Antifa is the low-budget ISIS

Antifa is the low-budget ISIS.

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Antifa is opposed to ISIS.

that's racist you cuck.

It is Euro/American division.

What exactly is antifa? When the fuck was this shit even created? It seems it popped up out of nowhere.

Its a gang full of starbucks baristas from across america.

Antifa is a violent fascist movement against any and all non-politically correct opinions.

Antifa beat ISIS.

Antifa means anti-fascist so they are against Nazis. I know this is hard for a lot of Americans to understand

They are violently against ALL political points of view that differ from their own.

Nope, just Nazis.

There's a lot of misinfo on US news because they want everyone to fear antifa as much as the Nazis fear them, but the reality is they are anti-fascist and that's it.

The clue is literally in the name

You're talking as though it is a unified whole. You got tankies, anarchists, demsocs, socdems, and edgy liberals all calling themselves "antifa". Within themselves they have a pretty diverse array of political points of view.

I wonder what it's like to be this retarded.

It's the truth. I mean I wish you knew what the hell you're talking about, but Antifa are as fascist as NAZIs.

A violent terrorist group that makes normal liberals look like complete fucking morons

Right, general unifying ideology antifa flies under is anti-fascism.

People that say antifa are nazis tend to also be strongly in favor of gassing jews (literally just Sup Forums) so if anyone wants to go ahead and take their word for it I suggest you go back and finish high school at some point.

autism with a symbol

I don't think you have even the remotest idea of what fascism is, or nazis for that matter.

what ever makes your nazi ass feel like a victim so you can curl up in your confederate flag safety blanket

meanwhile the kurdish communist party beat the actual isis

>People that say antifa are nazis tend to also be strongly in favor of gassing jews
Honestly, I wish it were that simple. Weak-willed liberals frequently drink the reactionary kool-aid, and fear antifa as much as the fashies do.

yeah basically it's just against fascism which i do agree is a broad term these days but c'mon. at the end of the day they are only opposed to literal nazis and the alt right which is basically the same thing. like you can keep your 2000s conservative beliefs and be left the fuck alone

not low-budget, same or more budget but instead of buying weapons they buy drugs


Shills can go to fucking that's why m00t made that fucking board you stupid fucking russian ass bitch. Now go there and get your $5 worth of vodka and bread, and THANK GOD for capitalism you commy fuck.

Antifa belong in Sup Forums too, not here.

>dat Soros money

Not really low-budget, since most of them are on welfare.

Your sand-nigger is showing.

>makes normal liberals look like complete fucking morons
So you're saying antifa are much more intelligent than the average liberal?


This is Terry's mother (OP), hes in the bathroom crying. You all are very rude, he is not Autistic. He's a kind boy with a big heart. He's been living with me for 34 years and I don't think you should be insulting him. Please, stop.


>Antifa means anti-fascist so they are against Nazis. I know this is hard for a lot of Americans to understand
>anti and fascism
they're also fascists these faggots


Antifa = Bái Zuô!

they aren't the same

I dunno man

Evangelical conservatives are more supportive of sharia law than antifa.

They want the government to control people's bodies, tell them what sexuality is good and bad, tell woman what to wear and how to act, some are against alcohol.

Antifa is shitty because the extream end wants anarchy which can't work in human culture. Evangelicals want there version of sharia law imposed on everyone.

So in terms of ideology conservative evangelicals are closer to ISIS, hell ISIS is technically the radical conservatives of Islam so it meshes.

It was originally started in the 30s to counter the growing facist movements of the time in Europe, now it's just hipsters.

Basicly it's to the left what the alt right is to the right, the crazy members of the ideology overdoing it

Anti facist is facist?

Wow guess that means the pope is an atheist and fire fighters burn houses down.

>Anti facist is facist?
Calling oneself "Anti facist" doesn't make any less of a facist if one really is a facist.


So basically anyone could make an anti-nazi party and do again everything Hitler do, but without being a nazi, interesting logic you retard

>Wow guess that means the pope is an atheist

have you seen this fucking pope?



How unliberal, how anti Islamic. You Trump supporting racist. Don't you know that your meant to use Political Correctness to defend an ancient tyrannical far right sexist racist homophobic religion because you received directives from your leftist masters? Your a disgrace to the Anti-Fascist movement by your lack of hypocrisy.

They claim to be antifascist while being more fascist than the ones they claim to be fascists.

What they truly are is a bunch of junkies who want to break shit up and "fight tuh system!!". Most of them are communist brainlets.

>I say stuff I wish was true in the hopes others agree with me

Stay mad, kid

Most of those far right groups in the US also are just a low budget ISIS too.

You can't discriminate Yankieboi

Found the butthurt Russian



B-b-but the colors are similar
>being this desperate to make an argument

These posters are antifa sympathizers and in my opinion should face the firing squad, or at the very least, since we're not savages, return to school and study some history, You'll come to realise pretty quickly why antifa are the enemy - why communism most definitely is a bad thing, and why hard work and success are revered.

You all need to grow the fuck up and take some responsibility for your own actions and leave others alone to do the same. The world isn't an easy place so stop making it more difficult.

yeah Red like the Republicans.

So you're calling for homicide? You 100 more times gay than any of the posters here combined.

found the trans disabled rich white kid scrounging desperately for a sense of belonging.

As much as yourself

First off, learn to read. Second, take yourself outside and shoot yourself in the face. You're nothing.

Sure look the same you fuckin cuck

Not before you do it faggot.

We will deliver delicious coffee to you and beat up facists.

Viva Communism!
Fuck all you edgy white kids.

Barista! Barista! Antifaschiste Aktion!

