what went wrong?
What went wrong?
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what do you mean mick?
There's nothing wrong with that site. Different strokes for different folks and all that.
Very old message board system. hard to use.
i mean what i said
What the hell happened?
Site owner is an FBI snitch
were you, a japanese user, welcome?
Too little white nationalism and too much "everything is jew false flag".
1.) FBI's been watching them for who knows how long.
2.) Their extremely narrow focus on very few topics limits their knowledge base and makes them seem CWC-tier autistic.
3.) They decry "jewish tactics" but then use them to mob other websites.
Forums are old fashioned now, much better means of spreading information.
What when wrong with far right in general?
Easy. Most people on the movement are total idiots. Their lives are mediocre at beast. They ideology is not coherent, they dont care about the truth at all. Sad to say, because I would sound like a retarded leftist, but most of them are full of hate. They are also supremacists and would genocide half of the world population without blinking.
Dont think I feel any pleasure saying this. It actually makes me sad. I would like to see a coherent movement, a group of worthy people with knowledge, with culture, with the capability to turn people on their sides, with reasonable ideas, with true pride...not a bunch of mongers rambling useless shit. But unfortunately, that movement just doesnt exist.
They also live inside the system, and they dont do any effort to get rid of them. Some of them even complain about the behavior of others without realizing they are no better. Seriously, its worthy of a horror film. Its even worse than if the movement was totally destroyed, because instead, is totally corrupted.
Too serious, not anonymous in the slightest. They aren't funny and they take their personal reputations and identities super fucking seriously.
Like many forums of this kind, their "main topic" is barely present on the forum and it is never the primary topic of discussion. The forum is primarily about their cliques and relationships and popularity.
Jewish subversion
Every thread I've read on Stormfort ends up with some sort of argument about race and whiteness. Even their definition of white is very vague though it's obvious 90% of them think only Nordic = White.
I consider the “White nationalists” allies when they refuse modernity, the global oligarchy and liberal-capitalism, in other words everything that is killing all ethnic cultures and traditions. The modern political order is essentially globalist and based entirely on the primacy of individual identity in opposition to community. It is the worst order that has ever existed and it should be totally destroyed. When “White nationalists” reaffirm Tradition and the ancient culture of the European peoples, they are right. But when they attack immigrants, Muslims or the nationalists of other countries based on historical conflicts; or when they defend the United States, Atlanticism, liberalism or modernity; or when they consider the White race (the one which produced modernity in its essential features) as being the highest and other races as inferior, I disagree with them completely.
More than this, I can’t defend Whites when they are in opposition to non-Whites because, being White and Indo-European myself, I recognize the differences of other ethnic groups as being a natural thing, and do not believe in any hierarchy among peoples, because there is not and cannot be any common, universal measure by which to measure and compare the various forms of ethnic societies or their value systems. I am proud to be Russian exactly as Americans, Africans, Arabs or Chinese are proud to be what they are. It is our right and our dignity to affirm our identity, not in opposition to each other but such as it is: without resentment against others or feelings of self-pity.
I can’t defend the concept of the nation, because the idea of the “nation” is a bourgeois concept concocted as a part of modernity in order to destroy traditional societies (empires) and religions, and to replace them with artificial pseudo-communities based on the notion of individualism. All of that is wrong. The concept of the nation is now being destroyed by the same forces that created it, back during the first stage of modernity. The nations have already fulfilled their mission of destroying any organic and spiritual identity, and now the capitalists are liquidating the instrument they used to achieve this in favor of direct globalization. We need to attack capitalism as the absolute enemy which was responsible for the creation of the nation as a simulacrum of traditional society, and which was also responsible for its destruction. The reasons behind the present catastrophe lie deep in the ideological and philosophical basis of the modern world. In the beginning, modernity was White and national; in the end, it has become global. So White nationalists need to choose which camp they want to be in: that of Tradition, which includes their own Indo-European tradition, or that of modernity. Atlanticism, liberalism, and individualism are all forms of absolute evil for the Indo-European identity, since they are incompatible with it.
If “identitarians” really love their identity, they should ally themselves with the Eurasianists, alongside the traditionalists and the enemies of capitalism belonging to any people, religion, culture or political camp. Being anti-Communist, anti-Muslim, anti-Eastern, pro-American or Atlanticist today means to belong to the other side. It means to be on the side of the current global order and its financial oligarchy. But that is illogical, because the globalists are in the process of destroying any identity except for that of the individual, and to forge an alliance with them therefore means to betray the essence of one’s cultural identity.
