ITT We Post Encouraging Messages On BREXIT

Do it for Nigel!

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Reminder for all you young Brits to make sure you are registered to vote. A recent act repealed the ability for the head of household to register everyone living under it and so you may have been removed from the register. Don't show up on June 23rd to be turned down!

The EU went too far by deciding to create it's own laws for it's members. Time to stop this growing beast.

i got a polling card in the post with my name and details on it. that means im registered right?

United States of Europe

Not to sound retarded but if you've voted before you can just walk in without registering again right?

Join me!

t. Merkel

Texas. Don't mess with it.


Recent polls have leave winning by 2 points, both online and on the phone. Previously it was mainly a lead for remain on the phone and leave lead online.

Still within the margin of error, but a definite trend towards Brexit has emerged,

Every one I'm my household has voted out. didn't even know they were based as fuck.

"if you have a post polling card through the post are you registered."

You're golden m8

I have converted 2 "remainers" to "leave" today so far.

What are you doing for your country son?

I bet my barbie there's going to be electoral fraud out the arse.


Like in Austria.

cheers my family

M E G A and M A G A!

The Anglosphere will prevail!

goodluck teasuckers
we will have a burger ready for you

Made a m8 vote out. We were both having a drink last week, the topic came up and now he's apart of this war.

No bother m80m8

>UK exits and gets stuck in the middle of the sea with a few millions of niggers breeding uncontrollably in their sharia ruled enclaves
>economy crashes with no survivors, stops attracting african illegals in a few years

Good fucking riddance, hope Germany follows suit

Do you have a poll card?

oy, about that, any news on austria and if they are gonna do a recount/vote?

Be a pal, vote halaal.









Do it for Karen lads.

do it lads

Don't even have to check to tell you.....not a fucking chance.

There would have to be a ......... now lean in close less the censors hear.....ok....quietly...

(a coup)

Austria wasn't allowed their own election of a president which they themselves voted for, what the fuck makes you ignorant idiots think Brussels won't fuck your referendum to smithereens? You're all naïve as hell.


it is impossible to subdue the True Blue Hearts of Oak! when you guys dump the slave master, EU, England will again take its natural place in the free Christian nations. you guys need to remember the traitorous bastards that trapped you in the evil alliance known as the EU. Don't worry England we will trade with you and support our natural brothers. Obama is soon out. we will elect Trunp. he will remember the dirty repubes bastards that said the people were stupid for voting for him. Next we will pick a fight with Islam and fuck that shit up. if you will make a move this weekend you could regain the respect from your women and thebwirkd.