He is a good prime minister, thanks.
I support Abe
Other urls found in this thread:
He seems alright. I liked when he shamed Obama about that Okinawa rape.
l support Japan, whoever the Prime Minister is. Japan is the best.
Do you support Abe's cabinet?
Yes in blue, No in red
Based nips knowing on where they should stand for
This is a lunch for kids in Japanese restaurants.
Some foreign countries' flags are used for friendship.
Does Abe pay you to post these?
Japan bankruptcy when?
>He still thinks "if we just keep pumping money into the economy, it will someday get better"
nope, shit minister
Tell me about Abe and japanese politics after WW2 in general
All I know is that the same political party has been in power all these years and that the US has many military bases in Japan so that's a lot of influence.
>wants to cut humanities and social sciences
Seems like a pretty cool dude to me.
Did he had to sacrfice Yukaeinf though?
Her role as Kaoru in that totally not propaganda anime almost drove her to suicide
Countries don't go bankrupt from internal debt in their own currency, they go bankrupt from external debt in foreign currencies and current account deficits.
Japan had a current account deficit after the Tsunami, but then that evil Abe devalued (lowering Japan's real wages) and put them back in balance. Which was somehow a disastrous decision according to some (Zerohedge is especially humorous in this respect, bunch of chicken littles). The predicted economic disaster is as always with Japan slow to show up.
>Post WW2 every country had a massive economic boom because of repeal of socialist programs out of fear of socialism
>Japan had the biggest boom because of a Real-Estate bubble created by the Bank of Japan
>Its GDP skyrockets
>Bubble crashes around 1980s
>Bank of Japan responds with the NEW AND IMPROVED KEYNESIANISM (TM) and sets the interest rates to 0% or -1% + yuge QE programs
>Government spending sucks, so their economy stagnates like fuck
>GDP hasnt grown in 20 years and are now called the "lost 2 decades" en.wikipedia.org
>Wages stagnate
>Growth stagnates
>Home ownership drops like crazy
>Bankers become much richer
>Japan has 280% of its GDP as debt(for reference, Greece is 160%)
>Only thing keeping the debt from being at least 700% of its 1980s yen value is insane devaluation of the yen.
>Japan is now in Quantitative Easing 20
>Some foreign countries' flags are used for friendship.
How autistic (and cute)
Literally everything I think of when I see the Jap flag. You guys are rally broke and you gotta work on your birthrate
Looks like the Trump vs Hillary graph. Same pattern.
There are anti-japan activities with Japan flag by Non-Japanese everyday in Sup Forums.
It's not true image of him. In fact, 55.3% of Japanese support him
Japan's birth rate is higher than Germany at least.
Are Swedes and Krauts trying to compete with each other in who can be the biggest cuck in the world? What are they trying to prove?
So is it true that communists have infiltrated your state department?