I'm begging to think that the reason why leftists love Islam so much is because they unconsciously WANT them to come in and forcefully make them cut their bullshit.
Laurie Penny Strikes Again!
who is this vapid cunt and why am i supposed to care
Islam will destroy leftism and save the white race. I therefore support it.
Her reasoning is probably that Islam is dominated by men and therefore a logical expression of masculinity and thus not uniquely misogynistic. She's fucking retarded, of course.
No idea about the rest of her posts, but in the image you posted she isn't saying that Islam is not misogynist, she says it isn't "uniquely misogynist" as in it isn't any more misogynist than other religions.
Which is wrong.
no one knows
apparently posting the ramblings of random assholes is the new thing
Literally who?
Anyways, just 2 days ago Islamic Law said its okay to "lightly beat" your wife, and gave tips on how
I don't understand how these leftists can be so sure of their statements while being so ill informed. It's amazing, the power of Facebook propaganda.
you need to be retarded to believe that western society is misogynistic, feudal western society was misogynistic but islamic society (which is still basically feudal) is not.
or that the inquisition was misogynistic but sharia law isn't.
honestly, literally fucking retarded. stop picking on the retards, it isn't fair because they don't understand what they are doing wrong. the average white man is still just above being retarded and the average white woman is slightly less than that. the average black is less so.
is it really any wonder that these ideas have gained such momentum when the internet allows these people to communicate and share ideas? even moreso when they believe that they are capable of being intellectual.
you honestly have no idea what intellectualism is until you have a thought that is so grand that you can't quite touch on it, so you need to spend some time thinking about it in order to fully conceptualize it. thinking isn't just any old shit that pops into your head, no matter how amazing or groundbreaking you think it is.
the internet was a mistake.
I think that statement is a lot easier to say than to corroborate.
There has not been a single day on Sup Forums in recent memory in which Sup Forumslacks have not posted comments from random people on social media. Why you are pretending this is not a common occurrence is beyond me.
Please don't visit the Lindt cafe while I'm there Mr Moderate Muslim :)
She will cum from forced Arab cock inshallah
She's a grade A cunt.
>consuming the cacao jew
>I think that statement is a lot easier to say than to corroborate.
Eh, it's not that difficult to corroborate. Just yesterday, a group of muslim men burned a woman to death because she rejected a marriage proposal of one of the men.
These types of killings are so commonplace that there is a name for it in Islam - "honor killings." Indeed, there were nearly 1,100 such killings in last year in Pakistan alone.
Or both Islam and SJW wants an end to free speech.
British leftism combined with rad feminism Fucking hilarious
jews gonna jew
Dogs need discipline. Many times pitbulls turn against their permissive owners if they see a more dominating master coming around.
I'd still pretend to agree with her so I could hit it.
They support Islam because it is anti-white male more than anything else.
Leftist act like children. They use emotion instead of reason, they think for instant gratification rather than long term planning, they throw temper tantrums, and lack discipline. They hate society like a spoilt child 'hates' their parent. I say 'hate' because they really don't want the parents to throw them out, leave them with no money, etc. Being provided for 100% with no responsibility gives them the freedom to quite honestly bite the hand that feeds them with no repercussions.
They adore Islam precisely because they know it is bad for Western society. They want to rub it in our face. They want the downfall of the West. They honestly believe that Western society as we know it falling would not impact them in any meaningful way.
They don't see Islam/migrants as a threat because they can't imagine a world not like the one they've grown up in: full of security, resources, and freedom. They view a demographic shift was 'good' because they believe in the 'noble savage'. The only reason the world is bad is because white people made it that way (according to their thought). So if white people are gone and minimised, then the world will be great! Right?
Leftists don't ascribe agency or responsibility to minorities, blaming western society exclusively. When a minority culture or religion is shown to be bad, the leftist engages in what-about-ery or just ignores it (like in the OP).
Leftists, at their core, are bizarro white supremacists. They believe that white action alone makes the world good or bad. Minorities are little more than 'cultural experiences' for them, not actual people who have agency. The leftist saviour complex is more racist than some guy saying nigger. It is more racist because they view minorities as nothing more than tools to make a point, sticking it to society. The leftist believes that by electing to destroy the West, they will benefit the world. It is the ultimate special snowflakeism.
This is Laurie Penny:
I'm surprised that so many people in this thread admit to not knowing her. I guess summer must have already arrived.
>all this pilpul
And who caused the leftists?
Pic related. Kill them all.
her stupidity never ends
this is not what marx said
she's off script
Ahh cultural marxist feminists, just think, reporters knew they were chanting this shit in the sixties (pic related) and they chose not to report on it.
Got to love that corrupt press.
I'm sure she'd twist it so that the terrifying attitude many Muslims and Arabs have towards woman and rape is basically the same thing all men believe.
Really the problem is that she doesn't know anywhere near enough about Islam to speak about it publicly.
Holy shit based
Islam needs to be invited into the states so that the left can be cleansed. Then the gun clutching right wing can begin a holy war against the shit skins, drive them back into the wastelands of their origins and restart civilization with limp wristed cuck boys and women quietly sitting to the side.
Fucking retard. Islam combats our degeneracy, but is even more degenerate itself.
The autistic driver made a mistake saving her life
That's really the point of the working class, isn't it? They work, and by doing so exert control.
Islam is by far the worst religion in the world. No other religion have made brother kill brother due to its conversion policy. In india, Europe, Asia, Africa and don't forget the sectarian violence in the middle east for thousands of years.
Laurie Penny is a special brand of delusional.