NYT: Ex Trump University worker claims Trump preyed on elderly


This could a problem for The Donald. The MSM has been hyping this all day and aren't letting up on this.

But what do we know about this whistleblower? Does he have a grudge against Trump? Is he a Hillary supporter? How do we know he's not lying his ass off?

this will surely stump him!

>implying desperate ny times didnt pay for this shill

>going to university past age 25
they deserve to be swindled tbн

>Trump fired me and I want to get a good job/money with the NYT
>I'll say anything you want me to

wew how will he ever recover

guys thats it I am now With Her(TM)

Isn't trump elderly too?

Oh no not the elderly that did nothing to stop America from becoming a shithole in the first place.

lol you guys are pathetic. just accept that he is a fraud

So why didn't this come up before the election again?

I actually don't care for Trump (hurr durr wall lol) but I don't think the press is going to be able to nail him.

The tighter they grip on this shit the more they open themselves up to Trump's ability to play 3D chess. Scott Adams sold me.

NYT lost all credibility this election after the "trump is a creepy-sexist-rapist" hitpiece.

I am now a #cruzmissile

mind your own offshore bank accounts David

lol because no one gave a fuck about trump before then

>implying he isn't a creepy sexist
To be fair I don't think he is a rapist :)

lololololol is that supposed to be an insult? pathetic

Oy vey! Shut down the panama papers!


you have to be 18 to be here

This. NYT is literally a tabloid. Can't wait for them to go bankrupt. Hopeful all senior editors and owners will kill themselves.

at this point he has so much hype you could say he was behind 9/11 and people would still hype over him


how tiring. that's really weak. why do complete non-entities like that even try

oh come on, it's not as bad as the guardian or most other newspapers