Denmark changes its definition of transgenders

>Denmark changes its definition of transgenders
>they are not considered to be mentally ill anymore
>transgender activists crying bitch tears because this might mean that health insurances don't pay for their treatment anymore

Sadly I couldn't find an English source, but I summed up everything relevant anyway.

Well played, Denmark.

Not only do they have to pay for their self mutilation, but now they're complaining and insisting that its a mental illness. 10/10

its not like they wont adjust. they're going to push for free sex changes regardless of what the government considers them.



I'm getting the popcorn.


Yep, knew it.

They *WANT* to be victims.

>transgender activists crying bitch tears because this might mean that health insurances don't pay for their treatment anymore

oh god, that was fucking beautiful
at first it looked like yet another politically correct stupidity because "we will offend the tranies if we call them on their mental illness" but it backfired beautifully

Sex changed paid for by other peoples taxes.

(unironically) Yes Denmark!

I'm an American. I've had to pay for EVERYTHING out of pocket. I mean transition can be life saving, but I don't want special treatment.

Thank goodness. It's about time. This should be a serious cause for celebration on Sup Forums, since I'm estimating that we have about 50 percent traps among posters here, right anons?

So don't you have to stay in a closet inside another closet around insane social justice idiots who are trans?

Or ones who want to be your "allies".

tfw posted this yesterday but no response whatsoever

Of course. Seeing the shrink or getting meds is like a nice social outing. They get to tell people how special they are and those poor bastards can't really tell them to fuck off since they're paid to put up with the bullshit.

I was super mad about this when the news first came out but i guess everything went better than expected.

Ive hit a level of not giving a singular fuck. I simply am what I am. Like anyone else is.

So yeah, I've lost trans friends over the fact that I despise Islam. I'm a Pro-gun Capitalist.
Just I know the difference between the strength of genders quiiiite well. A gun equalizes things, people see a man.. But they actually are beating on a woman. Disagree? Take 4 years of hormones and some one prove me wrong.

I despise SJWs. They have most of you people here under the impression that we're all SJW types. I get my feelings hurt every day by people.. Know what I do? Instead of whining about it? I find some thing that is sensitive for them and destroy them. Socratic teaching method is far better than bitching about "rights". Rights are determined by how much freedom one affords themselves, you can imagine your stereotype "normal" trans is VERY in favor of the Govt. I am not.. Too used to people hating me for no reason at all to give a singular fuck about the opinion of SJWs or Natsocs. I'm in no closets, if some one asks. I answer clearly.

I sometimes wonder why you're not the ones I see/meet (on the rare occasions I meet) but then think I probably already have a few times.

>They have most of you people here under the impression that we're all SJW types.

Oh yes absolutely, in fact beyond that they feel they speak entirely for you because you're too afraid or whatever.

Well, good luck to ye buddy.

>trans friends
I kinda want to have such.

If this actually happens I'm killing myself. After I go on a shooting spree at a fag rally.

>transition can be life saving

Post op trannies have the highest percentage of suicides.

So here's a (You), you petulant child.
Sorry your mom doesn't use Sup Forums and can't tell you how great you are for posting this first, hipster faggot

im a unique snowflake, pls praise me more

>Oh yes absolutely, in fact beyond that they feel they speak entirely for you because you're too afraid or whatever.
Got suggestions? I just come off as crazy when I speak about politics or philosophy. Actually, I come off as crazy no matter what I say to people. Think I'll be fine Sup Forumsbro. Most trans? If the Natsocs win are going to get drug out of their house quick. Me? Well, they better stack the fuck on up. Hopefully I can find some acceptance among those that fight for true reason at some point and assure that trans wont just be a history lesson at some point.. Which I can easily see happening, media looks like its engineering a very hard politically right swing.

Good luck to you as well.

No you don't. We're all crazy because of the trans life. Though those of us that aren't autismed/aspergered out? Seem to have very high IQs. No one wants a highly intelligent suicidal friend that may rape your eye socket for calling them "bro"

This, thank God.

They'll find a way to get it covered. Either by insurance or gubermint.

NICE! next step fat people

Stop projecting. You're the one getting booty bothered that someone else is getting attention for posting news on Sup Forums
Nice try though, buckaroo

Theres a difference between a person that transitions because its the new hot thing to do! Aaaand a person that manifested dysphoria from a very young age. Knowing things were off before they even know the differences between genders.

I'd bet most of the suicides are cause that many thought post-op = "I DONT HAVE TO HAVE TROUBLE BEING ME ANY MORE!"

Only to find that while its a happier living, you're still keeping a deeeep dark secret that truly? Has zero fucking bearing, unless its medical stuff or you want to knock up a trans girl. Cause that aint happening yet.

Heres part of my trans craziness that you all can pick a part.

Ex-bf. Never knew I was trans, never bothered to tell him cause he told me that he NEVER wanted children. Just DINK. Things we're great for months, my old BJJ partner keeps referencing my past as a bouncer one night. So I explain after seeing the confusion, ex of course gets violent but is held off by ol sparring partner.

Look at me as you will, but nothing ticked off his "Imafag" sense (Cause female hormones.)

Didn't end well, but if he'd never known? Probably still be together happily. That doesn't seem fair to me, quite stupid to tell people all the time when the goal is to live as a female.

Even though.
I still want at least one trans friend, it might be interesting and fun..

I'm not in it because I have a fetish for y'all, by the way. I just find such people interesting.

Remember, the best punishment is sometimes giving your enemy exactly what they asked for
>in deuces

Its 24/7 bitching. Its like having a pretty male friend that makes your dick twitch if you forget whats in the pants.. Except your bro is a worthless female.

Any relationship built on lies and secrets is bound to fall apart eventually. That should be the lesson you took away from that experience not "lol not my fault he got so mad about my lies".

Add yourself to the majority statistic for your kind and kill yourself.

Imagine being Emma Watson in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Rupert Grint, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your red hair and doughy lumpy blubber face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is fuck another 21 year old chad in her dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Emma Watson and not only stand around in the rubble while Rupert flaunts his freckly visage in front of you, the bright sunlight barely concealing his bright red hair, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected that speech scene. Not only having to tolerate his corpulant fucking visage but his haughty attitude as everyone on set tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, RUPERT ACTS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his doughy fucking butter face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of chads and BBCs and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in England. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his bulbous forehead as he sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "statuesque (for that is what he calls himself)" physique, the physique he worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could fuck every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Emma Watson. You're not going to tarnish your acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

>starting your relationship with a massive lie
you will die alone and miserably, I can already tell you that much

Ah, I never lied. He just never asked, I let him believe what his senses would tell him. Hey, love is a bitch thing to destroy feel?

Essentially the same as dating a girl that is sterile is how I came to reason, figured once he couldn't tell the difference? Why attempt to ruin it? Now a secret? Yes, it was a secret, but never one that was maliciously with held. I just didn't talk about my past before I was 18

Holy shit.