Which group do you support Sup Forums?
Which group do you support Sup Forums?
Neither, fuck Islam
Both but I hate saudi arabia.
Shia, duh.
Shia .. this coming from non-muslim
Honestly, i just wish they'd ally and declare the caliphate of eurabia already.
That along with the dolar collapse, BRICS would shine.
The rifles.
they're virtually the same, except shia are less powerful.
Nuke them till they glow.
Shoot them in the dark.
Let God sort them out.
Neither. What a stupid question.
the side that's not Saudi Arabia
I'm from the united states of america and I say KILL'EM ALL
Yes, Ibadi
Fuck Islam
Has anyone got the australian shitposting version of this
Fuck em both; gimme them Kurds!
Shias are somewhat rational. I'd rather have them than the rabid sunni goatfuckers.
Not saying shias are not devilworshipers, but at least they dont invade europe.
YEAH MAN , what could go wrong?? and Israel loves k*rds.
Kurds are hardcore sunnis and the most repressed minority in Iran, though. Unless you mean some communist groups who are the vocal minority
If USA is all about oil then how come it's sinking into trillions of debt?
MURICA 1 Iran 0
>Sunni's attack USA 9/11
>The problem is evil Shias becouse they are antisemite
How come?
>communist groups who are the vocal minority
Shia's are Bro-Tier.
>Islam is cancer
ey, i forked up the sentencing :^) Not in Iran but in Syria-land :)
Implying we can see the difference between brown people....
>knowing anything about muslim pigs and their backwards tribes
Sunnis are worse, but both need to be stopped in the West.
Sushi all the way.
You should start reading the quran mohammed.
Shia tend to treat Christians (relatively) all right, I guess because they are themselves a persecuted minority throughout most of the Muslim world. Their creed is just as cancerous though, particularly in Shia jurisprudence's more permissive attitude to child-rape. At least Sunni say a girl has to be 9 before you can shove your penis in her vagina.
Neither, but I gently lean more sympathetic towards Shia.
None. Why should I support nonsense regardless of its particular flavour?
Ideally none.
If I had to side with one it would be Shia without question.
Neither, but Sunni are clearly the worst.
I grew up in an area that was unfortunately full of Iranian immigrants. It always annoyed me when their president/Imam/whatever went on these anti-America/anti-West tirades, because the Iranian people are generally well-educated, moderate, and more secular than the surrounding countries.
Shia is the lesser of two evils
Street or loo?
Shias are just as backwards as Sunnis but least they don't want to blow up people for not being as backwards as they are.
Sunni islam should be banned in the west desu
Shia ofc.
All islam should be banned for the west. Sunni islam should be banned from the world.
Shia because they're less violent compared to cave-sunnis
>Shia is the lesser of two evils
Says the one who has killed millions of innocent ppl in the name of "freedom"
I support the one that isn't a 3rd rate Abraham knock off god of the desert
Islam sucks dick ether way