B-b-but everything is better under Democrats, r-right?
B-b-but everything is better under Democrats, r-right?
>what is detroit?
A city ruined by niggers.
Yeah not republicans fault am i right :)?
>Born in Ohio
>Now live in Illinois, was thinking about going back to school here until the budget crisis hit
Under democrat rule for decades. What point are you even trying to make?
No? It's the poster child for dem fuck ups. What are you talking about, Roach?
>Roaches in charge of knowing basic American information
Completely and utterly wrong do y-
*looks at flag*
Oh i get it you are retarded
>*looks at flag*
*unsheathes katana* Heh...Nothing personnel...Kid...
Faggot proxy detected
Pretty funny coming from an ignorant foreigner who thinks he knows American politics since you spend all day on an American site.
If you really think 'Republicans' destroyed Detroit and not niggers, then you are dumb as fuck and need to stay irrelevant.
It's been republican for decades you stupid american fuck
Aussie proxy
Throw anudda (You( on da Barbie M8te
It's been fun. Here your (you). Really, it's my fault for bothering to assume a roach knew shit besides how to invade their betters.
Lol, just like Turkey has been white for decades right? Get fucked.
Democrat mayor since 1962 you idiot
>linking goypedia
Try harder
I shouldn't be wasting my time...
How did you even learn how to speak Roachean? I can't even read what he's typing!
press F11 to exit full screen
Unfortunately, fiscal solvency has no bearing on HDI metrics or overall quality of life. in virtually every other category red states are on par with 3rd world countries.
Some blue states live longer as they drive their economies into the ground?
>hurr huehue i'll be hugh hefner when i get old
Not realizing thats 5 extra years of shitting in an adult diaper, alzheimer's or parkinson's, dementia, loneliness, frailty, and overall general inability. Also your liberal grandchildren (if you're lucky to have them) won't even think about visiting you, let alone remember you as anything other than 'someone from a different time'
Try again faggot! Oklahoma is undergoing a budget shortfall of over a billion dollars.
Been Democratic since 1962.
But obviously you're too autistic to have looked that up.