>never married
>no kids
wtf his problem?
>never married
>no kids
wtf his problem?
he's a lefty
Sadly for him, you can't marry and impregnate a foot.
Women today aren't worth the headache.
he has a foot fetish
he probably doesn't ever have sex
i also think he might be a cuck, before it was a big fetish
Nobody wants to marry a man who lives in a house full of dead niggers.
He's married to feet
it's hard to impregnate a woman by licking her feet
he's too perfect
Aspergers and social anxiety most likely.
>i also think he might be a cuck
I also think he be a cuck
You can't get pregnant by getting your feet fucked.
prove it
Sure, when do you want me to come over?
He's literally a footfag cuck. He'd fit right in here.
>implying he doesn't already post here
The only number of marriages/kids better than zero is maybe one.
0 marriage/kids is so much more respectable than >1 marriages/kids
Is it me or did this turn into nightcalls all of a sud-
>all of a suduuhhh
>Is it me or did this turn into nightcalls all of a sud-
uno facto @ 3:17
He's unlikable. People don't want to be around him for longer periods
The fact that he's ugly doesn't help
does anybody else thinks he's a virgin
He doesn't go to weddings, he goes to films.
Are you implying you'll ever have a family basement dweller?
are you implying having a family is somehow better than having none?
no family no problems
>feel when you are completely unlikable but family and friends are forced to be to nice to you to stay in contact with extremely charismatic and attractive sister who for some reason loves me
He's smart?
Kids are shit and marriage becomes a prison when you get tired of fucking the same person.
And you always get tired of fucking the same person.
Calm down quentin
Why is it any of your business? Seriously why does it matter
>never married
>no kids
White MALE
“There was a time about 13 years ago that I had a baby fever, that I really thought about having kids,” says Tarantino. “Usually, it’s a situation like that where somebody very close to you has a kid, and you kind of experience vicariously though them the joy of a child, and the joy of the love of a child. And I was thinking about it a lot. And I was getting a lot of encouragement in thinking about it, in so far as people telling me what I great father I would be. And that was very moving. But that fever has passed. I had baby fever, and the fever broke. It doesn’t mean that I don’t want to have kids, but right now, perfectly thinking, I want to do the 10 movies — without distractions.”
"Here's the thing," he says. "When I'm doing a movie, I'm not doing anything else. It's all about the movie. I don't have a wife. I don't have a kid. Nothing can get in my way. The whole fucking world can go to hell and burst into flames. I don't care. This is my life. It's Mount Everest. If you're climbing Mount Everest, you're not doing anything else. All your concerns, all the mundane things, family, any of that, it just—pfft—disappears. Goes away. It's mist. It's just nothing but the mountain, every single solitary day. I'm not saying that I'll never get married or have a kid before I'm 60. But I've made a choice, so far, to go on this road alone. Because this is my time. This is my time to make movies."
You can't get a foot pregnant
Why is having more than one child worse than having none?
Hes gay, no?
>having kids
>"Here's the thing," he says. "When I'm sniffing feet, I'm not doing anything else. It's all about the feet. I don't have a wife. I don't have a kid. Nothing can get in my way. The whole fucking world can go to hell and burst into flames. I don't care. This is my life. It's feet. If you're sniffing feet, you're not doing anything else. All your concerns, all the mundane things, family, any of that, it just—pfft—disappears. Goes away. It's mist. It's just nothing but the feet, every single solitary day. I'm not saying that I'll never get married or have a kid before I'm 60. But I've made a choice, so far, to go on this road alone. Because this is my time. This is my time to sniff feet."
>I don't go to wives, I go to feet
>manchild lefty making movies for manchildren
gee i wonder
Popularity by force.
hasn't found the right feet.
Getting married isn't a good idea when you're rich anyway.
Vietnam flashback at 3:17
What's going on here?
Would you let Quentin Tarantino babysit your kids if you had kids?
Would you really want him as a dad?
A goofy uncle perhaps but a dad?
The world doesn't need more people. Most people can't handle raising one child, let alone two, but at least with one child there's a better chance of being an adequate parent.
