is trump a fascist?
Is trump a fascist?
Who knows? He's never said anything about Fascism or his stance in it. Maybe you should ask him?
No. He's faggit.
There's a difference, you know.
Of course Trump is a fascist! He wants to deport 10% of the U.S. population!
If you haven't done so already, look up Hitler's "lugenpresse" and compare it to the things Trump has been saying about the press this week. It's really eye-opening and terrifying.
Not a fascist, possibly a paleoconservative
Why don't you guys take that 10%? Beaner immigrants will go nicely with you muzzies. I'm sure that a few sleazy journalists would love to follow.
Just the opposite; Hitler killed/deported all non-working scum from Germany like Jews, gypsies, slavs etc. to give germans liberty to work.
Toupee wants to deport 90% of work force hile keeping his richfags even more richer. Because average murifats have 0 skills and will to do anything beside neckbearding in basements.
It will be fucking circus if he wins, but in the end, americans will suffer even more than today. They will have to pay for not having healthcare, they will have -10 vacation days (that they will pay for), they will have gorillion more working hours because spics will be outside of the wall. Free.
Its all ogre now.
How is Trump like Hitler?
Illegal immigrants =/= from legal. When will you ever learn the difference?
Not yet
In Nazi Germany, Trump will stay alive only because his hair. Hitler would keep him as a pet.
God I hope so.
> are you kiddin me?
> carl
states rights is not fascist.
You don't have a clue what fascism is and you also have to go back.
Trump speaks in fascist tones, dog whistles to thus of us with ears. I think the potential for full fash is there if a catalyst event or economic crash occurs.
Fascism involves state-run unions "syndicalism".
You niggers don't even understand fascism.
So what?
Trump couldn't be worse than Bush no. 2.
Or could he?
You fucko!
America is not a """nation""". You are just 150 years old mixture of godknows how many nations and races put together by the force of almighty greed. And I don't have "to go back". I think you fatfuck, should build the fucking wall all around your Greaseland so that the rest of the world can be protected.
You can keep the niggers, after all you imported them in the first place.
Bush #2 wasn't actually bad, honestly.
Looking at that presidency from 2016, it is really obvious that we have been in a long game to weaken Saudi Arabia.
not a Trump fan at all, but this post is so inaccurate that it bears commenting:
>Toupee wants to deport 90% of work force hile keeping his richfags even more richer.
what does this mean? are you referring to doing what every other country on earth does - deporting people who are living in it illegally? and, if so, this could only serve to free up jobs (you know, the "jobs Americans don't want"), and increase wages.
> Because average murifats have 0 skills and will to do anything beside neckbearding in basements.
yeah... if only we were more like... Croatia?
>They will have to pay for not having healthcare
we already do that. it's part of the "Affordable Care Act" (aka "Obamacare"). the uninsured have to pay a penalty.
>they will have -10 vacation days (that they will pay for)
i don't think Europeans understand this, but here, how many vacation days you get, and whether or not they are paid vacation, is entirely up to the business one works for.
>they will have gorillion more working hours because spics will be outside of the wall.
this is nonsensical.
Trump is a paleoconservative
He's a populist. He will say what it takes to get elected.
150 years old, but the first actual nation instead of an ethnic motherland or historical dwelling.
We are tied together by ideology and shared interest, or at least we used to be.
Get back to me when your nation is relevant in real world matters, instead of just being a quaint historical relic.
I'm not a fan of his views, as I am very much a neoconservative/paleoliberal, but he will uncuck us.
>Looking at that presidency from 2016, it is really obvious that we have been in a long game to weaken Saudi Arabia.
Doubt it.
If Saudi Arabia was implicated in 9/11 all the government would have to do is release the evidence and the people would have been primed for war.
It would not really have been any harder to invade Saudi Arabia than Iraq.
Furthermore in the years between you have been selling them more modern weapons.
You have to go back.
he's not an ideological fascist, he's too mercurial and inchoate to be labelled that as such, but for all practical purposes he is acting as a fascist would. but, we have drifted so far to the right in this country, that fascism is really tainting everything we do, and we are a cryptofascist state for the most part. it was pretty much inevitable that we would get a solidly fascist-leaning demagogue to try to take over, but we will still have a corporatist/fascist leader if bernie is not elected. hillary sugar coats the fascist/corporatist elements, like all neoliberals and neocons do, and is really not that awful, but they are all pretty much indictable for this, from kennedy to the present. to quote chomsky, all our post ww2 presidents are indictable for war crimes. ordinary leftist or rightist politicians dont commit war crimes, its the more extreme ones that are ok with breaking eggs to make omelets.
Sorry buddy.
I'm hispanic, but I'm also a native Tejano.
I live in my homeland.
My family helped found the city I live in, and fought in the Texas War for Independence.
I'm maybe not the most American, but I'm definitely a Texan.
I'm sorry, but you and your family are going to be deported. Your property will be sold to white trash on some drunken KKK auction. Money will be used to build the wall for Great America.
Cool story, bro.
Both hurt my fee fees
Absolutely nothing wrong with LEGAL hispanics.
I hope Trump is a fascist
I want concentration camps for leftists and non-whites
I'm in the same boat as this guy, although I'd consider myself more American than Texan.
He and I are NOT gonna get deported because we're both one thing that millions tend to forget: LEGAL.
Trump is a flurry of contradictions. He's whatever pleases himself in the moment; like most of his supporters, he's no idea of political philosophies or the ideological threads holding it together.
But he's a great businessman; i.e. he's good at selling shit to stupid people that know jack about money.
Like MODERATE rebels?
Yes, you WILL be deported in less than 1 year.
good get rid of the shitskins
Who isn't a fascist by literal definition.
Anyone who uses their power to force people to think / act a certain way are Facsist
Political races, particularly in America, are comprised of inversely fascist parties.