Hey racists. If you're so smart, answer me this: if pure whites are so superior, how come mixed-race chicks store fat in a more aesthetically pleasing manner?
Race-Mixers: 1
Purists: 0
Hey racists. If you're so smart, answer me this: if pure whites are so superior, how come mixed-race chicks store fat in a more aesthetically pleasing manner?
Race-Mixers: 1
Purists: 0
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Hey tumblrina, answer me this, if you know that everytime you shitpost here you get a bunch of people talking shit to you, and you have no effect to change things to your liking, why do you continue to waste your time?
Cherry picking: the post
Because your subjective opinion doesn't necessarily reflect reality, monkeyman.
Hey racists. If you're so smart, answer me this: if pure whites are so superior, how come mixed-race chicks store fat in a more aesthetically pleasing manner?
Race-Mixers: 1
Purists: 0
dat rly maek u thonk
>how come mixed-race chicks store fat in a more aesthetically pleasing manner?
butt surgery
ciao luigi
It's because you're of mixed persuasion yourself, friendo.
Pure white nordic aryan Caucasian European Westerners don't find abominations attractive tbqfh familiarity.
Bumping for the Brazilian master-race
Ciao antonio
What do you expect to achieve posting this? Want gringos to come over and fuck your wife?
Fucking Cuckposters, its always Latin Americans or Israelis.
choose one faggot
>aesthetically pleasing
You have been blackwashed
Aesthetics are a patriarchal social construct.
I don't care what you poofters say I find the sight of a chubby chicks pushing a fire hydrant up her cunt kinda fucking stupid.
They don't. You just have nigger tastes.
Did him a favor tbqh
What happened ?
Wow, it's worse that I thought. Forget race, this will now be a conversion therapy thread. I will post this until you become normal heterosexuals
>it's a "janitors don't do their job" episode
>it's the only episode there is
When is the series finale?
Mission accomplished. I will now throw my genetics in the trashcan.
>posting asses
Its not even like US feminism is turning you into a paranoid.
This video is fake.
It's real. The douchey kid stole his gun and then tried to sell it back to him.
more of the right one?
Are you guys feeling straight already? Don't give up, you'll get there.
who high test here
Damn Brazil you have the best women and trans on the planet.
she has nice body but black skin is disgusting.
that's racist you fucking kike
>Plastic surgery
>Woman president
>literally calling yourself a race-mixer
wew lad
im fine with racism. black people are subhuman.
all of the girls i dated had russian/ashkenazi ancestry exept for one yemen girl but she looked more arab than nigger so it was fine by me. ahe had really good body. most russian girls have fucked up tits. ashkenazi girls have sweet body tho. my gf has small tits but has nice ass.
Because niggers have bigger asses and they have nigger blood/genes?
Niggers have bigger dicks (yes), so girls need more butt fat to not get pierced. Same reason Japs have no ass at all 90% the time.
I don't want this nasty shit.
This picture is perfect, more is too much.
How come italians have a better taste than the brazilian op?
>black skin is disgusting
>mostly hairless
>literally soft chocolatey satin texture
>whites will never no that feel without hours of dedication to razor products because they're hairy ass fucking orangutans 24/7
Very good.
He is a meme in brazil know as ''Seu buceta'' its a fake video
He is probably race-mixed too (like most of Brazilians), there is no sense what you are saying.
cute ass, but rather exceptional for her people
Hey non-racists, if you're so smart, answer me this: Why do non-pure women only have 1 aesthetically pleasing ass? White women have 2.
Aesthetics are subjective you fucking retard
Fuck off with your disgusting monkey shit.
new footage out from the Cincinnati zoo
whered you get it?
Hey mods when will you do your fucking "job"?
Every day it's the same cuck thread with the same cuck posters promoting racemixing.
No, it's fake, there's another video of him saying that he's fine and well, he was probably shot after that video though.
Ok I confess.
Mods are paid to look on the other side by the NSA who promote those threads and pay for my posts.
English, mother fucker, do you speak it?
It wasn't me before, I never come to pol. Nice to know there are other people who recognize the facts tho.
kys Georgios Papadopoulos
I always knew it! Fucking Mario over here, confessing his love for the dark skinned Donkey Dong.
All fucking niggers, must fucking hang.
>Can you handle the ass
Fuck off retard cuckposter loser. Get a life don't you have anything better to do? Pathetic weirdo
Also mods just don't care there is no conspiracy they are intentionally letting Sup Forums go to shit
>tfw in college engi class was full of hue's
>this one chick with massive tits tutored me and got me an A in the class
God I love that woman
OK but race mixed "people" are abominations
>he fell for the high test meme
Because the Jewish Porn conspiracy has created a tiny hole in your brain where higher thought used to be?
I love Brazilian women but they scare the shit out of me. I hear they really aggressive and promiscuous.
Guys, I'm not gay, but... I would have sex with the majority of women posted in this thread.
Does that make me gay?
I like ass more than i like tits desu lad
how the fuck do they get results from north korea
only niggers like fat asses. european woman have large breasts
MFW the same women who did exercises to get the smallest asses would be the same ones today to have the biggest ones from doing different asses. There is a difference between sharing your precious white DNA with someone who is born with something currently in style and sharing it with something able to adapt to their environment.
What is this? Bunda for ants?
>something currently in style
It's not a temporary cultural phenomenon. It's just that Americans are returning to normal, natural heterosexual tastes after decades of brainwashing by by the teat-obsessed Jew Hugh Hefner.
>Storing fat appropriately equalis intelligence
Fuck off, kike.
Sooner or later that "high test" ass you race mixed with is going to look like the hood of a car after a hail storm.
They love gringos at the same rate they love to cuck them.
How could you use this pic as an example. I mean cmon man shes fucking a fire hydrant! I want a normal pussy... NOT ONE THAT FITS FIRE HYDRANTS!