Not everyone should be a parent, stop enforcing this horrible meme.
He once mentioned in an interview that when he was about 18-20, he had many accounts of depression, cause girls wouldn't talk to him or he couldn't get them, he also mentioned how he was the King of First Dates, so I suppose those defining years kinda just made him deflective towards trying, so instead he became a masterpiece writer.
>160 IQ
>Rich as fuck
There should be loads of women waiting for him to impregnate them
its a black male thing
Nothing wrong with either of those
Having kids is unethical and getting married is a horrible decision
>hurr ugly
>hurr shit personality
Breaking news dipshits, he's fucking rich and his name is well-known for anyone even slightly into movies, if you think women don't fly to that shit like bees to honey no matter how ugly the person you got some learning up to do, all he has to do is say hello and women drop their panties in a flash for a chance to get their name next to his
He obviously knows what self-respect means, meanwhile you faggots would marry the first town bike that spread their legs for you
>he obviously knows what self-respect means
>literally his foot fetishism and his bad flatulence exposed on the Tyra Banks Show
Single children end up worse off emotionally than ones with siblings, even if the parent can't fully provide for them.
Nah I think Hillary duff has a kid
He made Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. I would let him fuck my kids if he wanted to.
source pls?
He's probably just autistic as fuck and doesn't want kids or the inevitable alimony/child care payments out the ass when the marriage goes tumbling down.
Smart move in the long run. It's not like he probably doesn't get laid whenever he wants.
I know nothing about marriage laws but, aren't prenups supposed to prevent having to pay out of your ass in case of a divorce?
Supposed to but lawyers are crooked as fuck and if the bitch has some money of her own she can still fuck you with even a near air-tight pre-nup just to be spiteful.
I laugh hard everytime I see hollywood actors getting married. It's just going to be a shitshow.
Question to Footfags, do you only get hard to feet or do you like pussy too?
>it just—pfft—disappears.
Why did they transcribe uno farto into the text?
Pretty based desu
he's rich and can probably afford to pay to suck on the best toes in the world
why would you get married to a whore who's feet will degrade and divorce you to take half your money?
pre-nups are a meme
I guess, dare I say it, he went his own way?
Underrated post
Gavin McInnes, that you?
No ones impressed by your wife and kids buddy now fuck off.
you can't impregnate feet
>meets tarantino doppelgang
>witty guy
>fucks him for a while
>complete mess who thinks highly of himself
>lots of denial and double thinking
>no one mentions he has a gf
her name is Daniella Pick
I get hard to feet (especially soles) more than anything else, I like pussy too but not enough for me to masturbate over it.
Liking cake more than pancakes doesn't mean you don't like pancakes user
Why make one pair of feet miserable when you can make so many pairs of feet happy?
>never married
>no kids
I don't see a problem here at all
i unironically think tarantino is a rad dude
He's a turbonerd with a massive ego and autism
If he wasn't rich he'd be perfect mass shooting material
>tfw you're old enough that people start judging you for not having children
It shows
Prenups sure as heck help in court, but they can be easily thrown out.
I prefer vaginal intercourse to foot actually. I still couldn't imagine a satisfying sex life without both though.
the question is if you used the word "rad" unironically
>be single with his millions, paying hot bitches to do feet/cuck stuff with him and generally just doing whatever the fuck he wants
>get married, have kids and JUST his entire life up
Yeah tough choice.
He's too smart
That was all I've got
i was ironically complimenting him in case someone called me out for liking him so i could say i was just pretending
>According to Darwin, bacteria are the most successful species
I know that feeling.
>mfw my grandfather invited me to Christmas dinner and said I was welcome to bring my girlfriend... *uncomfortable, fishing pause* ...or my partner.
My grandmother asked me if I have a GF. I said no.
"Oh, you aren't looking for girls... at all...?"
I'm 25 for fucks sake. I'm not gay even though I'm not married with 6 kids already.
Old people are weird. I used to work as an orderly in a hospital. So many old laddies would get super surprised when I told them I was unmarried, I told them how old I was - 22 at the time - and that didn't change their opinion at all.