Are Alpha's Dangerous to Society

I think Alpha's/Chad's are the prime causes of degeneracy in society today. They are selfish, have no empathy, and contribute very little to society. The best way to see this is to look at the most Alpha High-t men. Niggers. They can't maintain a functioning group structure because they are constantly trying to kill each other. All they want to do is get money and fuck women. They don't care about raising children.

In the past when we had wars and strife Alpha's had a purpose. They would lead armies and fight as soldiers. We turned their aggression outwards. Beta's are the ones who built society. Scientists, philosophers, leaders, Doctors, engineers are almost always beta. In our "peaceful" society Alphas have turned on their own society.
>They benefit the most from the liberation of women because they get the most sex.
>They benefit from uncontrolled capitalism because they have no problem manipulating and destroying members of their in group
>They don't care that much about letting outsiders in because they don't see them as a threat
>They usually don't pursue careers that benefit society because they can get by on their looks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill your self take that /r9k/cuck spam back to your containment board ugly permavigin loser. You are not welcome here


>t.betafag who prefers to read books than fuck women

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

>t. Beta who was cucked by Chad

If you think niggers are alpha than you are a retard, complaining beta.

The normalization of wanton sexual behavior, cheap contraception, and government-subsidized nanny states are the cause of degeneracy.

Don't you have a German cock to service for the bailout money. Souvlika kebab-tier faggot.


There is no clear dichotomy. Only people who make something of themselves with the talents they have and those who don't.

Fuck off.

>t. kike shills

Niggers are Alpha. All an Alpha means is someone who always prioritizes their own desires and goals over the groups.

in the past, Chad would have been even more alpha than he is now. Before guns, a guy like Chad would utterly dominate all areas of society through superior strength alone. Intellect was for the faggot celibate monks who sat in the monestary all day in brown dresses and stupid hair cuts while they wore shiny armor, rode a horse, and fucked all the maidens

we are fortunate that we can even function in society without being chads in this day and age

I have no sympathy for low test 'intellectual' beta boys. You should've played sports as a kid instead of wasting your physical talents in a class room.

Of course, but some greys are darker than others. The best leaders to have are Alpha-Betas. These are men that have Alpha traits but look after the group. The best men to have in a society are Betas. Guys who are mostly Alpha serve no purpose in society.

You will always be a virgin. People are repulsed by your sight. You will never be happy you will never feel desired nobody will ever love you or care for you. Just fucking kill your self now.

Go back to your containment board autistic obese ugly permavirgin pathetic NEET loser.

So by that definition, homeless people are alphas

Lol. Chad does even better now than before. Now that gender roles are gone hypergamy works in Chad's favor. Technology just adds to this. Guns also require good eyesite and spacial IQ which Chad's excel at.

We can't really have an argument like this, everyone on here will just call you a virgin and ignore. Disassociation makes you feel better


10 bux says one of these cunts is topping themselves in a minute.

Go fluff Ahmed's dick while he fucks your female relatives. Britian is full of degenerate Alpha's that are fucking up the country. UKuck fag.

You have to go back

You are the embodiment of what's wrong in the West, cuck

Pic very fucking much related

I find it really weird honestly. Sup Forums has a huge NEET and beta userbase. You would think they would be more sympathetic. It's like they think that they are Alpha's that have just not flowered yet. When in actuality they are omegas.

Project much beta boy? I'm the one fucking ahmeds sister btw.

Motherfuckers gotta go all jihad just to get her sweet ass away from me.

fuck off cuck


>Guns also require good eyesite and spacial IQ which Chad's excel at.
[Citation Needed]




This. Every Sup Forumstard I've met is a bearded skinnyfat numale

Lol just legalize polygamy and kill or put in forced labor all beta cucks. Everyone happy.

>Wanting to expand your knowledge = beta

Lemme guess, you live on a council estate, listen to shitty yankee rap, wear a tracksuit, and the only time you ever get up off your sofa is when Eastender's isn't on, or when you need to collect your bennies. Am I close?

Doctors being beta? Kek. Please, go study medicine, see how far that will get you.
Go back to /r9k/.

t. a thundercock doctor

The only difference between a Sup Forums nu-male and a reddit nu-male, is that reddits nu-males accept the fact that their beta nu-males.

>>Guns also require good eyesite and spacial IQ which Chad's excel at.
>[Citation Needed]

Really. Is your Autism that high that this doesn't just seem apparent. Gun's require good eyesight and coordination. Chad's are natural athletes. Athletes have good hand and eye coordination.

Nazis were betas. That's not an insult. It's why they excelled. When everyone is a beta everyone puts everyone else needs before theirs. That is the best society.

