What happened to this girl? Did she abandon Sup Forums when the Jew hate became too real?
What happened to this girl? Did she abandon Sup Forums when the Jew hate became too real?
Been on this site since 2007 and on Sup Forums since 2011. No idea who that cunt is.
Post some pics
Who the fuck is this slag?
Jewish/Asian girl that hates Muslims. Got redpilled by Sup Forums. Last time I saw her was on 8gigs though.
That's all I got.
I was just wondering if any of you had updates on her but I guess 4pol is full of newfaggots.
IDGAF but this is now a big boobs thread.
I know her
Nothings wrong shes just busy irl her views havent changed
I believe you
You have too. She will be back eventually when she has more time
Damn I love Ashkenazi girls.
Come on user I'm on a no fap streak, don't do this to me man.
just jerk off you fucking faggot
More tits
Who is this semen demon? Muh dick.
Also, nice repeating numbers
If he jerks off the jews win. Don't do It man.
Well, okay then.
Sup Forums didn't exist in 2011.
How could anyone hate a jewess with those tits ?
Big Kazhar milkers
those are some ugly-ass tiddies
Sup bros :^) I have moar tits....
those are uncommonly nice
hi gaylord
Half-kike/half-gook with a frog face. Why Sup Forums fapped to her so much is beyond me.
bump who is she
>star of david
who is she???????