TRUMP’S BIRTHDAY IS ON JUNE 14TH. Tweet a picture of a handwritten/homemade Birthday Card message dedicated to Donald Trump here: or [email protected]

>Delegates Trump: 1,239
(Hit the needed 1237 on May 26th)


>Trump Memorial Day D.C. Biker Rally 5/29/16
>Trump kisses the banners of The Remembrance Project Moms’ children at Anaheim Rally!
>Trump Supporters Thanking Riot Cops in San Diego
>Trump in San Diego, CA 5/27/16

>Trump on Hannity 5/31/16
>Trump Veteran’s Donations Press Conference 5/31/16
>Ben Carson on Fox & Friends 5/30/16
>BEHIND THE SCENES tour of the NYC Trump Campaign HQ

>Can't Stump the Trump Update
>Donald Trump 2016
>Jeb BTFO by Family Guy of all things
>Hillary Clinton EVIL REMIX
>KINSEY: Everyone is Sup Forums






Other urls found in this thread:




Trump supporters:
-Alex Jones of Infowars (crazy gun nut conspiracy theorist)
-David Duke head guy of the KKK
-Dana White president of UFC (human cockfighting)
-Vladimir Putin, a manlet with Napoleon complex rulling a drunkard mongol nation
-Bruce Jenner aka mentally ill trannie
-Bruce Willis, famous for being a baldlet
-50 cent, a disgusting degenerate nigger
-Martin Shkreli
-Boss Nigger
-Paul Ryan
-Mike Tyson
-Ann Coutler
-Ice Cube
-Tila Tequila, the schizophrenic with the sex tape you liked
-Marco Rubio
-Tito Ortiz
-Gucci mane
-Sarah Palin, even Trump is embaressed by her
-North Korea
-Hillary Clinton Tweeter account
-Patton and McArthur
-The Rock
-Hollywood supervillans
-Fox News
-Nigel Farage
-Ben Carson
-Jean-Claude Van Damme
-Geert Wilders
-Hulk Hogan
-Milo Yannopoulos
-Dan Bilzerian
-Shiva, destroyer of worlds

Hillary supporters:
-Taylor Swift
-current POTUS one of the best POTUS ever
-former POTUS
-Bush familly (EVERY SINGLE ONE)
-the Pope
-Hollywood intelectuals
-Merkel of Germany
-Nate silver
-London and Paris mayors
-non-white people
-Snoop Dogg
-Ku Klux Klan
-John Oliver
-Dalai Lama
-Dan Schneider
-Stephen Hawking, highest IQ on the planet
-Clinton News Network

David French supporters:
-Mitt Romney
-Ben Shapiro, a big guy in the conservative world
-Bill Kristol

Gary Johnson supporters:

Makes you think....


Hail Hydra!

Uhh you don't get to bring anti Trumpers.

Go ahead and vote for Trump
If you think it's okay to call women fat and ugly.
Go ahead and vote for Trump
If you think it's okay that he lost more the 4 billion dollars of other people's money in bankruptcies.
Go ahead and vote for Trump
If you think it's okay to not disassociate himself from white supremacist groups.
Go ahead and vote for Trump
If you think it should be okay to objectify your own daughter like Trump did.
Go ahead and vote for Trump
If you think it's okay for any man to bad mouth your daughter or wife if he thinks he is right, like Trump does.
Go ahead and vote for Trump
If you think it's okay to be a narcissist like he is.
Go ahead and vote for Trump
A man who made less money on his inheritance than someone would have made by putting into a saving account and letting it earn interest.
Ignore the facts go ahead and elect the American Hitler.
It's a free country...for now.

>Ben Shapiro, a big guy

Fuck, I'm so close to the rally today. Wish I could make it.


For those who missed it, Shillary only up by +4 in Michigan in latest poll.

Why does he wear the belt?

>David French

the fuck is this guy

Friendly reminder that Trump only has 3 true statements on PolitiFact. In fact, most Republicans are known liars.

