Thats it guys

All EU countries are effected by this.

Go ahead america/swiss/norway, laugh at us, we deserve it

Other urls found in this thread:

Hahhaha.... hah...ha.. :'(



time to stop spamming heil hitler during youtube livestreams i guess

so if its on twitter for example, does this mean non-eu people can tweet shit at britfags without getting in trouble

I guess we migrate to Vimeo for video shenanigans?

>No more europosters on Sup Forums

Well, goodbye fuckers.

It's going to be fascinating seeing how this is applied. Is anti-white speech "hate speech"? Is "kill all men" hate speech?

Why am I even asking, of course it isn't.

Is this what fascism feels like?

There was a thing on Sup Forums were Americans were tweeting racial abuse and pictures of guns to the British police on twitter.

You better vote to Brexit you fags

It's just beautiful.
Soviet union here we come (again)

Wilkommen du 1984.

wew lad

That's actually pretty fucking funny.

Time for EU to buckle down and step up their sarcasm game, then.

>anti immigration

R.I.P Sup Forums

>Implying the UK isn't the most cucked nation on Earth
>Implying the EU is making the UK worse and not the other way around


> "Other countries will look at this and say, 'this looks like a good idea, let's see what leverage I have to get similar agreements,'" said Daphne Keller, a former associate general at Google.

>"Anybody with an interest in getting certain types of content removed is going to find this interesting."

Meh, useless law. Would love to see how they would implement this here, in Latvia.
Also, who defines what is hate speech and what is not?

Im gonna report every post on twitter as hate speech, I recommend you do the same.

Only in the beginning. Slowly rising over decades until people don't even notice anymore.

Think on a totally different subject on how today kids are completely used to microtransactions and mobile games. How they think it's normal. It's the same thing

>Also, who defines what is hate speech and what is not?

Please link this.

Just another reason to leave the jewropean union

Just a reminder

When they say "block anti semetic content" they mean everything about the racist apartheid state of isreal that has border walls wrapping around racial Jewish only settlements in the west bank and how its the cause of all the violence in the region.

Leftists are isreals perceived greatest threat.

This is an attack by out establishment owners on everyone

It looks like EU saying Europeans should be more antisemitic.

So how do they block this EU-wide? With Google translate? They STILL can't make the Finnish translator make any sense.

I guess we need to come up with some new slang for degenerates and anti socials

Not fascism. Fascism is such a massive pride for country that it spergs out and becomes authoritarian. These people are social Marxists, they hate all structures and pride. They hate us, and themselves.

Fascism =/= Authoritarian

By the way, this is Orwellian as fuck.

>The new European Union "code of conduct on illegal online hate speech" states that the four internet companies will review reports of hate speech in less than 24 hours and remove the content or disable access if necessary.

>This latest move is in response to a surge in antisemitic, anti-immigrant and pro-Islamic State commentary on social media.

Yes, because if we just prevent people from speaking out about something, the sentiment will go away and there will obviously be no consequences for doing this. What the hell is wrong with the brains of the people leading the EU?? They honestly just believe if you censor something it just goes away?


>Using those sites

They're trying to get you homoginized like North Korea

time to protest on the streets

it will be like you never left!

Better yet, how can they get enough people to handle all of the comments? Can people just spam reports to delete comments?








The Australians and Canadians deserve this next.

It's just a few company services that adopted this for now, but boy...

Report everything and anything for "hate speech"

They don't have the manpower to sort through all the shit

Nothing's gonna change.People were already being prosecuted for insulting recently deceased people,racial slurs etc.

We never had free speech in Europe

It's how they plan to forcefully create cucks.

This is scary but also kind of encouraging. Enough people are talking to make them nervous.

so what? it's there to remove pro-Islamic State commentary. it's gonna help keep everyone safer


the nanny state is central to social marxism

Don't laugh, Sasha. You have it even worse in Russia.

> current year
> Not filtering leaves

i am not one to kick some one when they are down as long as they admit they were wrong

this is more sad than anything. hope you guys use yandex (google will betray you) to look for proxies in other places to upload stuff

Call the authoroties and say someone is hate speeching against free speech by blocking hate speech.

Hillarity and legal issues ensured.

my god europe is literally a shithole

I like the way you think.

>Bukovsky became an assembly-line producer of official protests. By the end of his career as a “zek,” he had taught hundreds of other inmates to follow his lead. By following certain procedures that were specified by the complaint system, Bukovsky’s protesting army began to disrupt the whole Soviet bureaucracy. His camp clogged the entire system with protests – hundreds of them per day. He estimates that eventually the number of formal complaints exceeded 75,000. To achieve such a phenomenal output, the protestors had to adopt the division of labor. Bukovsky describes the process: “At the height of our war, each of us wrote from ten to thirty complaints a day. Composing thirty complaints in one day is not easy, so we usually divided up the subjects among ourselves and each man wrote on his own subject before handing it around for copying by all the others. If there are five men in a cell and each man takes six subjects, each of them has the chance to write thirty complaints while composing only six himself.”

