Do you no da wae?

Do you no da wae?

*clucking noises*

Get a load of this guy

*spits at you*

Dat is not de wae

How do I uninstall this meme from my life?

No brudda. We mus find de commanda. He will kno de whey.

There is a way

Where is da queen

All the 12 year old newfags in this thread

He is an impster, bruddas, spit on him

Tide pods will show da wae brotha

Ptoo ptoo

fucking Normies ruining all the meme's get the hell out of here.

R u da commanda?

Stop forcing this non-meme

Yes, my bruddah. Did is de wae

newfags alert

>Sup Forums could end the Ugandan Knuckels meme by invading VRchat with seizure inducing Knuckles avatars



Yes, brudda, we must find da wae

this forced meme should die in fire

In the good old days Sup Forums would just bandwagon onto the meme and then pretend they invented it.
It's been a long decade since those days.

Why did Nintendo Labo kill VR? Cardboard literally killed VR.

Sup Forums is now a bitter 13 year old that doesnt appreciate good humour