As flawed as she is, at least Hillary is honest. She's ready to lead. I'm man enough to vote for a woman... are you?

mods pls

Pls stop stealing my memes.

it is almost as if you are making ok points. then you say that hillary is gonna take our rights away.

or at least that is what i am seeing

>Kasparov supports Trump
Kasparov as in Chess Champion Kasparov?
That's fucking based


Already out of (you)'s? I am disappoint

>...for now

Gets me every time

god damnit politifact.

a republican was right so we have to give him mostly false and twist what he said

>A man who made less money on his inheritance than someone would have made by putting into a saving account and letting it earn interest.
Do people who bring this up prefer that he becomes a hedge fund manager rather than an employer of thousands?

>Man enough
You're my favourite shill, swedeanon

Pls stahp stealing my memery. I need (You)s.

Some cuck the kikes found to maybe be a kamikaze third party candidate.

Comic relief.

it's more of a jab at the 4 dimensional chess Trump is playing, IRL Kasparov hates trump


hi Obama

Why do people still take politifact seriously

I've been on h8-chan for so long that I forgot what shilling looks like. It's nice to see an honest-to-God jobber in a God Emperor thread. Keep making those shekels, shill-san.

Swede fucking shits

Any shoopfags here?

Cap fags BTFO over Hydra reveal

Friendly reminder that politifact is full of shit and rated trump's claims of the real unemployment rate false and bernie sanders claims true, even though they said the same thing.

>Hillary is honest

Go home Muhammed.

NEW NATIONAL POLL: Both Dems Beat Trump, But Even Stranger, Hillary Wins on Brains and … Morals??

REMINDER: even conservatives (real ones, not kiddies who circlejerk about le cuck maymay) know that Trump WILL lose.

>trump is actually going to the UK the day after brexit

Nothing is being stolen. You're memes are being donated to the internet. #FeeltheBern #SocialismWillWorkThisTime

Took him long enough.

>implying the brexit will happen


Ahmed there's a reason my family left our homeland of Sweden in 1897 and immigrated, legally, to America. And I thank god they did.

>They can come in but they have to come in legally

Wow this really made me think user thanks.

i am only pretty sure he hates trump after reading that.

he might just be saying i hate putin, and putin likes trump

oh now I see why they paused pol

slide script incoming sssssurfssssuuuuuppp!!!!!

No one does except lefties fulfilling their confirmation bias. They think sites like Breitbart are biased (how dare they report accurately on King Nigger!), but think politifact is legit. I'll be glad when legitimate journalistic entities like Breitbart are mainstream in a Trump Presidency.

National Review cuckservative pundit. He really wanted Romney to run 3rd party and is part of the punditry that thinks the middle class is solely to blame for its destruction.

This shit doesn't work when he has defied every poll so far. Try a different strategy shill. Maybe go back to calling him racist again that seemed to work well.

Friendly reminder that Politifact is in fact a fake.

4/10. Keep going, though.


>he reads cuckstate

4? That's pretty generous tbqh. The whole true conservative thing is pretty stale.

They also prefer that he spend 0 Dollars or we the course of his life. They are morons.

>just drove down the parkway in NJ on my way to work
>see a 1990s trailblazer with 4 Bernie stickers
>driver is a very small looking white girl wearing a fedora
>coexist sticker too

These are the people we are up against

You should get out too. You got all the negatives and none of the benefits. I heard most of you still use the Lei



But it's a poll. Numbers and shit. It might convince someone who's new, so I think a 4 is justified.

Someone should torch a car with a FeelTheBern or a Bernie2016 sticker and put on a sign 'feeling the bern yet?' with Clinton 2016 under it.

Come now it was a municipal goverment that kicked them out.
The real goverment is way too busy borrowing monney from ECB to fund the construction of more immigrant housing to bother with the small details.

I am both fearful and eager of just what kind of people I might see at the rally

>Hillary Wins on Brains and … Morals
Yeah this poll sounds totally legit.