>Each complaint had to be responded to. The camp administrators grew frantic. They threatened punishments, and often imposed them, but it did no good; the ocean of protests grew.

They'll probably CTRL+F "refugees" "jews" and look at the reports mentioning them.

I have a good idea. Make positive posts about refugees, and make fellow Sup Forumsacks report them - but on a massive fucking scale.

>Latvians try to make himself feel better


Burger pleez

Theyll do it for all relevant languages

Youtube is still a near necessity. Jewgle should never have bought it.

Goodbye Europe, you gave the world many good things (Like America).

But you also gave it some pretty horrible things, and now you all will burn in the fire of your own making.

Hopefully you will come out the other side several million lighter and with a newfound respect for the heritage you were gifted. But if not we will be there to pick up the pieces of your shattered nations and put them back together.

But now with many new family members as well!

But those are private companies, they were already doing that shit and it's well within their rights.

This is what communism feels like.


Vote for the God Emperor and save us burger,plx

ok so somebody calls me a faggot on youtube can I report him and get him banned?

top fucking kek

Brits are so fucking afraid of firearms its hilarious. Seeing armed police buying lunch was enough to give them heart attacks the fucking pussies.

With the current setup, wouldn't this mean the entire stream would have to be taken off Youtube for hate speech if you did this in a stream with chat?

Does this mean all europeans will be blocked from here within 24 hours? wow... can't say anything anymore not even be critical of migrants coming in.. it's really creepy.

As if your Orwellian shithole won't go ahead and block you out of everything.

how do i find Sup Forums videos on vimeo anyway?

This fucking generation.

What ever happened to 'sticks & stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me'?

Fucking pussies.

So you can't be anti immigration without it being considered hateful?

This is Twitter, Facebook etc. only

Marxism is a massive pride in rebelling to every established structure that has ever helped serve our purpose of producing and maintaining society eh?

Seems logical that Marxism will thus always fail in the end

They really want the EU to fucking die don't they.

They are just proving all the anti-EU guys right. They are giving ammunition to everyone. If Brexit actually happens it's fucking over, because by then they will already do even more stupid shit.

What said.

I don't reveal my powerlevel on FB and I don't even use twitter so it's not that big of a deal for me.

You can be anti-immigration, but not anti-immigrant


It was a trip fag on /k/ that would pose in front of the union jack with his gun and would talk like a pikey. He was pretty convincing desu.
It even made it to some shit brit newsite.

You better brexit and quick.

this is your last chance to say everything you want to say

It doesn't say anything about this being a law, they agreed to it. So now would be a good time for some eurofag to make a new uncensored social media. Fuck, it could be the next new thing to replace jewbook

We Norwegians are in no position to laugh.

They want a war. If they get a war they can enact the laws they REALLY want to.

Well it looks like youtube and microsoft aswell by the article. Microsoft what does that mean how will they censor can someone help me out with wrapping my head around that. It's clearly not the operating system level, (i hope) but what does that actually entail? anyone have further details?


I assume that Microsoft is there to provide tools, such as translator(if they plan to do it further than just English)

Glad I'm not in the EU. But we probably will be soon. Feelsbadman.

>>Implying the UK isn't the most cucked nation on Earth

Well, they could be Sweden...

>59% (fifty nine percent) whute

Just write a couple of bots:
>One says nice things about rapefugees
>The other reports all the first one's tweets

Is that line not a little blurry though? Complaining about the acts of immigrants to argue for an anti immigration point could be considered anti immigrant.

It means you better not use Windows 10.

They're part of NSA programs as it is, so just assume it extends globally.

Goddamn it. Can't everyone see what's going on?

Their agenda is being exposed at an incredibly fast rate. Everyone is calling out their bullshit and people are waking up. What better way to stop this? I know! Censor the internet!

Fucking cucks, this will backfire. You can't keep censoring people, it's already having a backlash.

>Asking brits to be more sarcastic
Jesus christ are you trying to create a black hole?


If a civil war wasn't already close to happening, it sure is now!

Does anyone have a screencap of this fucking please

Fug had these backwards.

You're right. I'm sure that's what this is.

Sweden is number 2 compared to Pakistan. Does Sweden have cameras that literally scream at you?

You're still worse. I just talked to someone who visited and was amazed at what a shithole your country was.