Custom Anime Sexbot WHEN?

Custom Anime Sexbot WHEN?






Who is the semen demon?


Not in your lifetime or price range

>your left hand will never leave you




Soon my brother

FUCKING SOON IS NOT A FUCKING TIMELINE I CAN BUDGET FOR NIGGA. I work at walmart ffs. I gotta live off of 1k a month and literally bank everything else and play nothing but CS go to get money for any other games, or humble bundles, and then have enough to get Tifa Lockhart

Post more or give name faggit

She was some kik cam girl that swore off ever doing anything like this ever again. This is the most I could find, reverse google image search nigga.


won't ever post again though

Tops 12 years from now, in about 10 technology will just explode, it shouldn't take them more than 2 years to perfect it you don't want your dick getting ripped up by one

Do you have the link to the rest of these?

Just Google shinukii you cuck

Naw I think they're already on track with the mechanics of it, there's been mechanical fuck toys for a bit, but it'll be just getting the functions right by then 10 years.

I can budget that. Fuck owning a house. I am going to fucking do it too. And if I come up short, I'll just get the kids model . . .

>>I can budget that. Fuck owning a house. I am going to fucking do it too. And if I come up short, I'll just get the kids model . . .

god damn it, that made me laugh way harder than it should have

>And if I come up short, I'll just get the kids model . . .
kek'd m8

Bruh lmao

OF TIFA LOCKHART FROM FINAL FANTASY 7 or kid Aerith Gainsborough as a kid. From the day I got that game I named Tifa HOT SLUT and Aerith SEXY BITCH. So it's kind of a brainwashing.

It depends on what you want. within a few months you'll be able to get Alexa or one of those other things to make sex noises for you, or wait a little longer and a web attached app will pass the Turring Test while you screw a doll. There are already dolls that detect movement and 'talk' to you with preprogrammed stuff that's better than a 'pull-the-string' child's toy.

So it just comes down to computing size, efficiency, and probably wireless transmitters. Because ... right? It wouldn't be battery powered right?


A wireless thing that makes sounds and connects to Amazon or Google is easy. You want a real automaton that walks and makes samiches be ready to wait a while and then drop as much cash as a new car. It's the mechanicals that are expensive not the software. Also don't forget battery life a walking talking robot is gonna suck up enough energy it'll double your electric bill.

Naw, if it used that much juice it would heat up to much. There has to be a gentle limit to them, nothing like a BATTLEBOT piston or tearing strength....

right? Like it can't even have the capacity to accidentally go to hard.

Women aren't realizing how dangerous this is to their perceived superiority. Men will be MGTOW'ing around the world. The electric bills will be a piece of cake to cover


Practically nothing man. People don't even know how small it is. I mean vibrators, maybe, but even then we're not going for a full blown Hitachi wand or a Sybils.

You're right my math was messed up. Average human can survive on 2000 calories a day, even if a machine was only 30% as efficient as a human it would still be less than a kilowatt hour per month.

1 kWh = 860420.65 Calories





a dietary calorie is a kilocalorie.
so a factor of 1000.

1000 kwh

still low

Right, depending on the articulation you want.

It sure as hell won't be America putting them out, probably China or Japan is my guess, hell I might even go as far as to say Africa will put them out before us. We can't even balance a budget to keep our government running, nevermind this stuff, wait until their nonsense trickles down to businesses.

>Inb4 back to Not trying to be like that, it's becoming a real concern. I'm all for regime change, banning the idea of Republicans and Democrats alike.

I'd want mine to be a cripple mostly.

i mean, we don't have computers efficient like a brain, but a sex bot wouldn't need that much computational power. its not like you need your sex bot to mine bitcoins.

ANIME IS NOT CHINA FAGGOT. I want me a japanese doll, but china won't do kids. Even their own government would have laws against that.

I said Japan yo, China can keep doing their thing with lifesize adult dolls.

Why can't they make ones that look like this instead of real dolls?

Trying to get my ex gf to be a model for the sex doll I want but she's being obstinate about it. We're still friends but we just have disagreeing personalities and ended things on good terms. Any interesting ideas you Sup Forumsros could give me to convince her?

Japan is going ot make them first. Only problem is that the government could kill development due to already declining birth rates.

US and China could make headways if they find a military application for them first. South Korea might push development for both military and social reasons.

Go away cuck. Strangers aren't gonna convince your ex to do shit. Be realistic here.

Just find some old photos and take a guess.

Actually most of the 'life sized' solid sex dolls in the US come from China, including the loli ones. China also makes a fuck ton of guns for the US market. The government doesn't really care that it's breaking it's own laws if it can make money manufacturing something.

It's not cuckoldry if I get what I want? I don't like her, I just like her body. What part of that makes me a cuck?

All you need is pictures of her face and a Chinese sex doll company will make the head for about $2000. There are all kinds of bodies already available to give you a close enough approximation, unless she was really overweight.

You could make dolls that look like that instead of real dolls.

You think that complete strangers on the internet are more superior than you when it comes to getting nudes from your ex. Your cry for help is you implying you can't do the job yourself. That beta line of thinking is pretty cuck-ish.


Nah she's not overweight at all, the company I got hold of said she could come in and they'll make a mold of her but they need her consent of course and they don't keep her mold for making other dolls. It's a completely custom one-time job. Pictures don't do it justice lol.

I asked for ideas dude, not a for a personality profile of her ffs.