Yeah, Sup Forums is so delusional they think their patchy beards make their weak jawlines look manly


Beta boy projecting again. You faggots are so funny. Keep the frustration coming.

Don't be silly.

Alphas are the people who bring society forward and make it competitive.

Alpha doesn't mean you play American "football", running around throwing a fucking egg with some dumb niggers like a cuck.

Alpha us more based on the way you think and the way you are.
>You have goals in life
>you don't put up with women's shit
Etc. You can see where I'm going here. It means you're pretty fucking based, and based is good.

Aloha can be an old man in a suit, a lawyer, a boxer, a mamlet, an artist. Anything.

Alpha mind is the opposite to cuck mind.

Also, nu males.need to kill themselves.

Horrible idea. That's how you get beta-uprisings. That's why marriage was necessary for functioning societys. Beta's need access to women in-order to have a reason to contribute to society. Even a polygamous society like Islam puts a limit on the number of women and requires men get married.

>>Nazis were betas. That's not an insult. It's why they excelled. When everyone is a beta everyone puts everyone else needs before theirs. That is the best society.
Then why are you defending alphas?

lmfao typical beta male response

>hurr its the fault of those Chads that I'm a worthless virgin with nothing to contribute

stay beta fag

They are all like that elliot rodgers kids. Intellectual supreme gentlemen who think they're entitled to chads fuck toys.

Being a doctor is years of training where you are constantly submitting yourself. Sure doctors have some alpha traits, but they are mostly betas.

I'm not? I'm saying they suck. They serve a purpose, but in todays society that purpose is non-existant. Beta's are the true society builders.

The funny thing about the notion of "Chad" is they are actually usually very polite, helpful and successful members of society while the autists on here who decry them are the mean spirited leaches butthurt they're not hansom.

>Keep the frustration coming.
>"He finishes typing as he takes a sip of Mountain Dew. and wipes the Doritos dust off his fingers onto his ona-hole.

Sure all those things you said about alphas are right. The problem is that they always prioritize their desires over others. Even if doing so threatens society.

Not only you are a beta, you are delusional, kek.

We did have betas in 1st year of med. 110 started. 35 finished the whole 6 years in term.

Anyway, a robot can't handle the pressure. If he could, he wouldn't be what he is.

Lol. Chad's are manipulative. Autistes are morons who can't control their emotions. Chad's are able to control them in order to gain that they want. Chad's destroy societies.

Things Chad's do
>push sexual degeneracy
>encourage hypergamy
>crash the stock markets
>push for globalism


Almost all jobs that require strength over mental faculties can be done with machines easily. Let's face it, the only purpose "muh gainz" have in this civilization are to attract women, which, lets face it, is equivalent of setting fire to your wallet these days. Or you could just bedhop for the rest of your life, which I don't mind, but isn't it easier to just watch porn instead, if just getting off is all you're going for

Lets face it, Chad's are worthless in our civilization, aside for being used by the kike media as a stick to beat the wagecucks with.

>jews liberate females
>they all get pumped and dumped numerous times by alphas, ruining their value as mothers
>marriage is dead and the women are shit, meaning white betas don't work
>jews use this as an excuse to let in shitskins

"Alphas" are the key cog in the jewish machine. They are what ruin white women. They are what killed the white birthrate, the white lower class males and eventually the white race.
You either un-liberate women (good luck) or remove alphas.

Think you have the wrong definition friend.
"Chad" is a term referring to animalistic males who are born with good genetics for looks and usually come from a well of family. Chad has one and only one life goal: Hedonistic Sex. He will use any means to get this, like 'cucking' people (Read: Destroys relationships), being physically violent and abusive to competing males (Read: Acts like a nigger) and ultimately does not care for anyone but himself and his dick.
Chad is a degenerate that leaches off of and speeds up the fall of society. There is nothing virtuous about a man who ruins marriages. Unless you're fine with supporting the death of white families?

Sorry, just from that post about them 'doing so well' in modern society it sounded like you were sucking their cock.


Agree with everything you just said. Most of these guys defending Alphas have really just been brainwashed by jewish media. Porn, Movies, Comics etc. They all push the idea that Chad's are superior. In reality Beta's are society builders. Jews have turned our society into Omegas and Alphas. Beta's are being target on both sides.

It's a heuristic. Alpha refers to a certain type of behavior and mindset. I'm not using it in a heirchachal term. Pure Alpha's are actually shit leaders to be honest.

