The last thing you fapped to that wasn't porn.
Hoping to maybe find some new shit that makes me diamond-like.

ib4 edgy- 'i fap to dead dogs' bullshit. Get that shit outahere.

(pic entirely relevant- see above)



Well fuck...I'm not showing mine until you show yours.

I did do.

Nudists aren't really porn.

True. They've been one of my go to faps for about 20 years though... Since I was a wee wanker!

Who the fuck masturbates to shit that isn't porn?
Weird cunts.

I didn't watch anything
I was in bed
just masturbating

Srsly though- you should all check these videos out if you haven't already.


When you get a bit older, and you go past the Randy Marsh conundrum, come back and we'll talk.

A virus... from a youtube video. . . Riiiight.

If you really want to- you can change the word HOOK to the word YOU. If it makes you feel safer.

fuck you talking about!?!?

Her tits are totally fake

Wrong. She's 15 and... well, I honestly don't feel the need to prove you wrong.


Even if they are- what has that got to do with the thread?

She's CUTE!


Fucking idiot. Hahaha.


Ye if I remember correctly it was this image

tutulive filthy fap squad. yup yup!

Roll call?

Red Rocket, reporting in.

Never heard of you in ANY(!?) of my circles. Good luck in all your fapping endevours though! Maybe one day our paths will cross, as will pieces of silver.

Red Rocket?.. Ok. I'll remember you.

Red Rocket here, checking your Hitler dubs.

And yours!
Life's SO much easier in a culture that admits and is happy knowing that everything, everything, is for sale.

I'm telling yous- it was McDonnalds and KFC that got big boobs to stick to young Thai girls... All hail KFC!
