Why exactly do jews want to destroy the white race?
I am asking just this one simple question.
Why would they try to "eliminate" us by outbreeding us?
Why didn't they try before in history?
What do they get from replacing whites with third worlders?
Why exactly do jews want to destroy the white race?
I am asking just this one simple question.
Why would they try to "eliminate" us by outbreeding us?
Why didn't they try before in history?
What do they get from replacing whites with third worlders?
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>Why exactly do jews want to destroy the white race?
so they can have a monopoly on all the pepes
It's not as organised as you think. It's just wealthy intelligent people who care more about rapid short-term gain than about long-term stability
>Why haven't they tried before
What is the black death?
Bc it's in their holy texts. Every gentile is worthless cattle compared to a Jew (so they say)
They're hard wired and brainwashed to act on this tenet without overtly knowing that they are
I do not believe in a conspiration.
Its just their nature, jews are destroyers of culture, they'll destroy until someone stop them.
After the whites are destroyed they'll focus in another people, and when there are no people left except the jews, they'll start to destroy thenselves
This. There is no cabal of Jews plotting our demise around a table somewhere. It's corporate/bank avarice, mostly owned by Jews. They just don't give a fuck about destroying cultures, they care about driving down wages and increasing spending.
They hate us for razing their second temple.
>What do they get from replacing whites with third worlders?
Collateral damages. They just need cheap and disposable workforce so they can give the finger to our "expensive" working class. Big producers will enjoy state subsidized disposable workforce, and we pay for the social costs. "Integration" and "tolerance" are just pathetic attempts for making these people less harmful to keep the Ponzi scheme up and running
Jews are also actively pushing for more islam into EU so europeans can withstand first hand what happens when islam becomes a majority
Jews gona jew, and they have done it for thousands of years.
What diaspora Jews believe: If we support multiculturalism, we'll be tolerated because we are part of it.
What actually happens: Muslims move in en masse and anti-semitism rises to the point where Jews have to move to Israel to be safe.
What Mulsims believe: If I move to Europe an buy a Mercedes, I will be respected there.
What actually happens: How can you respect sandniggers when they never embrace Ordnung? You can't.
What Germans think: If we help the poor refugees, we will be respected again and nobody thinks we're Nazis.
What actually happens: Germany is despised for trying to end white Europe and other countries wish Nazis came back despite past occupation.
Talmudic prophecy, friend. The elite Jew seeks to own the world (and destroy what it cannot posses) to complete a prophecy that will begin the return of the Messiah.
Every Jew, knowingly or unknowingly, is a player in this quest to rule as all of them must obey the Sabbath.
The taint of the Jew passes through the maternal bloodline. Whether you "observe" the tenets of the religion or not, you are born a Jew, and your daughters with give birth to Jews. Many of these "lost Jews" no longer practice, which means they are violating Talmudic law - and thus preventing the Messiah from ever returning.
Since the children of Israel have strayed in their observance of strict faith, the world around them must be changed so that the goy is either ruled or destroyed, while these lesser Jew has no choice but to obey the faith... even if by accident. Their drive to destroy nations is a shortcut to this end.
The Christian cults are waiting for Revelation. The Jewish cults are tired of waiting and have been actively trying to start it.
The Jew is so Jewy they've literally invented ways to out-Jew their own God.
>Why didn't they try before in history?
The Jew has been Jewing since before Rome burned. They operate on timelines spanning the life of kingdoms.
I haven't read it yet, but if you want to know the answer to this question, you should read Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald. From what I can gather, which makes sense, Judaism is a genetic strategy which seeks to subvert the differing groups of Goyim into subservience.
There have been a dozen or so red heifers, one of the prerequisites of the coming as I understand.
Why then don't the Jews just march on the Temple Mount, kill a few Arabs if necessary, and erect the 3rd Temple? Wouldn't that make the Messiah come?
I bet if they did they could even rely on the support of American Christians, who want the 2nd coming of Christ.
Don't be fucking fooled by the likes on here. youtu.be
Jews are white, you stupid confused Kraut faggot. Just accept your war guilt already and stop fighting it. You lost really badly, ok?
The jewish agenda is only coincidentally destroying europe and white people.
They are a minority group that got into power by playing victim games as hard as possible.
Every step to delegitimize being a victim as a valid argument for anything is threatening not only jewish control in the contries they infest but is also a direct threat to israel.
There is no end-goal behind it for the average marxist jew other than protecting themselves.
I think there are only very few who actually want to bring about some globalist empire.
tl;dr jews gonna jew whether that is gonna destroy them in the end or not
You're making it a little too simple.
What you say would imply that non-jewish people in the same position are prone to doing the same things.
Yes, greed is a factor but their ideologies are strongly tied to their jewish identity.
Which Jews, exactly?
Whites were the ones who almost ended them
It's irrelevant. Those in power are the ones who are doing the real harm
Wait this isn't a suicide pic.... Fuck off kike.
because they hate the fact that you are the most beautiful race on earth (just the physical apparence)
I do too but at least i don't racemix...or should I?
>jews want to exterminate the only people who keep Israel in existence and flood their countries with muslims who want to murder them
oh yeah makes sense, thanks for explaining it stormfaggots
I'd say it's too simple to just say Jews = bad when the same shit is being pushed by white crony capitalists. The Jew thing is at best a correlation.
Who do you think does more harm to Germany, an Israeli mechanic with full Jew heritage spanning centuries or white German Angela Merkel?
