>that's what you think because you're delusional but she most likely is you idiot, sorry friend
my waifu is choa you MORON
>that's what you think because you're delusional but she most likely is you idiot, sorry friend
my waifu is choa you MORON
Who here is willing to share their filters to block the turtle pics?
I'm using the native extension.
Don't worry about her "depression", Cho-user. It's just a front fir being super preggo.
This is some M. Night Shyamalan shit
wish i could go...
shut up idiot she doesn't do none of that
no she isn't you fake choabro, then prove it you moron
choa would never lie especially not about something as serious as depression
she cares about her fans the most and she knows they trust her so she wouldn't lie
>tfw no pandabros
I love choa with all my heart and i'm waiting for her comeback
choabros are always btfo everyone else i noticed
Id rather look at choa than jeongyeon