Holy shit.
Chris Cuomo and Jake Tapper are different people?!?
Yes user.
Well even If trump loses the damage done to the media and how our elections work is irreversible
Its actually funny how hard CNN is trying to derail Trump and yet say he's wrong about the media being biased.
Like fuck the entire day yesterday seemed to be dedicated to the press conference, they didn't even talk about other news much it was that one point for a solid 24 hours and going. No wonder nobody trusts the media anymore
The left is so fucking fucked for the next decade the fall from grace and respect is going to be glorious to watch.
It is never wise to be on the side of anti-fun, guess what these screeching thin-skinned babbys are for fun and rebellion.
Yeah.... But unless Donald wins the left has these Fema camps and re-education centers set up, if the media and the concept of the left is damaged enough, and they win, i think they are just going to take control. (And bring in people who will keep them in control, lowering boarders.)
This is literally the Bolshevik revolution again.
If Donald loses, the globalists win.
They're still asshurt and blantly supporting Hillary
>media claiming they're not biased and should be taken seriously
this cnn shill guy will burn in hell for eternity, that is some next level deflecting and word twisting
Kek wills it.
This guy does alot of damage control. I don't get how Katrina goes on CNN every week.
Do I buy MAGA hat now???
someone has to fight the good fight.
she lives in dallas, so it's easy for her
That couldn't happen without sparking open violent conflict, and leftists for decades have been vigorously disarming themselves. This would end very badly for them.
Well it is her job, and she's very good at it. She completely BTFOs the media every time she's on air.
The media is way out of line lately.
They defend the loaded questions, by saying they're just asking about what people are talking about.
Problem is, those "people" are the media themselves. They start rumors, and keep regurgitating the same talking points every day.
Trump is too easy on them if you ask me.
For some reading this and realizing they are different people is shocking to me even though I always knew both names.
tahts not mummy
Now just imagine her with Ted Cruz's little rat cock in her mouth.