Well the other answer is that we're just killing ourselves for no reason
I don't know which one you'd wanna live with
We are the jews slave, niggers are better slaves
>Why didn't they try before in history?
They've always been trying. Hitler didn't happen in a vacuum.
Cuz white people are the true chosen ones and they work for the red guy with the pitchfork.
Because pic related.
>White Angela Merkel
user, I..
>They've always been trying. Hitler didn't happen in a vacuum.
>or white German Angela Merkel?
Wasn't her mother Jewish?
So you think that people like the Rotschilds care about Israel more than money? How cute
Nobody thinks of Judaism as a matriarchy.
Who has the most influence? Jewish men.
Who has the most influence over Jewish men?
Not their wives...
Their mothers. Women determine birthright. Which makes sense considering you don't always know who the father is, but its easy to tell who the mother is.
The Jewish mother is important.
They are so much smarter and more powerful than your white dad.
Jewish men? Known for hamhock ding dongs too. That usually happens in cultures where women are in charge. But Jewish women are smart enough to know that IQ trumps dick length, and IQ leaves a trail of dollars behind it.
They'll marry a brainiac over a mandingo any day.
It's a common misconception that the kikes have some grand plan to destroy the white race. All they really care about is shekels. The kikes running multinational corporations and the banks flood the West with cheap labour because it creates more consumers. That's literally the only reason, more money. They just don't give a fuck about the consequences
Because of deep insecurity and jealousy. They know we're the master race and they consider themselves that so they can't stand the fact they've never had a successful country, poet, work of art, or anything of the such. They thought they could subjugate us but Hitler was the last straw. After Hitler they were done trying
to add to that
the jews are more of a concept than a race on Sup Forums
the part of Sup Forums whose opinion you should bother with anyway
>What you say would imply that non-jewish people in the same position are prone to doing the same things
They are. Men like the Koch brothers, big tobacco, most major manufacturers, few of them are owned by Jews but all of them display the same shekel-grabbing behaviours
Because we dared to call them out.
Before they were content to be parasites like anyone else, attaching themselves to an honest face and a strong work ethic.
Didn't actually know this. Was Tony Blair a Jew too?
The point is its correlation. This is being done by whites too. No denying that a lot of the elites are jews, but being jews isn't what causes them to fuck up society, being greedy elites does. They've managed to amass enough power and wealth to break the democratic checks we placed upon them.
Check those glorious digits, niggers, Kek has vindicated my position as the true one
They think and behave as if it were "us or them"
thereby creating the circumstance, its us or them
>Implying the Jews was behind the black death.
Fucking hell.. some of you guys, are so fucking brainwashed.
All demographic checks are currently all subsumed under the accusation of anti-semitism
Imagine being anti-white treated the same way. And we're talking about treatment in native White countries as well
We worship them. We've made them our gods
And the low level jews are not complaining. Why would they?
If you look at it rationally for a moment, an organised Jew conspiracy would not want to destroy the white west. The white west is the only thing propping up Israel, it gave them Israel. If they turn Europe into a Muslim continent, the Jews are literally alone in the world with people who want to genocide them.
A Jewish conspiracy would be happy with the way the world was by the middle of the last century. Lots of Jewish elites owning big business, literally owning central banks, and owning the most powerful politicians in the world.
In stead they're doing everything they can to make more shekels, even if it means Israel is destroyed after they're long dead.
A lot say it's in the Talmud.
The destruction, as far as I can see is not about "killing". It's about removing higher thought, loyalty and pride.
Creating a slave (wage slave) who goes about in a grey rat race working for dull things to adorn their dull cage.
Read this book OP
The short answer is that jews are naturally inclined to be skeptical of rival cultures. Its just in their DNA.
Once they get in high seats of power because of their high IQ, money and influence along with a loathing of white traditionalist culture is a bad mix
jew here.
i fear the death of the white race more than anything else.
the arabs and niggers won't spare us just because we're a semitic people. what's happening in europe honestly scares the shit out of me right now and with le weed man wanting to do the same to canada it's only a matter of time.
>If you look at it rationally for a moment, an organised Jew conspiracy would not want to destroy the white west.
That's what should happen if they were acting rationally
>The white west is the only thing propping up Israel, it gave them Israel.
A lot of jews are staunchly anti-Israel. And incredibly secular
Many of them actually believe in the leftie dogma that they spew
It replaces their religion the same way Christians have replaced their religion with social liberalism
>If they turn Europe into a Muslim continent, the Jews are literally alone in the world with people who want to genocide them.
They've survived quite of few wars in the Middle East in the past century. Often against the odds
Most of what we do is fund them
>A Jewish conspiracy would be happy with the way the world was by the middle of the last century. Lots of Jewish elites owning big business, literally owning central banks, and owning the most powerful politicians in the world.
That's why I've said here that I don't believe it's that organised
It's individual secular jews following their innate ethnic jewish nature, in absence of their religion
>Instead they're doing everything they can to make more shekels, even if it means Israel is destroyed after they're long dead.
Not all jews care about Israel. Secular jews either care mainly about money or about social justice crusades
the one thing most jews have in common is their disdain for christendom
Jews are white
Because that roman emperor fined a jewish king 1 room full of gold and revised the Bible to warn future generations of the true nature of the jew.
They want power. They think they cant control the Muslims and blacks.
If they were clever enough to engineer a disease and use fleas on rats to propagate it throughout Europe and friends, at a time when no one knew anything about micro organisms, then maybe they deserve their proposed position
You don't need to know about micro organisms to use biological warfare. Many people used it but they explained it with miasma.