The term comes from studies of wolf packs which was later discredited by the person who carried out the studies.
"Outmoded notion of the alpha wolf

The concept of the alpha wolf is well ingrained in the popular wolf literature at least partly because of my book "The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species," written in 1968, published in 1970, republished in paperback in 1981, and currently still in print, despite my numerous pleas to the publisher to stop publishing it. Although most of the book's info is still accurate, much is outdated. We have learned more about wolves in the last 40 years then in all of previous history."

TL:DR people who buy into the "alpha" shit are so outdated they might as well be creationists.

So what you're saying is

Ausfailia being unable to understand reality as usual.

Shill shilling as usual (^:


Shitposting mong.

ITT: Children

Whatever you say Ahmed

I see you can only respond in memes. How does it feel to be defined by a koreaboo internet imageboard?

I know all this. Alpha still has usefulness as a sociological term. It is a catch all word for certain types of behavior.

How does it feel to have your cities filled with designated Shariah law areas?

> using catch-all terms in sociological studies.

Wouldn't even get into college.

How does it feel to have a lower GDP then both of us. Tea-cuck.

Nice meme response. Don't forget your greentext and image reaction next time.

I actually just graduated. Double major. Top 15% of my class. Nice not an argument though

What, when you have a host of competing nations on your doorstep all of which are equally competent?

Pretty good.

Obviously civilization will collapse if the alphas keep taking all the women and betas lose all incentive to keep everything going, but no one is doing anything about it so no one seems to care. Just let it collapse, the alphas and women and their Jewish puppetmasters who set it all in motion can reap what they've sowed.

> double-major.
> using catch-alls.
> posting on Sup Forums.

Lie more.

Not like your responses are any better. Make sure you remember to go vote for BREXIT!
If you can even leave the house without running into a Muslim gang and having your daughter raped. Don't report it though, that would be racist!

>Don't forget your greentext and image reaction next time.
Just 4U big guy

>They benefit the most from the liberation of women because they get the most sex.

More like a monopoly on sex. Feminist roasties don't give a shit, because they're selfish women, but the reality is that we are among the first generations in history -- thanks to women who can support themselves easily, and amplified by technology of online dating, women with smartphone apps that ping out 100 miles for whatever alpha chad 9 or 10 looks male who wants to fuck them -- we are among the first society where men are fuckless, living a life of jerking off, because average women can just be the fucktoys of men way above them, and support themselves.

Women actually don't care if they're just some Chad's fucktoy, they care about security. They only get fucked either because A.) they need to in order to survive (which they don't anymore), or for B.) enhancing their life, whether through the orgasms they get by fucking a guy way above their rank, or by favors from rich men who spoil them.

Needing to find an average guy with an average salary is no longer a reality, so average guys with average salaries settle for picking up used up whores whose looks have hit the wall. He stands by the cock carousel waiting for the ride to stop, watching her fuck all the hot guys while her looks are good, until the ride conductor -- father time -- tells her to get the fuck off (the 9 and 10 Chads, the carousel seats, have a line of younger and hotter women waiting).

The culprit here is also beta enablers, in that case. There are plenty of men supplementing these whores lives with favors and free dinners, while pic related shit happens.

How can you commit to this liberated Western slut? How can you even go on a date with her and not fuck her, knowing she's had one-night stands?

You'd have to be a feminist pussy bitch who does that whole "her past is her past, it's cool if she fucked other guys on the same night like pic related, and made me wait,"

Fuck off back to r9k you stupid mong.

Alphas are what are good in society.

Pathetic beta female-worshiping cucks are what have destroyed the west.

>the worker male has destroyed the west
Fucking leaf

We have those, but here they are called states. The only reason you guys can do shit is because the U.S. looks after you fags. We all know you anglos are just aryan-cucks.

Nice job posting GDP when what's important is GDP per capita. which australia and America still beat you at.

>wu-tang logo in the corner
> reminder that gangsta rap mindset is what helps you fuck white women quickly

> big guy.

Nice job letting a bald degenerate and a lying bitch run for the white house amerifriend.

>lie more
Not an argument

>being an intellectual is bad

Fantastic news! There's a whole continent of dark-skinned friends who share your views! Why don't you go and move there?

We know you don't want to hear about social issues related to relationships because the average Greek male is faced with a future of having the social ranking of a hot dog vendor while watching his women flock to beaches to get fucked by "rich" tourists (whereas actually they're just people with a positive net worth).

Keep the sand looking good at the beach. I'm coming next year, coming, in more ways than one.

Actually it is. I'm calling your credibility into question. Idiot.

Nice job letting a pig-head fucker be your PM. Nice job cucking to the EU. Nice job on being one of the first countries in line to fall to muslims.