Okay Sup Forumsros, realistically, what faction is set to come out on top in 40k?

I'm thinking that the two biggest competitors are Tyranids and Chaos.


Is there going to be a large protest tonight? Possibly even a riot because of all the illegals in California?

maybe you just do it in photoshop?

>implying we need to resort to false flagging and deception instead of keep winning with the truth

Kristol couldn't get an actual politician to run for his shit party, so he got some random National Review writer to do it.

At least we know that we will always win if it comes to violence. A bunch of lefty numales and women, versus alphas who actually have guns.

I'm just here to pay tribute

Has Trump said anything about Abe's announcement about delaying the hike in consumption tax for 30 months? It's a perfect opportunity to make his fiscal plans clear.

t-there is a....rally....tonight?

dont chaos need people to gain power and that is why the fucking elf god sucks now.

That looks like the Trump Marina's main entrance seen at night
>went bankrupt and is now the Golden Nugget
He can't even keep his casinos solvent, what makes you think he'd be a good president?

Probably, yes. I think Trump planned the rally to end just a bit after it gets dark, meaning these spics will expose themselves to the world, yet again.

Yes gypsy

Looks like I massively underestimated how much time the card was going to take them to design.

The printer is saying they'll need ALL the signatures and art by this Friday morning.

That's going to be way too soon isn't it?

>live in Los Angeles
>bern shit everywhere
everyday is pic related, but I hope Bernie pulls the upset on Shillary so that she goes into the convention with her head hanging low in shame and embarrasment

the popular fb meme says he should have put his money into an index fund when he got it and he would have over 10B dollars. it's for people that want to believe that the wealthy are able to perpetuate their wealth ad infinitum. truth is most fortunes are tapped by the 6th generation. take a look at the wealthiest people in the world. almost all new money and the old money falling farther down the list. the fact that trump has built upon his family fortune rather than taking his slice and sitting on his ass is actually quite remarkable.

No need. Alinskyite tactics like that are only necessary when the truth isn't on your side.


Jesus, you DO go from thread to thread just changing your trip.

The raids continue even on a slow day. Well stick around and maybe you'll learn something.

Nah it'll be a tough bout m8. Obviously.

Have you ever owned a casino?

>Bernie endorses Hillary
>Hillary goes up 14% in votes
Why do you guys expect drumpf to win?

>He can't even keep his casinos solvent, what makes you think he'd be a good president?
Because of the other 100+ companies he has that are profitable.

>tfw my ID has the word cum in it

Holy fucking shit.

Not at all. International shipping is a bitch.

I've had things take a minimum of five days up to 50 from the same address in Japan.

Always be ahead of schedule.

Nice to see you again.

This is why Trump will win. Thank you racist liberals!

St. who and where?

God I love it when /. has a VPN sale.

already have this flag change your proxy pls, if you can to some african country

>International shipping

It's going to be printed in Manhattan. No shipping necessary.

>1 casino fails
>doesn't mention the hundreds of properties that are doing good
shillary fags are increasingly nervous after new California poll shows Bernie within 2 points kek

It's a hilarious meme, because the same people saying it hate rich people, especially ones that are rich and produce nothing. They would rather the guy collect interest on his money (wouldn't even come close to 10B, plus he was already rich when he inherited that money), instead of using it to start a business that employs tens of thousands.

Leftist logic.

>Entire GOP endorses Trump
>Trump goes up 30% in votes
Why do you expect Hillary to win?

That's good.

Still I'd deliver early. He's going to be inundated with cards and the later they are, the more likely that he'll never see them because his mail room workers won't have time to screen them all.

Sooner the better. I'm sending mine today.

>Bernie endorses Hillary
>Bernie supporters realize Bernie is just as evil as Hillary and flock to Trump.

WEW Shills are all hands on deck this morning, that press conference must have Hillary's campaign absolutely RATTLED