>be American >something happens in America >Europeans mock and laugh at us, call us stupid >something happens in Europe >Americans are deeply concerned for Europe and Europeans, offer support and shoulder to lean on
Tell me again Sup Forums why we should care about what's happening to a bunch of smug little European faggots?
For over the past decade online Eurocucks have done nothing but look down their nose at us. Now that their arrogance has come to bite them in the ass they want our sympathy. Why?
Anthony Price
>something bad happens in europe >"hurdurr faggots u all deserve this coz no guns no freedumb USA USA USA."
Fixed that for you.
Benjamin Nguyen
We've been dealing with chimpouts for the last 50 years. So we kind of empathize with whats going on there.
I've only been shit talked to by British people though, the rest of Europe has been mostly cool. I dont know why the brits think they're so damned smarter than everyone.
Evan Ward
I agree. Fuck em
Cooper Stewart
White people have compassion which muhammads do not.
Ethan Cook
Owen Collins
>I dont know why the brits think they're so damned smarter than everyone.
Because they are?
Austin Cook
>america >white
Adrian Hall
Because when there is an happening in Europe, it's the fault of the americans
Jason Nguyen
You guys had overwhelming support after 9/11, we even went into Afghanistan with you
Same with the Boston bombings
Jack Gomez
I have no idea Iowa was so French.
Robert Stewart
Your affinity for communism is the fault of Americans?
Your affinity for nigger cock based on "muh colonial guilt" is the fault of Americans?
It's not our fault you feel sorry for a bunch of stupid, violent Arabs from the sand lands and decided to invite them to your country and give them your money.
Thomas Reed
>inb4 Europe pleads and begs for America's help when it's in the last moments of its glorious life, committing suicide with mass Muslim immigration and sacrificing themselves on the altar of diversity and multiculturalism
Lincoln Stewart
What's the matter France, was your wife's' boyfriend rough with you?
Christian Hernandez
An american tells us that we are arrogant. LOL
Gavin Ward
Probably because it's Americas fault every time """"something""" (terrorist attack) happens in Europe.
Jace Hughes
Divide and conquer shills. Look up "COINTELPRO tactics"
Hello nsa
Zachary Morales
If anyone hates America they are edgy faggots with a child's mentality
Oliver Ramirez
I think you'll find that almost all cuck porn is produced in the US. And let's not forget you elected a nigger as president, twice!
Nolan Lewis
We don't think we're smarter than everyone, It's you guys who think we're smart because we have an English accent. If I were to go to the USA I can guarantee I would find a Job faster than any american, because you guys seem to think we're all smart. But we're not, well most of us aren't.
Chase Torres
Shut up! Shut up you American. You always talk, you
Americans, you talk and you talk and say ‘Let me tell
you something’ and ‘I just wanna say this’, Well you’re
dead now, so shut up.
Be quiet! You Englishmen… You’re all so fucking pompous
and none of you have got any balls.
Carson Barnes
>it's the fault of the americans
It's also our fault you speak French and not German Pierre - remember that.
Dylan Miller
>Merkel accusing anyone of being arrogant
Samuel Morgan
>implying that our house nigger is worse than Trudeau or Merkel
Mason Butler
That's because niggers decided to vote for once without looking into what he was actually saying. Half of them will vote this year against the burger emperor then never vote again.
Jason Robinson
>shooting in America >people make jokes about it immediately >terrorist attack in Europe >make a light hearted joke on Sup Forums >"So insensitive. Stupid American"
Ryder Bailey
>USA has so many niggers they have the power to decide who is elected to your highest office
Jacob Hernandez
>france >white
stop ahmed
Zachary Campbell
>France has no many niggers and sandniggers he can't walk around his capital city without getting his body blown to shreds.
Ethan Jackson
Fpbp I do all that shit you posted
Gabriel Reyes
>Israel >not sandniggers
ok goldberg.
Jackson Gray
Ever been to DC?
Blake Scott
we care because we don't want to see the european motherland and it's glory fall to the refugee shitskin hordes. that's why.
Isaac Richardson
I would say that Paris (despite being the cesspit of France) is still a lot whiter and safer than at least 10+ large US cities.
Henry Hughes
Jordan Cox
At least we still care about America!
Nathan Rivera
apparently we care more than they do
Brayden Cook
I've been to the nice parts, I know, but at least it doesn't have major bombings and shooting sprees.
Jose Miller
On sept 12, 2001 I learned how we have no real allies.
Samuel Phillips
yeah and we know how to treat them right
Jaxson Jenkins
usa is a fucking zoo full of apes
eat a nuke
Benjamin Rogers
kek so true fuck americans
Nolan Sanders
You don't remember the DC sniper?
Liam Morris
As an American i can confirm this post.
However i confirm it in a spirit of joy as i hate europe more than China at this point.