>They are selfish, have no empathy, and contribute very little to society
you just described a perma-virgin neckbeard too
two faces of the same coin

Sure it must be true ahahahahhjaah

I have never seen Sup Forums have a coherent thread about a topic that isn't strictly politics, ie Trump, Guns, DUDE WEED etc., and even then the discussion is usually just memes. These threads are always filled with the worst of worst, the most bluepilled of redditors who refuse to question anything. Sup Forums should be about philosophy, no a fucking news bulletin that you follow without question. There's a dead board for that (I think still)

Fucking Sup Forums has better threads about stuff like this than Sup Forums
Flags and IDs only made the discussion worse, let alone the hordes of phoneposters who are either kids or normalfags who apparently have absolutely nothing better to do, Sup Forums is literally the only site in existence
not that I'll even get a reply like most of the time since Sup Forums has been flagposters with 2-3 replies if you're lucky
I wish this wasn't r/Sup Forums, that's probably more satire than here

Nah, women who can't do enough math to realize they will have to share their Chad Thundercock with an average of 9 other women are the real problem.

>have no empathy
Do you know what board you're on?

It really is stupid how most people don't realize this. Honestly i'll give it a couple more decades. You can't have a functioning society that is full of so many sexless men. That shit is unstable. Hypergamy is its own downfall

There's also an Island right above Continental Europe he could go to. What's it called again? UKuckistan

Nice job having only shit-slinging to contribute to the discussion. Hope you enjoy being king of an anthill.

Why would you think i'm lying. Btw if what you said is true. You also called yourself a retard.

Omega's and alpha are very similar in principle. It's just that one is more sexually satisfied.

Whatever, faggot. I'm bored of your pseudo-intellectual bullshit. Fact is if there was a shred of genuine knowledge behind what you're saying you'd know how to respond sincerely.

Fuck you, idiot.

Even if they could do the math. They don't care. Women would rather be a cumrag used by Chad then have a loving and caring beta husband.

K Shlomo

>You can't have a functioning society that is full of so many sexless men. That shit is unstable. Hypergamy is its own downfall

It's why a lot of men are barely trying (just getting bang-for-the-buck degrees, maybe bachelors, maybe associates in health care that are fast, cheap, and pay well, maybe just trade skill training), and supporting themselves, because they don't see the incentive in becoming some mastermind with arduous training anymore.

Why would any average beta male struggle to build the next iteration of an Aston Martin, only to see Tyrone the NBA start buy it like it's nothing, use it to pick up and fuck the hottest white women in your town, then crash it in a stunt on a commercial?

You have a world full of super-rich Jews laughing at how they can throw a few thousand at your desperate hot women to get fucked by donkey niggers on Blacked, and people here act like "oh, that's so evil." Haha, are you fucking kidding? These gorgeous women go fuck niggers in porn because that's life for them now, it's just another dick.

When a woman in the past who was young and had a hymen and saved it for marriage fucked a guy, she was in a flood of emotions, there was an aura of love, of "this man got something special, I'll be with him forever."

Today, these women are taking 25 nigger dicks in a high school bathroom at age 15, and by time they graduate they're so cold and used that the next dick conjures about the same emotion as the next hot dog at a birthday cookout.

You're all better off just maximizing your time-for-money earning potential, and fucking a whore every other weekend. It's more efficient than dating them, and the upside is that most whores have a no-nigger policy, so at least you know you're A.) saving time and B.) not fucking a coalburner.

As a chad I have to completely agree. All I do is get by in life by my looks and aesthetics. I turn innocent pretty females into degenerate whores and when I am done leave them in the street like trash. It probably makes them angry at males in general. All I do is win and frankly I don't even put forth a lot of effort if it doesnt benefit me in some sort of way. I am basically colonizating the world around me one piece of ass at a time.

You're both hung up on what they were like in highschool. Meanwhile in the adult world actual Alpha males are the firefighters and builders that keep society running.

>Chad would utterly dominate all areas of society through superior strength alone. Intellect was for the faggot celibate monks who sat in the monestary all day in brown dresses and stupid hair cuts while they wore shiny armor, rode a horse, and fucked all the maidens

Yeah until chad died in his early 20's because he took an arrow through the chest or got cut by a sword and died from the wound being infected. Without those "faggot intellectual" monks, Europe would still be an Africa tier continent full of nigger-like chads living in the dark ages.

Humans are far too complex to fall within alpha/beta paradigms.

When you use words like this, you display that you are willing to discuss topics that you've never, ever looked into at all in earnest, and as such, nothing that you say is likely to have any merit whatsoever.

You're an idiot, you don't know anything about anything. And you never will, if you remain content to lazily come up with simplistic little pet ideas and then babbling about them as if your feelings are facts.