Also, what have you done for society?


thanks for outing you as a extremely stupid nazi who has no idea what he´s talking you.
We´ll come to get your asses.



Surely you can do better than that? Fuckin' lol.

low quality bait 1/10

I assume everyone is just larping

Noone can be that stupid to actually be antifa

not a bait.
A promise you faggot.

No. Do it faggot. Fucking hang yourself and stream it.

Ofcourse ... opposing Fascism is stupid in a fascists mind.
That literally means jacked shit, faggot

Antifa is the footsoldiery of the Jewish / Communist / Globalist regime in the west.

Everything that is currently transpiring in the west occured in the Weimar Republic before WW2.

The question is whether or not the west will have the balls to rediscover it's nationalist roots and kick this scum to the curb. Because currently, the commie / jew scum are winning the fight because most westerners are too afraid to stand up to them due to fear of being labelled a Nazi or racist. Not that being a Nazi automatically equates to being racist, because it doesn't.

What makes zero sense about antifa is they act like rich capatalist control the world and thats terrible.
Then they openly and actively do the footwork for rich pay for play politics like soros.

It couldn't be any more hypocritical

No it's not. The altright is not 0,1% as violent as antifa is.

I would guess that you're a amerifat based on your stupidness.

ofcourse the commies are winning that is why all recent government changes around the world were hard right wingers - for example trump, orban in europa, austria in europe, german took a hard right.

You´re so delusional in your fucking hate it´d be funny if it wouldn´t were so many delusional fuckheads.

Just kill yourself edgy white kid.

no it's not, the altright is not 0,1% as violent as antifa is. I know you faggots try to make false equivalences all the time so you can pretend to be "the based centrist" but there is no equivalent to antifa in western society other than violent groups like isis terrorists

dude ... ofcourse they are.

What would you expect by a generation of nazis that would have been sent to the concentration camps by the original ones?
They are just - truly genetically - retarded.

You're not opposing shit when you display all the trademarks of fascism in your movement you brainlet. It's like I go out chanting to lynch niggers but then I claim I'm part of the "antiracism" movement and somehow this word means more than my actions.

I founded and run a charity which works to lift scottish children out of poverty. I already know you're studying women's studies or art or music or some other waster's course so your opinions are invalid. Get back to tumblr where you belong.

ever heard of controlled opposition?
false dichotomy?

the left / right paradigm is literally designed to make you see things in black and white, left and right, liberal and conservative, and to restrict the energy flow within nations to one route or the other.

the right currently appears to be "winning" because that's what the system desires at this point in time. but really what's going on behind the scenes is a great communist stirring, just waiting for the chance to fully come into fruition. which will likely happen when the right falls. because believe me, the current supposed success of the right is fully intended to destroy it.

take trump for example. his sole purpose in the US is to make a mockery of the christian right and create a much more virulent leftist opposition to the right, so that the left gains even more of a foothold in the west.

you have no idea what you're talking about.

KEK im english you fucking twat. you guys are just wrong about everything, huh. sad!

And I extract ass cancer juice out of dogs' anuses.

>Attempt to understand what an antifa intellectual is protesting against in the "Free Speech rally"
>"uhm Excuse me sir we would like to hear your op-"
>"wow that's actually hurting my eardrums could you please st-"
>"Well let's just move away from them then..."
>Antifa intellectuals follow you and throw fox urine in your face
>"Shit there's about a fez dozen diseases you can get from that, hey you fucking asshole ne-"

Yea I'm sure you're the "anti" "fascists" there lmao.

Also can't post images or what

But when you do, make sure you;

>>Remind them what the “Soc” in Nat-Soc is short for.

>>Remind them what Socialism is (protip; communism’s naïve but well-meaning cousin)

>>Remind them that Hitler tried and failed to get his liberal arts degree

>>Remind them that Hitler was a vegetarian

>>Remind them that Joseph Goebbels planned nation-wide vegetarianism under the 3rd Reich

>>Remind them that Hitler was actually sympathetic to Zionism (Israel’s foundation)

>>Remind them that the Nazi’s were against freedom of speech

>>Remind them that the Nazi’s were not libertarians (first known anti public smoking laws)

>>Remind them that Anglo-Saxon Europeans and Slavs made up the VAST MAJORITY OF DEATHS in WW2, not Jews.

>>Remind them that the anime and video games they all know and love wouldn’t exist if the Nazi’s had won.

>>Remind them that the Nazi’s under the Japanese Empire were 100% responsible for rape, torture, starvation and dismemberment of the Chinese, SE Asians, and POW’s.

>>Remind them that Hitler ann-heroed himself

>>Remind them that Joseph Goebbels ann-heroed himself after killing his children

>>Remind them that actual Nazi’s would spit on them, because “whiteness” was not what they cared about.

>>Remind them that being white (Anglo-Saxon European) and proud of their heritage, lineage and European based culture DOES NOT MAKE THEM A NAZI EVEN IF LEFT-WING MORONS SHOUT NAZI TO ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH THEM

>>Remind them that they are as much a victim of WW2 based on their race as anyone else in “The West” today, which is to say, not at all, because the Nazi’s were defeated, the Alliance won, and that was ages ago, so start living in the present and clean your room.

>>Message from ARCANA
The Active Radicalist Centrists and Nationalist Conservative Alliance


Antifa are what Stalin referred to as his useful idiots. They use violence to silence political debate in a country using political correctness as an excuse to justify their unearned moral high ground. Look up Hitlers brown shirts they are the closest thing in history to the modern antifa soyboy army.

people are saying nazis are everywhere...when did this happen? are they going door to door like Mormons now just spreading the gospel of hitler? lol