The problem with the Left is different. It is good when it opposes the capitalist order, but it lacks a spiritual dimension. The Left usually represents itself as an alternative path to modernization, and in doing so it also opposes organic values, traditions and religion, just as liberalism does.
I would be happy to see Left-wing identitarians who defend social justice while attacking capitalism on one hand, and who embrace spiritual Tradition and attack modernity on the other. There is only one enemy: the global, liberal capitalist order supported by North American hegemony (which is also directed against the genuine American identity).
Dude is a former frequent asylum patient.
he is right, you know.
Well yeah, no shit. Any forum like that is going to be a Fed operated honeypot.
bunch of fat manchildren with neckbeards
>Site owner is an FBI snitch
Don Black has outed people he suspected to be FBI snitches---and he was later proven correct.
Try again, anti-White.
Internet echochambers never had the potential to produce anything substantial
they are only good at making memes
you forgot to add: literary and it really makes you think. without those 2 magic ingredients, i see only gibberish of text.
I think it was the overwhelming preponderance of homosexuality on the website that allowed it to become infected with enormous faggotry. Given the high levels of interest in ass-fucking among stormfags, I can't see it working out in any other way.
He was proven correct because his Fed masters fed him the info. They were plants intended to be outed to give him more credibility with the gullible like you.
>FBI's been watching them for who knows how long.
---AND have found nothing wrong.
Very few people could live under the police and SJW microscope like Don Black without finding trouble.
Don Black must be the most law-abiding citizen in America.
Pic related is typical stormfag.
1. Very old message board system, hard to use, cluttered and slow
2. Very heavily moderated, new users must have their posts reviewed before posting
3. Full of lazy neckbeards, always denounce people like trump, dylan roof, people who are taking even a few steps closer to their vision of 'white supremacy'
4. overly exclusive, for instance slavs, irish etc are not considered white and people will shun you unless you are a regular poster
Someone must have been extremely buttmad to make that
They've never actually done a single thing for white people, unless you count the phrase "Anti-racist = Anti-white" and popularizing the term white genocide as something.
They're filled with Nordicism shit, and free amunition for the left.
Well it is, just because you do it willingly and with smiles and sex doesn't mean the outcome isn't the same.
Fuck off nigger lover
If you don't think race mixers, the white ones, don't have deep seated psychology issues and self loathing, then you're dumb.
>1. Very old message board system, hard to use, cluttered and slow
>2. Very heavily moderated, new users must have their posts reviewed before posting
>3. Full of lazy neckbeards, always denounce people like trump, dylan roof, people who are taking even a few steps closer to their vision of 'white supremacy'
>4. overly exclusive, for instance slavs, irish etc are not considered white and people will shun you unless you are a regular poster
It's not hard to use. WTF?? Thousands use it every day.
New users have their posts reviewed because anti-White SJWs try to join and stir up trouble.
Lazy neck beards? A lot of very wealthy people including business owners are members.
Irish and Slavs are not considered White? They don't put up w/ that BS there.
Try again Mr. Singapore.
Those people like the one on your pictures exist with the sole purpose of desacrediting us.
You will tremble if you had to confront yourself (ideologically or physically) with a true far-right person.
>You will tremble if you had to confront yourself (ideologically or physically) with a true far-right person.
I went to a couple of (so-called) far right gatherings. Most of the people were wearing suits.
Far right? Not really. More like conservatives with a backbone who are incredibly well read.
I was a SF member years ago, but have moved on. WHY? Because it serves no useful purpose for us to be hidden away in a corner of the internet. We have to circulate and spread our viewpoints, whether SJWs like them or not.
Reminder that you CANNOT be a white supremacist if you are
>unmarried without white children born in wedlock
>not fit
>not self-employed or work for a white small businesd
>have autism or any other mental disability
Unfortunately, stormfront posters are some or all of the above, and they'll hang with the rest. We're here to elevate the race. We don't stand for useless fucks.
>Sup Forums
>an example to live up to
Pffft, yeah, okay.
I never understood why Sup Forums looks down on Stormfront. Let's be real, I think it's that we have more teenagers here, and teenagers tend to be condescending and "know-it-alls", especially when they deem something "uncool". Objectively, Stormfront isn't a bad site. I'm not signed up because I don't have the time to post and there's not a huge Greek presence either. If I was American I probably would.
>I never understood why Sup Forums looks down on Stormfront. Let's be real, I think it's that we have more teenagers here, and teenagers tend to be condescending and "know-it-alls", especially when they deem something "uncool". Objectively, Stormfront isn't a bad site.
A fair number of young adults--university students etc.Realistically, there is people there from all walks of life. A gathering place.
There is actually something there for everyone.
I used to listen to their radio broadcasts, which are excellent.